I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1176 The Island of Agardia Part 7

However, only Lin ends up joining us, but she tells me that Bella is spending time with the elves. That is a good thing in my opinion, if she makes some friends she is more likely to stay. Lin can do the tattoos now, so I am not worried about that, but Bella seems happy here.

From the little she has told me, I don't think Bella's life on earth was all that good. I don't intend to pry, but if she is happier here, then she should stay here. However, the choice is still hers, if she decides to go back then I won't try to stop her.

The kids want pizza again and Lin doesn't seem to mind, so that is what we have. Instead of a nice quiet family dinner, we end up discussing magic as we eat. I was right, Lin ends up giving the kids a bunch of extra warnings about using pure mana.

The kids' patience when dealing with Lin's safety lecture impresses me. I am not sure I could keep from mouthing off if the lecture was aimed at me. That being the case, it is a good thing it isn't since I am already in trouble.

At least, I think I am, but I can't be sure until I get some time alone with Lin. When dinner is finished, the kids go to watch TV and Lin goes to do some more tattoos. Finding that I have some time to myself, I head down to my workshop to experiment.

The first thing I do is modify my shapeshift form to add another pair of arms. Then, I try to get used to them without using the skill, but it doesn't go very well. However, once I activate the skill I am able to control the extra arms almost perfectly.

The first real test is when I try crafting two different golem parts at the same time. It ends up working out fairly well, the parts are made to the limit of my current ability. The skill combined with the modified form is going to double my crafting speed.

Of course, I don't stop there, I continue experimenting to look for the limits of the skill. What I figure out is that I can only use it on things I already know how to do. The split minds can't create anything new, I need to use my full mind for that.

That isn't all that surprising, after all the skill is only level one currently. Maybe once it levels up a few levels I will be able to use the split minds creatively. For now, on to the next test, casting two spells simultaneously.

For the experiment, I use simple spells since I don't want to blow up my workshop. I find that I can cast two spells at once, but the casting speed for the spells is slower. It also takes a lot of concentration, this should probably wait until the skill levels up.

Although, it could still prove to be useful in some non-combat situations. It will be something that I just have to keep in mind and use as the situation calls for it. Until the skill levels up, I think its main use will be for crafting.

Then again, crafting and enchanting at the same time also worked pretty well. Maybe doing two different things at once instead of the same two things is the way to go. Just as I am about to continue experimenting, Lin comes looking for me.

I am still in my modified form, so Lin stops and stares at the extra arms. After a few seconds, she demands to know what I am doing, which makes me laugh. Before she can get mad, I stop laughing and tell her about my new skill.

Lin says "Wait, does that mean that you can cast two spells at once?"

"Yes. Although, the casting time is significantly reduced."

Lin says "Well, that makes sense. It would probably improve with practice. Still, it would be an incredibly useful skill. Especially if you were casting two spells that harmonized with each other."

"You mean like a fireball and a wind spell to feed the fireball?"

Lin says "Exactly. You would get a far more powerful fireball without spending much extra time. It wouldn't be good in a spell duel, but I can think of several times it would be perfectly useful. How did you gain this skill? I want it too!"

Before Lin can get impatient, I explain everything I did leading up to getting the skill. I also tell her everything that I have figured out about it so far. As soon as I am done, she has me teach her how to craft and enchant the goggles, she wants to duplicate what I did exactly.

Since Brightfire can probably make use of more goggles, I do exactly as she wants. Normally, we would be heading to bed by now, but if she can get the skill it will be worth the effort. The problem is that my system is unique, so I don't know if it will work like that for her.

I have never asked Lin if she has a system as well, all I know is that she can gain levels. The system is not something I have talked to others about, only the goddesses. I know from them that other pantheons can grant the ability to level, but I never asked if they get a system too.

I want to ask Lin about it, but she is focused on getting the skill right now. Disturbing her concentration right now is pretty much guaranteed to get me in trouble. While it is fun at times to be in trouble, this doesn't feel like one of those times.

To avoid disturbing her, I move to the other end of the workshop and continue experimenting. I keep the experiments small and easily contained to avoid making noise. It does seem like casting two different spells that harmonize is a little easier.

Lin suddenly yells "I got it!! I got the skill!!"

Unfortunately, right as Lin yells, I am in the middle of casting a pair of spells. Due to Lin breaking my focus, the spells go awry and cause a small explosion and a lot of smoke. While laughing at me, Lin casts a quick spell to clear the smoke out of the workshop.

Lin laughs and says "Sorry!"

"It's fine. It didn't hurt me or damage anything. Anyway, congratulations on getting the skill. I wanted to ask, do you have a system?"

Lin says "What do you mean by a system?"

"I know you told me you can gain levels, but do you have a character screen and stuff like that?"

Lin says "Yes, of course I do. How else am I supposed to keep track of my levels and skills?"

"I see. Since I am not from this world, I wasn't sure how it worked here."

Lin says "Everyone who has levels has what you call a system. From what I know, each person's is different based on which pantheon they pray to."

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