I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1201 The Peninsula Part 8

Lizzy says "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Are you really going to want to sit in a meeting room with me as I discuss politics and plans for hours on end?"

Lizzy says "Ugh, no! I would be bored to death!"

"See? That is what I am trying to get at. I will take you with me when traveling or going on adventures, but the rest of the time you would have more fun doing other things. Like playing with the kids, or visiting the city."

Lizzy says "No, I can't do that. As soon as I do, you will vanish again!"

"No, I won't. For one thing, Lin would kill me if I did. For another, there are too many things that I need to do here to make up for being gone so long. I have already promised Lin that I will not go through an unknown gate again. I won't be vanishing again."

Lizzy says "I'm reluctant to take that chance. I guess I will trust you one last time, but if you do vanish again it won't be the same. I will not stick around waiting for you again. In fact, I will do everything I can to track you down and punish you!"

"Fair enough. Now, can we go inside?"

Lizzy gives me a nod, shrinks down, and goes running back into the castle's main building. I am glad that the gate platform is still in the courtyard, I wouldn't want anyone else overhearing that conversation. I follow Lizzy inside and see that everyone else is still in the main room.

The kids are still playing and by the time I walk inside Lizzy has rejoined the game. To my surprise, Bella now has Windy sitting in her lap and is hugging her like a plushie. However, Windy seems to be enjoying herself so I don't say anything about it.

I only stop long enough to give Lin a kiss before heading down to my workshop. Once there, I take out the new materials and get to work on the two sets of clothes. First, I compress all of the spider silk until it can be used as thread.

When that is done I start cutting the cloth into the appropriate shapes for the dresses. Next, I make a matching shape out of thin metal to sandwich between the two layers of cloth. Last, I use the spider silk thread to stitch the three layers together.

The resulting dresses are too stiff to be worn as they are, but they have a huge mana capacity. Taking the first one, I enchant it to become a part of Lin's set with the robe, choker, and ring. For a second, I think about adding her staff as well, but that wouldn't really work.

It is better to keep the set limited to defensive items, the synergy will be stronger. As soon as the set enchantment is done, I start working on the other enchantments that I want. This involves a little experimentation since I need some enchantments I haven't used before.

In the middle of experimenting, I realize that I need to actually test something before I can finish. So, I head upstairs looking for Lin, who is still sitting and chatting with Bella.

"Lin, I need you to produce a flame and then hold it at a constant power level."

Lin says "I can do that, but not until you tell me why."

"It's an experiment. I am working on a spell that will boost the effect of your bloodline. If it works, it will make your fire spell more powerful without using any additional mana."

Lin says "That sounds useful. Is this for whatever you are doing to my robe?"

"Yes. If the spell works, then I will turn it into an enchantment."

Lin doesn't ask anymore questions and just creates a ball of flame above her hand. As soon as I see that it is steady, I cast my new spell on Lin and see what happens. The small ball of flame quickly doubles in size once my spell takes effect.

Lin says "It looks like it worked. Is this going to be an activated boost or a constant effect?"

"If it works like I am hoping, it will be constant."

Lin says "Alright. I will have to be careful until I get used to it."

"Yeah. It may have different effects based on what spell you are using."

Lin just smiles at me as I turn and rush back downstairs to finish the new enchantment. Luckily, she is the same when working on new spells, so she understands and won't get mad. Once that enchantment is figured out, the rest of the process goes smoothly.

It takes me about another hour to finish up the enchantments for all the pieces. Then I take them and go running back upstairs to give them to Lin to try out. She takes them and leaves to change into them, while waiting for her to come back, I have a pizza as a snack.

Of course, as soon as I take out a pizza Bella wants one too and the kids also ask for pizza. As they are all eating, Lizzy and Windy also end up getting introduced to pizza. Lin comes back while we are eating, she is wearing a cute little sundress.

Lin sits on my lap and says "These are amazing! Thank you!"

"You're welcome. I am just glad you like them."

Lin says "I do! What extra abilities do the clothes have?"

"Well, they can now shapeshift into anything. If you want clothes made of gold or crystal, they can do it. You can also shapeshift the choker to look like any kind of jewelry. You can even create additional jewelry, like earrings or bracelets so that you can have matching sets."

Lin says "That's amazing! Can the other sets you made for everyone do that?"

"Nope, only yours. The ones I am making for Myria will be able to do the same. Consider it a benefit for putting up with all my craziness."

Lin says "Alright, I can accept that." and kisses me.

"Oh, before I forget, did you explain to Bella what you are now?"

Bella says "You mean about her being a half phoenix? Yes, she did. Why?"

"Because, I need to know if you want something similar or if you want to remain a human. Also, did you draw what you want your body to look like?"

Bella says "Yes, I did. I have it here, but I would prefer to stay human if that is possible."

"Of course it is. This is all about what you want. Just know that there is a limit to how much I can enhance you as a human."

Bella says "That's fine. It's not like I need to worry about fighting or anything like that."

"Alright. In that case, come down to the workshop with me. I want to get this done before I get to the mountain and get distracted."

Bella says "Alright. Thank you."

Lin says "I am coming too."

"That's fine."

The three of us head downstairs and then I start modifying Bella's body. First, I make the physical changes so that she looks the way she wants to. Then I start working on her organs and muscles, enhancing her body to the limit of a human.

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