I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1175 The Island of Agardia Part 6

Curious, I walk over and stick my head inside to find Lin and Bella tattooing two elves. They probably wanted somewhere to work where it wouldn't disturb the kids. They are focused on their task and don't notice me taking a peek, so I leave quietly.

As expected, when I enter the main room I find that the kids are fast asleep. So I sneak down to my workshop and start working on the goggles for the kids. To increase the capacity, I use the best materials I have and even add a metal frame inside the leather.

Since I am putting more effort into these, I decide to fully enchant them. I set it so that demonic mana always shows up, but I also add an option to see normal mana. This option can be turned on and off so that it isn't distracting when they are fighting.

Between that and the enchantment to allow the goggles to shapeshift, most of the capacity is used up. With the little that is left I add some extra protection to the goggles. After all, intelligent enemies will often target the eyes since it is a major weak point.

I finish the four pairs of goggles just in time to head upstairs and have breakfast with the kids. Lin and Bella don't join us, but they are probably still busy with tattooing. While we eat, I discuss the upcoming fight that I am expecting to happen on the island.

Unsurprisingly, the kids all express interest in joining the elves for the battle. Having expected it, I just hand them their goggles and explain to them how they work. After breakfast, since Lin is busy, I decide to give the kids their magic lesson myself.

I am not sure what Lin has been teaching them, so I stick to something I know better than her, mana. To be specific, pure mana and how to create and use it. From the kids' reactions I can tell that Lin hasn't taught them about it yet.

I'm guessing that she was building up to it, either that or she was going to ask me first. Either way, I go ahead and teach them everything I have learned about pure mana. To my surprise, the kids don't seem all that interested in using pure mana.

That changes after I give a small demonstration showing the difference in power. I cast a spell using fire mana and then cast the same spell using pure mana. The kids' shocked reaction is highly amusing and I struggle to contain my laughter.

Mulan says "How is that possible?! How can a fire spell cast with pure mana be stronger than when cast with fire mana?!"

"The simple answer is imperfections. Fire mana isn't pure and the imperfections in it seriously affect the spell. Turning pure mana into fire mana to fuel the spell is far more effective because there are no imperfections. Make sense?"

Mulan says "Yes! Does that mean all the mana in your mana pool is pure mana?"

"Yes, it is. Purifying mana takes time, so it isn't practical to purify it as you use it. Not to mention, pure mana has an effect on your mana pool itself."

Mulan says "Dad, I want to switch to pure mana! Can you help me?"

"Of course!"

Mushu, Nala, and Albion say "Us too!?"


I sit down on the floor with the four of them around me and start guiding them through the process. We are about halfway through the process when Bella and Lin walk in. Bella doesn't react, but Lin is able to tell what is going on almost instantly.

Lin says "You are training them in pure mana?!"

"Yes, I am. To be honest, I thought that you had already done so."

Lin says "No, I didn't plan to. I was just teaching them the basics. Once they had those down I was going to ask you to teach them about pure mana. After all, you are the one who taught me so you are more qualified."

"Well, sorry to do things out of order, but I didn't want to disturb you."

Lin says "No, it's fine. They are your kids, it is your call."

"No, they are our kids. Right kids?"

The four of them immediately agree and even call her mother, which makes her happy. I know that Lin has been unsure of her place with the kids, this should settle that. I've long since seen how the kids feel about her from how they interact with her.

It feels pretty good to not be the dense one for a change, but I am smart enough to keep my mouth shut. I simply watch as Lin hugs the kids with tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face. It is a touching moment and I keep out of it so that I don't ruin it, this is between Lin and the kids.

The touching scene lasts for a few minutes before Lin joins Bella to get some food. I go back to helping the kids convert their mana into pure mana. It is a long process, but it pays back huge dividends once it is complete.

The kids' magic will be much stronger, which means I should be able to worry about them a little less. I will have to remember to do this with the rest of the kids when I get back. I want all the kids to be on equal footing, I won't be playing favorites if I can help it.

Once the kids have converted all of their mana into pure mana, I start teaching them how to use it. I also make sure to teach them the dangers involved with using pure mana. For now, I don't teach them how to create their own spells, they aren't ready yet.

Lin needs to finish their education on the basics before they get into spell creation. Boosting normal spells with pure mana is already dangerous enough on its own. Luckily, none of the kids are as reckless as I am, otherwise I would be really worried.

Several times during my lesson Lin looks like she wants to say something, but she holds it in. Knowing her, she probably wanted to add extra cautions to what I am telling the kids. However, I make sure to cover all the dangerous parts of using pure mana, so it should be fine.

Lin and Bella finish eating and leave to continue tattooing before I finish the lesson. Once the lesson is done, I have lunch with the kids, and then take them to the training room. I have them practice using the spells they know while using pure mana.

This way I can give them some pointers and make sure they can use the spells safely. I also stress that they shouldn't experiment with new spells unless Lin or I are around. I know I am being a hypocrite and asking them to do as I say and not as I do.

Luckily, they are good kids and don't point it out, even though I am sure they notice. I train them all the way until it is time for dinner, just because I want to spend time with them. When we are done, I ask Jarvis to notify Bella and Lin so that they can join us for dinner.

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