I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 119 The Trials Part 6

Well, I've completed six trials so far, I would feel better if I knew how many I had left to go. Before checking the next door I sit down for a bit and have something to eat. Then I walk over and translate the words on the door.

Seventh Trial: Heart!

Heart? What does it mean by heart? That doesn't really fit with the theme of the other trials so far. Maybe this is the last trial, if so it is probably the hardest.

The only thing I can think of for heart is having the heart to face something horrible. Now I am not sure I want to do this, but I have no choice, this is horrible already. I reluctantly push the doors open but I wait to step through hoping I can get a hint first.

I can immediately see that this room is huge, at least ten times the size of the normal rooms. And it isn't empty, there is a creature curled up asleep in one corner of the room. It is big, at least thirty feet from nose to tail, and it looks like a dragon except it doesn't have wings.

Is it a drake? A smaller cousin of a dragon but still very powerful and intelligent. At least that is what I remember from gaming books, I am not sure if I can beat that thing as I am. It's scales are red meaning it is probably a fire type monster, so Blitz should work against it.

Okay, now I know why this trial is called heart, stepping into the room with that thing is going to take a lot of heart on my part. Why couldn't it have been more shadow demons!? Wow, I am actually scared to fight this thing, I don't remember the last time I was scared.

Dragons were always my favorite creature, and now I have to fight one? Well, a drake but close enough! In theory I know how it will fight, and I know where it's weak points should be, but still, I'm afraid I will die.

But there is no way back, it's kill or be killed, so I take the step into the room and let the doors slam closed behind me. The drake wakes up and jumps to its feet before I take a second step. It is faster than I thought it would be, already I know I am in trouble.

I quickly draw Blitz and drop into a combat stance, I am expecting the drake to charge me but it doesn't. Instead it paces along the back wall of the room while observing me. It is watching me as it moves, sizing me up, I am tiny compared to it but it isn't underestimating me.

This isn't good, it is smarter than I thought it would be, if it can use and understand tactics I am going to get hurt. I am sizing it up as well, it moves fluidly like a panther and it has immense strength. It has several advantages over me already.

The drake will attack with its front claws, bite, tail, and possibly fire breath. Meanwhile I have Blitz and zap, I am at a disadvantage in attacks. If its scales are tough enough to stop Blitz then I am going to have to only target weak points.

As I am thinking things through, the drake decides it has watched long enough and starts walking towards me. I advance to meet it, not charging recklessly, but not wanting my back against a wall. We meet in the middle of the room and the drake's long neck snaps forward and I throw myself to the ground to avoid the bite.

I quickly roll to my feet and jump back to avoid the claws aimed at me, the bite attack was faster than I expected. I focus on dodging for now waiting for a good opportunity to attack. This is not going to be a quick fight, impatience right now would only get me killed.

My chance comes when I move far enough to its side that the drake tries to hit me with a tail sweep. As I am jumping over the tail I swing Blitz and hit the drake above its back legs. As I had feared Blitz only scratches the scales and doesn't do any real damage.

Completing the tail sweep brings the drake around to face me again, as it brings up one of its front legs to claw at me I drop low and stab Blitz into the exposed joint. Blitz sinks in deeply as the claws pass inches above my head, first blood goes to me. I quickly pull Blitz free and drop into a sideways roll to avoid the bite coming from above me.

The crash as the drake's head hits the floor shakes the entire room. The power this thing possesses is unbelievable! If I get hit by that I will be in serious trouble.

So I focus on dodging and only attack when I see a chance at a weak spot, mainly the joints of the legs. That means it is going to be a long drawn out fight, a test of endurance. The problem now is I am using a lot more energy to dodge than the drake is using to attack.

Everything is fine right now because I am faster, but once I get tired and slow down I won't last long. I decide I am not winning this fight with just Blitz, so I wait until the drake tries to bite me again. This time when it tries to bite me I don't dodge as far away, instead I reach back and touch it's head.


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The drake roars in pain which tells me it was effective as I dance back away from a claw attack. Zap does damage equal to my intelligence which is currently one hundred and twenty-four. That isn't bad for only costing ten demonic power.

So, if I use all my demonic power for zap I can deal a little over four thousand damage. The main problem there is touching the drake forty times, it will be more cautious of me now that it knows I have another attack. I also don't know how much health the drake has so I don't know if four thousand will be enough.

The drake suddenly rears up and then slams back down onto the ground shaking the entire room. I stumble and lose my footing, only to see the drake taking a deep breath. As I rush to my feet I can see red light flickering in the drake's mouth, then its head snaps forward and a mass of flames comes out.

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