I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 120 The Trials Part 7

In desperation I throw myself to the side to try and avoid the wall of flame heading towards me. Even as I am trying to dodge I can feel the intense heat that is moving ahead of the actual flames. I almost make it clear but the flames graze my body.

You have suffered a breath attack!

Fire damage 429! (221 Resisted)

HP: 1334/1763

I quickly roll back and forth to put out the fire that is stuck to me. Over four hundred damage, and that is with resisting over two hundred, this is insane. All that damage and the flames only grazed me, if that hits me head on I am dead for sure.

I am an idiot, an overconfident idiot! As soon as I saw the drake I should have fallen back and used meditation to complete my core upgrade. As a rank two I would probably have a much better chance of killing this thing.

Just because I am overpowered compared to the humans I have gotten arrogant and cocky. At least none of the others are with me, this way only my own life will be lost due to my stupidity. Useless, it is useless to think like this, I need to focus on winning this fight so I can see the others again.

You have suffered a claw attack! Damage 307 HP!

HP: 1027/1763

My distraction cost me as I didn't fully dodge the claw attack, but I did manage to cut the joint of the leg as I was hit. Now we are both bleeding, but the drake with its larger body won't suffer as much as I will. As the drake claws at me again I duck aside and touch the leg as I move by.


DP: 390/410

The drake roars and pulls its leg away from me, it seems to be an instinctive movement. While it is distracted I dart to its back leg and stab Blitz into the softer scales where the leg meets the body. As I am pulling Blitz free I place my hand on the drake's side.


DP: 380/410

The drake roars again and swings its tail at me forcing me to jump away to avoid the hit. As I land I quickly move to my right to avoid being backed into a corner, if I get trapped I will die. The drake is smart, it keeps trying to force me into areas where I won't be able to move fast enough.

I pant for breath as the drake and I circle each other, the battle is starting to wear me down. I have been observing the drake the entire time and I think I have found a weak spot. The head is the only part of the drake that can reach its back, if I can get onto its back I will only have to worry about the bite attack.

However that is a risky proposition, I won't be able to dodge very well while trying to stay on its back. I have to take the risk though, as things stand I am losing. As I dodge attacks I start maneuvering to one side of the drake to tempt it into a tail sweep.

After a minute the tail sweep comes and I jump, the drake has learned and halfway through it reverses the direction of the sweep. If I had been just jumping over the tail like normal I would have been hit by the reversal. Instead it gave me the perfect opportunity to jump onto the drake's back.

As I run up the drake's back its head turns around to look at me and I brace to dodge the bite attack. The drake surprises me again, instead of trying to bite at me it drops to the floor and rolls over. I find myself running across the drakes body trying to stay on top, just like running on a rolling log to not fall into the water.

The drake rolls over completely but I manage to stay on top of it, but it doesn't stop, it keeps rolling. I quickly realize it is going to roll into the wall to shake me off, or crush me if I lose my footing. Not liking either option I plant my feet for half a second and jump as hard as I can.

Using the claws of my feet and one hand I manage to get a tenuous grip on the ceiling. I won't be able to hold on once the drake hits the wall so a few seconds before the impact I jump again, towards the drake. The drake hits the wall and shakes the entire room, but it doesn't affect me since I am in mid-air at the time.

The drake hit the wall and stopped belly up, I grab Blitz with both hands and use all my strength and momentum to drive it into the drake. Blitz sinks in up to the hilt and the drake roars in pain. I quickly plant my feet and struggle to pull Blitz free.

Twisting and tugging at Blitz I just barely manage to get it free and jump back before the drake rolls towards me to get to its feet. From the way it moves I can tell that the last hit did some damage which makes me hopeful. It didn't go anywhere near how I had planned, but I can still call this round my win.

The drake just watches me as I move back further, trying to buy myself a minute to catch my breath. The drake lets me back up a decent distance and then suddenly charges at me. It has its head down and its mouth is wide open, like it wants to swallow me whole.

Rather than try to dodge to either side which it is probably expecting I wait and jump straight up just before the drake reaches me. The sight of all those huge teeth coming straight at me is the stuff of nightmares. My jump clears its head and I plant one hand on its head to give myself enough clearance to let the body pass under me.


DP: 370/410


Congratulations! Skill Zap has progressed to level 2!


Level: 2

Cost: 10 DP

Range: 1 foot

Damage = Int x 1.5

'Great! The damage went up and it isn't touch only anymore!'

Just as I am passing over the drake's body and cheering for zap leveling up I get smacked. The drake's tail comes up and swats me out of the air like I am an annoying fly.

You have suffered a tail slam! Damage 137 HP!

HP: 890/1763

The tail was perfectly aimed, not only did it swat me out of the air but it threw me into the corner of the room. The landing knocks the wind out of me and as I struggle to take a breath the drake spins to face the corner and takes a deep breath. This is bad, trapped in a corner with no room to dodge the flames, if I get hit head on I am toast!

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