I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1177 The Island of Agardia Part 8

"That's interesting. How are they different?"

Lin says "I don't know for sure, that is just what I have heard. It isn't possible to see someone else's page, so I can't tell you what they look like."

"Hm, it might not be impossible. In most games there is a skill or spell called Identify. At higher levels it allows you to see information about people and monsters. The higher the level the more details you get."

Lin says "Really? I have never heard of a skill like that. Oh wait, I have seen it in a few anime. How would you get that skill for real?!"

"I'm not sure. I had a similar skill early on, but it has changed and mutated into something different over time. I got the original skill just from studying things repeatedly."

Lin says "Well, I studied a lot of objects during my schooling and I never got a skill like that. Although, some people who worked for the auction house had skills that allowed them to appraise items. Maybe it is similar to that?"

"Maybe. I don't suppose there are skill books in this world?"

Lin says "Books that grant you a skill by reading them? Nope! No such luck!"

"Too bad. Oh well. So, are you going to experiment with the skill, or are we heading to bed?"

Lin says "Let's head to bed. It is better to be rested just in case we are needed in the island battle. We can always experiment after it is over."

"That's true. Alright, let's go."

Lin says "You really are addicted to experimenting aren't you?"

"I don't know if I would go that far, but it is really fun."

Lin says "More fun than being with me?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Lin smiles in response and starts heading upstairs, so I quickly follow her. When we reach the bedroom, we conduct another small experiment, which turns out to be quite fun. However, I learn that maintaining the split mind is much harder under pressure.

Lin also takes this opportunity to get a little payback on me, but I don't mind. We have our fun and then get some sleep, but I only sleep about four hours. When I wake up, I head downstairs and take a lava bath so I can work on my core.

Core Upgrade Progress: 30%

It's probably not a good idea to drain my core before a battle, but I don't think I will need to fight. Unless there is a strong demon on the island, I expect to just observe. Weaker demons won't be much of a threat, the elves and my kids should be able to handle them.

It isn't like we are going to be setting up one on one duels, it will be a battle. Not to mention, they will have support fire from the ship, at least within its range. The range of the ship should cover most of the port town, so it will definitely help.

Hopefully, it will also give Athena a chance to earn herself some experience. Since the siege weapons are part of the ship, even if they are used by the elves, it should count. If it doesn't work, then I actually have no idea how Athena is supposed to gain experience.

I suppose that if I can't figure it out I can always go back and ask Seronia. Since she is in charge of the leveling system for her followers, she should know. I will just wait and see if Athena gets experience during the battle or not.

When I get out of the bath everyone is still asleep, so I look for something quiet to do. In the end, I am not in the mood to experiment, so I relax and read some manga. The main experiment that I want to do involves casting magic while boosting it myself, but I can't do that yet.

Mainly because all the boosted magic I have used has been extremely destructive. After all the work I had to do to make the castle, no way am I casting that while I am inside. Besides, my mana will need to recover quite a bit before I can try that out.

Athena says "Master, we are approaching the island, but there are a dozen more of those small ships moving to intercept us."

"Do you feel the same energy from the crews of those ships?"

Athena says "Yes, master."

"Then go ahead and demolish them. They are no real threat."

Athena says "As you command."

Looks like the demons are not around, because I doubt they would be this stupid. Sending the ships out now is a really dumb move, especially with how weak they are. The right move would have been to have them attack once we have engaged the harbor defenses.

"Athena, the sun should be up now, right?"

Athena says "Yes, master, it is."

"Okay. Ask Brightfire to send a couple of scouts that got the wing tattoo already to take a look at the city ahead. They just need to be careful to watch for flying demons."

Athena says "Understood."

With that settled, I put my manga away and head upstairs to wake up Lin. It is a little earlier than usual, but things outside will soon need our attention. I would prefer to deal with things on a full stomach and I am sure Lin would as well.

At first, Lin is extremely reluctant to wake up, but that changes when I tell her why. Even once she is motivated, it still takes her a few minutes to actually get up. As soon as I am sure she won't fall back asleep, I head downstairs and wake the kids up.

It is much easier to wake the four of them up, all I really have to do is mention breakfast. Even though I woke them up afterwards, they are still up and ready to eat before Lin comes down. However, I am not dumb enough to say anything about it to Lin.

Once everyone is done eating breakfast, we all head out of the castle together. The kids will be joining the fight, while Lin and I plan to just observe from the ship. This is a good chance for the kids and the elves to get some experience, but we will help if needed.

By the time Lin and I reach the bridge, the island is just barely visible on the horizon. On the map table is a hand-drawn map of the harbor city that we are heading for. Stillwater, Brightfire, Silverstream, and Silverleaf are standing around the table looking at the map.

"Well, how is it?"

Brightfire says "They definitely have known that we are coming for a while. They have done everything they can to fortify the harbor."

"Any signs of demons?"

Brightfire says "The scouts didn't see any. They also didn't see anyone who wasn't tainted by demonic mana."

"Alright. So, what's your plan?"

Brightfire says "I thought that you would have already come up with a plan? Are you saying you want me to plan the attack?!"

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