I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1174 The Island of Agardia Part 5

Lin says "I wouldn't worry. Don't forget that they all have the tattoos now. Meaning that they can all fly. Well, except for Chloell, but Albion can probably carry her. That means they can cover a lot more ground. They probably got distracted."

"You are probably right, but I can't help worrying."

Bella says "You are a really good parent, Ash. I wish my parents had cared about me as much as you care about your kids."

"I feel bad that I can't spend more time with them. There is just too much that I need to do and it keeps getting worse. I am worried that they will grow to resent me."

Lin says "That's not going to happen! The kids love you and what's more, they understand how busy you are. Even if it is mostly your own doing."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Lin says "You would have more time to spend with them if you weren't constantly looking for other things you need to do. Or more experiments to do."

"Experiments increase my knowledge and understanding. That is going to be a big factor when it comes time to fight the demons."

Lin says "I won't argue that, but you could still do less experiments and have more time to spend with the kids. Or you could get the kids to help with the experiments. The safer ones at least. You get them hurt and I will beat you!"

"Alright, I get the point."

Before Lin can say anything more, we hear the kids returning through the gate. It wasn't really an argument, but we still don't want to continue and have the kids hear us. The kids come running into the room and head straight for the pizza, so I take out more.

I am relieved to see them, so I don't even comment on their horrible manners. Lin does try to lecture them about it, but Bella's laughter kind of ruins it. I end the lecture by asking the kids how their trip to the shadow plane went.

The kids are more than happy to regale us with tails of their adventure between mouthfuls of pizza. Lin was right, they lost track of time because they were flying around. They actually didn't get into any fights, they were just having a blast exploring.

I can understand that, so I don't get mad at them even though they worried me. I finish eating first, but stick around to spend a little more time with the kids. Only when they finish eating and go to watch cartoons do I return to my workshop.

Thanks to the new skill I get right back into the groove without any problems. Unfortunately, before long I run out of leather and have to leave to go get more. Luckily, the elven crafters still have more for me to steal and I am able to get back to work.

After two more hours of work I manage to finish all one hundred goggles. As soon as the last one is done, I gather them all up and go looking for Brightfire. When I get outside, I find Lin and Bella doing tattoos in the cabin and I can see the sun is just barely rising.

It looks like I still have plenty of time until we reach the island, I didn't need to rush so much. Since Lin is busy, I just give her a smile and walk out onto the deck of the ship. As soon as I do, I spot Brightfire talking with a large group of elves on the main deck.

As I am walking over towards her, I notice that a couple of the elves around her already have tattoos. It looks like Lin and Bella have been busy, but I doubt they can do all the tattoos before we arrive. Then again, they might be able to if they use the time dilation in the castle.

I will have to suggest it to them, but first I hand over the goggles to Brightfire. After a quick explanation of how they work, I turn around and head back to the cabin. Then I wait and watch until Lin finishes the tattoo she is currently working on.

Lin says "Hey, handsome. What's up?"

"Not much. I finished the goggles for the elves. I was going to suggest that you switch to doing the tattoos in the castle to take advantage of the time dilation."

Lin says "I thought of that, but didn't want to have to bother you to get the elves invited into the castle."

"You don't need me, just tell Jarvis to let them in. He will listen to you just like he does to me."

Lin says "Really? I thought that he would only listen to you."

"Yes, really. Haven't you ever given him an order?"

Lin says "Well, sure, but only for small things. I figured that orders for big things had to come from you."

"No way. Jarvis will treat you as if you are already my wife. The only order he wouldn't obey would be one that would harm me."

Lin says "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"I didn't think that I needed to. This is meant to be our home. How could your orders not be obeyed?"

The look on Lin's face after hearing my answer is absolutely priceless. It is a mix of happiness and frustration and she can't seem to find the words to answer me. Bella's laughter helps to break the tension, but I am sure Lin will get me back at some point.

There are a couple of elves in the cabin that have been waiting for their turn to get tattooed. Almost as if she doesn't believe me, Lin asks Jarvis to allow those elves into the castle. Jarvis complies instantly without asking for any additional information, making Lin look surprised.

Just before she enters the castle with Bella and the elves, Lin gives me a look I don't understand. There was definitely heat in that look, but I can't be sure if it was anger or something else. Oh well, I am sure that I will find out later, whether I want to or not.

I don't immediately follow them into the castle, I will give them a few minutes to get settled. Besides, I need to think of what I want to do since there is still some time until we reach the island. The kids are probably asleep, so spending some time with them is out for the moment.

Although, the kids will probably want to participate in the attack on the island. In that case, I should probably make them some goggles, but that will be a challenge. They will need to be higher quality so that there is room for more enchantments.

At the very least, the goggles will need to be able to change shape to fit them. After thinking it through and planning how I want to do it, I enter into the castle. Instantly I notice that a new building has been added off to the side in the main courtyard.

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