I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 26 Meanwhile

In the Castle Throne Room Marvok's P.O.V.

King Raden sits and fumes while waiting for me to bring the report from the adventurer mage that has been hired to determine what happened. When I enter alone and dismiss everyone else the king knows it can't be good news.

King Raden says "Well, how bad is it?"

"Your Majesty, all enchantments on the castle itself and all enchanted items inside the castle, including those in the vault are completely dispelled. The adventurer confirmed the dispel and the spell that killed the court mages were both cast by Zamart, so he has definitely betrayed you."

The king flies into a rage smashing everything he can get his hands on. I stand calmly aside and wait for the tantrum to pass. After all it isn't the first tantrum the royal guards and I have witnessed, and the king will be more level headed after wearing himself out. A few minutes later the king collapses onto his throne panting.

King Raden says "Huff, okay what is the next thing?"

"The mages guild in Illium have quoted twenty thousand gold to dispatch a group of mages to re-enchant the castle."

King Raden says "Very well, do it. Oh and create a residence tax, for those nobles who choose to live in my castle and bother me constantly. If they are going to live here they can help pay for the enchantments."

"Yes, My King."

'Huh, I guess he can have a good idea from time to time. Still he doesn't compare to the former queen.'

"We also need to consider the court mages, we will need to hire a trainer for them once we find new mages. Might I suggest we open the recruiting to include commoners? There are few noble children left who have magic potential."

King Raden says "Never! I will not trust commoners with power! Just recruit every noble who has magic potential and hire a trainer for them. After all, if we just wait a while there will be more noble children, all the nobles ever produce are children. In fact, instruct all the lords to check their illegitimate children, those found to have magic should be made legitimate and turned over to the crown to become court mages."

Yes, that should give us about ten times as many kids to pull from. If I phrase it right some of those kids will have a much better future ahead of them than they do now.

"It will be done, My King. The last item for you to consider is Tarrik's replacement as Knight Commander. Unfortunately, his second in command and the most capable candidate is a commoner by birth."

King Raden says "No, absolutely not. Choose the highest ranked noble serving in the army."

"I believe that would be Sir Raveos."

He is just like Tarrik, all bluster, no brains. With him leading the army we will be lucky to win any battle where we don't outnumber the enemy.

King Raden says "Then summon him and I will promote him and explain his duties."

"At once, My King!"

King Raden says "If that is everything then you are dismissed."

I bow to the king and walk out of the throne room. The king waits until the doors close behind me.

King Raden says "Quill!!"

Spymaster Quill steps out of the shadow cast by the throne and kneels next to the king.

Spymaster Quill says "Your orders, Your Majesty?"

King Raden says "Spread rumors that Zamart sold out to the Empire of Gundar and place a bounty of ten thousand gold on his head."

Spymaster Quill says "As you wish, Your Majesty. Is there anything else?"

King Raden says "Have someone keep an eye on Marvok, he is entirely too soft towards the commoners for my liking."

Spymaster Quill says "By your command!"

Quill disappears back into the shadows leaving the king to brood and plot his revenge.

Outside the Forest of Fangs Zamart's P.O.V.

I have been walking for a few days, and I have been enjoying the freedom of it. I am now entering the edges of the Forest of Fangs and I pause to cast a few spells. Better be ready to defend myself just in case I encounter real bandits or a mana beast.

While I am at it I cast a spell to spy on the castle's past to see what happened after I left. When I see that Tarrik is dead a huge grin appears on my face, and then I walk into the forest. Huh, I really underestimated that beastman, to think he took out Tarrik, if I ever meet him I owe him an apology and a thank you.

So I walk deeper into the forest, my mood so good I am actually whistling as I walk. Of course that just makes me easy to find, a half hour later I am surrounded and confronted by the "bandits".

Bandit says "Stop where you are and identify yourself!"

"Well, you didn't ask for my valuables so I'm hoping you are part of the rebels. As for me, I am former head court mage Zamart and I have valuable information for your leaders."

The armed men confer for a bit then surround me closely and escort me deeper into the forest. About an hour later we come into the rebel camp, there are several defensive ditches surrounding the camp and a few tents spread around inside.

I am taken to the biggest of the tents under guard and told to sit on the ground and wait. I do as I am told and wait for about five minutes before someone new enters the tent. I am surprised to see it was a woman and even more surprised when I recognize her. She is a striking woman with bright red hair that would be hard to forget.

"Lady Alexa?? I heard you were dead!"

Alexa says "No, despite the king's best efforts I am still alive and well, and you can drop the 'lady', I'm either Alexa or commander here. Now Zamart what are you doing here and why are you the former head court mage?"

"Well, that is a bit of a story but first I have much more important news. Somewhere in the north of the kingdom an army of ten thousand new soldiers is currently being trained, also the king was able to summon all fifty summons early."

Alexa just stares at me in shock as she hears this news. She staggers over to a camp chair and collapses into it.

Alexa says "Are you sure about this? It's not just a rumor you heard?"

"Yes, absolutely sure, I was there when the king commanded Tarrik to double the size of the army in secret and I also helped with the summoning spell, to my shame."

Alexa says "I don't understand, the army is strong enough to wipe us out already, there is no need for him to double it just for us."

"You are not the target, he is planning to launch a surprise attack against the other nations. He wants to unify the continent and become emperor."

Alexa says "That's insane! I just can't believe it!"

???? says "I certainly can."

I turn to see who spoke, I see a young woman in her early twenties with short blonde hair and green eyes. As I recognize her my eyes widen and my mouth drops open. After a second I throw myself to my knees.

"Princess Amercy! I thought you were dead! Please forgive this old man for waiting so long to act!"

Mercy says "You may rise, and please call me Mercy, it is what I go by among the rebels. Now what do you mean about acting? What have you done?"

I stay kneeling and say "Princess, forgive me for not being able to save your sister. Allow me to pass on everything I know of the king's plans and what has happened recently and then you can execute me!"

Mercy takes hold of my shoulders and pulls me to my feet then leans in and kisses me on both cheeks.

Mercy says "Whatever happened to my sister is my father's doing not yours. You were my favorite teacher as a child and the magic you taught me secretly is the only reason I am alive today. So there will be no more talk of executing you! Now sit yourself down and start at the beginning."

So I end up sitting at a table with Mercy and Alexa and telling them all about the summoning that Princess Mericel was sacrificed for and everything that has happened since. Including the level zero beastman who killed a level ten dire wolf and Knight Commander Tarrik.

Alexa says "If Tarrik is dead then the army is leaderless and now would be the perfect time for the raids we have been planning."

Mercy holds up a hand to stop Alexa from leaving and says "Zamart, you still haven't explained what it is you did that you wanted me to forgive you for."

"In order to have enough power to flee the castle I stripped the enchantments from the castle. With the extra power I dispelled everything in the castle and killed all the court mages."

Mercy says "So, you weakened the castle and killed some of my enemies, and you think you should be punished?"

"No, I should be punished for not acting when the Queen died, if I had acted instead of looking for proof I could have prevented so much of this misery!"

Mercy smiles sadly and says "I know how loyal you were to my mother, and I know she counted you as one of her few real friends. I don't doubt that the news of her death destroyed you. Besides, if you had acted earlier we would have no idea of what the king is planning. For what it is worth, if you need it you have my forgiveness, but more importantly now you are here you can help us."

"Mercy, you are the rightful queen, if there is anything this old man can do to serve you then it would be my honor!"

Alexa laughs and says "Old man? You may be old but you are still the most powerful mage in the kingdom!"

Mercy says "Alexa is right, I can think of a hundred uses for your magic and I don't even know what you are truly capable of! So, yes, I will accept your service and loyalty, and together we will make my father pay for everything that he has done!"

I kneel once again before Princess Amercy and take her hand, I swear my loyalty to her then kiss her hand. Mercy smiles and helps me to my feet.

Mercy says "Now then, Alexa go ahead with the plans for the raids, and also find me our best messengers. We need to warn the other countries of what my father is planning."

"I can help with that. Given a day to prepare I can create a gate to the mage's guild in the city state of Illium. The guild master is an old friend, if I explain the situation to him I'm sure he will help the messengers get to where they need to go."

Mercy says "See? Already you are invaluable to us!"

I smile at Mercy as Alexa leaves to go start making preparations.

Mercy says "What else can you tell me about the beastman? Do you think he will escape? Do you have any idea where he might come up?"

"I don't know much else, but I am sure he will survive. And while I don't know where he will come out I do know we will hear about it. I doubt he could move around quietly anywhere in this kingdom."

With that I start preparing a site for a gate while the princess and her knight send out raiding parties and prepare messengers. They will do what they can to disrupt the king's plans and buy time for the other countries to ready their defenses.

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