I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 25 Ruby Part 2

It takes a few minutes for Ruby's excitement to calm down, but I am not about to complain. I am enjoying the hug quite a bit. When Ruby finally pulls back she suddenly starts brushing at my chest and apologizing. When I look I see a few singed patches of fur from her tears.

"Don't worry about it, I didn't feel a thing."

Ruby says "I'm sorry, I've never cried before. In fact I don't think I was capable of crying before now."

"That's okay. And at least your first time crying was out of happiness. I'm just glad you aren't mad at me for what happened."

Ruby says "Why would I be mad? This is amazing!"

"Because in my old world the majority of people found change frightening and to hide their fear they would get mad."

Ruby smiles and says "I am not human Ash."

"Right! But we still need to figure out what you are." So I stare at her and activate Observe.

Name: Ruby

Race: Flame Spirit, Lesser

Title: Ash's Familiar

Class: Familiar

Level: 1

HP: 250/250

MP: 50/550

Str: 32

Agi: 36

End: 30

Int: 36

Wis: 34

Cha: 34

'How come she gets levels and I still can't? It's not fair!'

Ruby says "What do you see? Can I see?"

"I don't know maybe, try thinking STATUS."

Ruby says "Oh I see it! Oh wow! Oh Wow!!!!"

"What? What do you see?"

Ruby says "I can see everything! And I am a Spirit now!!!"

"A spirit like those little puffs of light I saw?"

Ruby says "Yes, those are typical lesser spirits, but that is only the beginning, greater spirits are often mistaken for gods by humans. Okay, so humans are below elementals right? What I mean is a lesser elemental can easily kill most common humans. Well, elementals are below spirits the same way humans are below elementals."

"Ouch for humans, but okay I think I get it, where do beastmen fall?"

Ruby says "Normal beastmen are above humans who don't have magic but still below elementals. You are unique and I have no idea where you fit."

"Okay, I can live with that. By the way I don't see any skills or abilities do you?"

Ruby says "Yes. I have one ability, five magic skills, and one normal skill. The ability is Fire Life, it means fire damage heals me. The magic skills are Fire Fist, Fireball, Flame Shield, Flame Weapon, and Summon Fire Elemental. The skill is.....Fire Dancing??"

"That ability would sure be nice! The others sound useful, but what is Fire Dancing?"

Ruby says "I have no idea, should I try using it?"

"Sure, use that clear area, it's where I do my training."

Ruby gets up and moves to the clear area. "Can you make some kind of music?"

"I can try"

I grab a breastplate and start drumming on it, then I start whistling the tune from one of my favorite anime. Ruby starts dancing to the music and as she does the area around her is filled with dancing flames that mimic her movements. I am completely enchanted by her dancing and can't take my eyes off of her.

'No! Bad Ash! You shouldn't think such things!'

Ruby suddenly stops and says "Oh, the skill leveled up!"

"Ha ha, yeah it's a great feeling isn't it?"

Ruby says "Yes it is!" with a smile.

"Okay I noticed your mana was low like mine, but since the drain from making you a familiar it hasn't gone down. Also my skill for summoning you changed to normal elementals. I think that means you are no longer a summon and may be here full time."

Ruby sarcastically says "Oh no! You mean I'm stuck here with you, Master?"

"You may not be so enthusiastic once you taste my cooking!" I say with a grin.

Ruby laughs and says "Well, since I've never eaten before I will be able to honestly say it's the best thing I have ever eaten."

I laugh as I grab my net and head over to the river to catch some fish. While I am catching the fish Ruby sets up the fire and lights it, she keeps stealing glances at me as she works. After catching some fish I jump the river and gather some mushrooms before jumping back and sitting down to make some stew.

"Oh yeah, when you first told me about being imprisoned you mentioned something about a forge?"

Ruby says "Oh, you remember that? Yes, the Archmage used to have me power his forge when he was making magical items."

"Really? Where is it??"

Ruby says "In the cave where I was chained up."

"But I searched there! There were no illusions hiding anything."

Ruby says "No it's not an illusion, you have to apply mana to a certain rock to open it."

"Can you show me? I want to teach myself the blacksmithing skill."

Ruby says "Of course I can Master, after we eat though?"

"Sure sure, it's almost ready. Oh sorry I only have one bowl and spoon so we will have to share."

Ruby smiles and says "No, that's absolutely fine by me."

Once the stew is cooked I fill the bowl and hand it and the spoon to Ruby and show her how to use it. Ruby takes a spoonful and then makes a face.

"Is it terrible?"

Ruby says "No, it's just a strange feeling, but I quite enjoy it."

We pass the bowl back and forth, eating and enjoying a companionable silence. We eat about half the stew I made.

"Once we get out of here I can't wait to introduce you to food with spices and sweets."

Ruby says "I will look forward to it master. Should we go to the forge now?"

"No, that can wait for tomorrow. For now I want to test out your skills and make sure we both know just how they work in case we need to use them in combat."

Ruby says "Sure. I've been wanting to test them out anyway."

"I'm pretty sure I know what Fire Fists does, and we don't have room for Fireball so lets start with Flame Shield."

With a nod Ruby turns and activates the skill, instead of a shield appearing on her arm a large shield appears floating in midair.

"Oh, it's that kind of shield! Useful. Can you change its shape or move it around?"

Ruby tries and says "I can move it around but I can't change its shape."

"Okay, next time you cast it try picturing a different shape. For now I'm going to attack it so we can gauge how much damage it can take.

Ruby nods and stops moving the shield around, I draw my sword and take a swing at it.


The shield holds but is riddled with cracks, it obviously won't take another hit.

"Don't be disappointed I hit really hard, based on that it would hold up against five or six normal attacks. Okay go ahead and dismiss it and try Flame Weapon next."

Ruby concentrates then says "Nothing is happening when I activate the spell."

"I see. Okay try with this." Then I hand her my sword.

Ruby takes the sword in hand and then activates the skill. Immediately the sword is covered in flames.

"Okay, it is a weapon enhancement spell. Do you know how to use a weapon?"

Ruby says "No. I've never needed to use one before."

"Okay, I will teach you, I'm curious anyway to see if you can learn skills like I do now."

I approach Ruby and show her how to hold the sword and how to swing it. Neither one of us mentions how our hearts speed up the closer we get. After showing her the steps I step back and have her practice a few swings.

Ruby says "I just got a new skill called Sword basics?"

"Excellent! That means you can learn skills just like I do!"

Ruby hands back my sword and sits down then says "Sorry, I don't have much mana left."

"No, it's fine. That is the next skill I plan to teach you anyway. Now sit like me."

I sit cross legged and wait for Ruby to imitate me.

"Now close your eyes, even out your breathing, and try to clear your mind. If this works you will get a skill called Meditation."

After a few minutes Ruby says "Okay I got it! That's useful!"

"Yes it is, it's one of the best skills I've found while being stuck down here. Now we will meditate till morning."

So the both of us sit facing each other about a foot apart and meditate for the next ten hours.

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