I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1202 The Peninsula Part 9

The process is a bit painful, but Lin holds her hand throughout and it seems to help. Either that or Bella is just that used to pain, which is entirely possible. As soon as I am done I create a full length mirror so that Bella can take a look at herself.

"Be careful as you stand up. Getting taller has changed your center of balance and it will take a while for you to get used to it."

Bella says "Alright. Thank you! This is how I always dreamed of looking!"

Lin says "You were already beautiful, I don't understand why you wanted to change yourself so much."

Bella says "It is something that someone tall can never understand."

When Bella stands up, Lin is quick to move to her side and support her. Without Lin, Bella probably would have fallen over, but it only takes a couple of minutes for Bella to stabilize. Once she does, the two of them head upstairs still hugging each other.

As soon as they are gone, I pick up the leather and start working on armor for Myria. I plan to make a collar and ring as well so that I can make a four piece set for Myria as well. Although, I won't be able to finish it completely since I will need Myria's blood for that.

For now, I just make the items and do the basic enchantments, the rest will have to wait. Once that is done, I take the best metals I have and start making a pair of daggers. The last I knew, that was Myria's current preferred style of combat.

If it turns out that she is still using a bow, I will make her a new one later. The daggers aren't going to be part of the set, so I can make them and enchant them fully. Once the daggers are done, I am done crafting for the time being, at least I think I am.

I can't think of anything else I need to make, but then I start thinking about the kids. A while ago I thought of making pouches for them, but wanted to wait until I got back. Now that we are approaching the mountain I can make them for all eight of them.

The idea I have requires me to experiment and make an enchantment similar to the one on my belt. What I want to do is make a collar that can also turn into a belt to attach two pouches to. That way, if they take human form, the collar will automatically turn into the belt.

Basically, I need to make a shapeshifting spell that will react to the form of the wearer. I just need to figure out how to modify the shapeshifting enchantment, which isn't too hard. However, as I am working on it, Jarvis informs me that the sun is rising outside.

It looks like I got too focused and lost track of time, but it isn't the first time I have skipped sleeping. Although it is surprising that Lin let me get away with it, she normally drags me to bed. Maybe the changes to Bella distracted her, not that I really mind.

I put my work aside, head upstairs, and grab a snack before heading outside. I don't see any sign of the kids, but Lizzy and Windy are curled up asleep in the nest. I wake Lizzy up and let her know where I am going, but she isn't interested.

Walking along at the elves' pace would bore her to tears, so I am not surprised. However, I am pretty sure that she will feel better with me having woken her up to check. All of the elves are awake and getting ready to move out when I step outside.

I also spot the kids running around poking their noses into everything that they can. I am surprised to see them outside, I thought that they had gone to the shadow plane. Well, as long as they are happy and having fun, I suppose it doesn't matter.

The elves are used to the kids, so them being around won't delay things. If all goes well we should reach the mountain today, which means we should see Kechara. All eight kids will be able to meet in the flesh for the first time, I am looking forward to it.

Kechara was my first child and the one I spent the most time raising, I've really missed her. She has a special place in my heart, not that I don't love my other kids just as much. I still feel bad that I haven't been able to free her from being tied to the mountain.

Thinking about that makes me wonder if I am strong enough to deal with the controller yet? It also makes me wonder how the plan to starve and weaken her has been going. Luckily, I should be able to get an answer to that soon and maybe I will get a chance to test the controller's strength.

I end up lost in my thoughts and before I know it the elves are starting to move out. I quickly shake the random thoughts out of my head and move to take my place at the head of the column. To my surprise, a few minutes later Lin exits the castle and starts walking next to me.

Lin says "You never came to bed. What happened?"

"I got busy crafting and lost track of time. Before I knew it, it was time for the match to start."

Lin says "So, you didn't sleep at all? Did you at least eat?"

"No, I didn't sleep, but I ate a couple of times. Don't worry, I am fine."

Lin says "Okay, as long as you weren't avoiding me."

"Nope. That would never happen! How is Bella? Did she get used to her new body?"

Lin says "Mostly. She is still having some small issues, but it is nothing major. Will we reach the mountain today?"

"Yeah. As long as nothing goes wrong, we should."

Lin says "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah, a little."

Lin says "You don't need to be. Everything will be fine. Kechara loves you and at most is only a little mad at you."

"How did you know?"

Lin says "I can read you like a book! Kechara and Myria are the only ones who can make you nervous and we are more likely to meet Kechara first."

"They aren't the only ones, you can make me nervous too."

Lin smiles and says "Okay, I just wanted to check on you. I need to get back, Bella is going to give me more tattoos. I will show them to you later!"

Lin gives me a kiss and then returns to the castle, leaving me wondering what tattoos she is getting. I think about that for about an hour and only stop when we spot the road crew ahead of us. They stop work and move aside so that the elven column can move onto the road.

After instructing the elves to keep going, I step aside to chat with the road crew. They are mostly from the badger clan with a few others, but none of them are ones I have met before. I thank them for their hard work and then quickly catch up with the elves.

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