I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 85 A New Plan Part 1

Mericel says "Yes, a new plan would be good. Cutting your way through an army isn't a plan."

"Shush you. Alannis, how many troops on the other borders?"

Alannis says "Five thousand on the border with the Free Union, and ten thousand on the border with the empire."

Mericel says "Wait, that can't be right! The army is only ten thousand troops in total!"

Alannis says "The king has been increasing the army since the day he took the throne. He ordered that you be kept in the dark."

Mericel says "Just how big is the army then?"

Alannis says "The regular army is around twenty-five thousand troops, plus another ten thousand conscripts in training at a secret camp."

Mericel says "Thirty-five thousand troops? The kingdom can't support that many troops! How is he paying for this?"

Alannis says "He raised taxes and he controls the slave trade."

Mericel says "He is bleeding the kingdom dry, he can't sustain that for long."

"If he conquers the other kingdoms he doesn't need to. Funds from war can support the army until there is no one left to conquer."

Mericel says "But he can't win, the empire has over fifty thousand troops."

Alannis says "That is where the heroes come in."

"Well, there is one less of them to worry about."

Alannis says "You killed one of the heroes? Which one?"

"Uh, what did Leyla say his name was? Shin something?"

Alannis says "Shinami?

"Yeah, that's it!"

Alannis says "He was the forth or fifth strongest of the heroes, was he hard to kill?"

"Not, not really. I killed him fairly easily."

Alannis says "Then you are possibly stronger than any of the heros, but they have the numbers."

"Possibly, but we are getting off track. Mericel can you show me a map of the kingdom please."

Mericel says "Of course." as she wills a map into existence.

"So, if the borders with the other kingdoms are so well guarded that leaves us with going north through monster territory or leaving by sea."

Alannis says "I wouldn't suggest the north, the border may only be guarded by two thousand troops, but they are the strongest troops in the kingdom."

Mericel says "Besides, you may be able to cross the monster lands but the freed slaves would most likely die."

"I take it the port is also heavily guarded?"

Alannis says "Yes, by troops and Quill's spies. However, there may be a third option."

"Oh? Please do not say underground tunnels!"

Alannis says "Tunnels? No, why?"

"I have had enough of being underground!"

Alannis says "Oh, I guess that makes sense. No, I was going to say the Forest of Fangs."

Mericel says "Why there? It isn't close to the border?"

Alannis says "There are people there, the king called them bandits, but I have heard others call them rebels."

"It would make sense for there to be a rebellion considering how the king treats his subjects."

Alannis says "I agree, and if they are rebels then they should see you as an ally. Besides, they owe you."

"What? Why would they owe me?"

Alannis says "The king sent an army into the forest to wipe them out, but they were recalled in the middle of the battle because of you."

"Recalled because of me? Was this when I was spotted on the surface?"

Alannis says "No, it was when your roar shook the capital."

"My roar? What do you mean?"

Alannis says "Well, I was on patrol at the time but from what I was told a roar was heard throughout the capital, and it even set off a small earthquake."

"Oh! Oh, my!"

Drog says "She probably means the roar after you defeated me when you thought Blue had died."

"Ummm, yeah, I guess so."

Alannis says "Anyway the king panicked and recalled all troops not on the borders. That included the army sent to wipe out the rebels so you saved them."

"Not intentionally! I had no idea my roar reached the surface!"

Mericel says "Intended or not the rebels should at least view you favorably. Sounds like we have a new plan?"

"Yeah, we will head towards the Forest of Fangs and meet up with the rebels."

Alannis says "I would like to join you, I have a lot to atone for and pay back the king for."

Drog chuckles and says "Master, if you keep collecting women Blue is going to hit you again!"

"Shut up, Drog!"

Mericel says "We are going to have to move more slowly because of the humans."

"True, maybe if we run into another patrol we can get them some horses."

Alannis says "Speaking of, how dare you kill my horse!"

"I'm sorry! It's not like I had much of a choice!"

Alannis says "Do you know how long it took me to train and raise him?"

"Probably years, look I said I was sorry, but it is not something I can undo."

Alannis says "Well, you owe me a horse!"

"Fine, as soon as I can I will buy you a new horse. Now can we plan our route? Mericel, can you zoom in on this area?"

Mericel says "Sure, we should be somewhere around here?"

I look at the map and try to judge distances, we should be east of the eastern road but north of the plains. I see a city marked on the map where the forest ends.

"What is this city like?"

Alannis says "It is a way point for merchants and the turn around point for patrols from the capital and the border. It has a standing garrison of five hundred."

"Okay, so we will want to avoid that then. So, we will head due south into the grasslands until we are below the city then turn west and cross the road."

Mericel says "The grasslands have numerous scattered farming villages, but other than that they should be empty."

"Maybe we can find a village to get some supplies in."

Alannis says "We should be able to, as long as you keep out of sight."

"Yeah, I know I have a huge bounty on my head."

Mericel says "Not to mention the heroes hunting you."

"As long as we don't get surrounded by an army I am not too worried."

We spend a few minutes talking about the route and logistics. Supplies will be our main problem, I have enough in my bag to feed everyone for a few days at most. If we don't find anything to hunt we will need supplies in less than a week.

"Alright, that should cover everything for now. Let's go back and eat."

Leyla and Mericel leave on their own but I have to push Alannis out of the soulscape. Once it is just me and Drog I try meditating to see if I can work on my core in here, but it doesn't work. That makes the soulscape less useful so I end it and return to the real world.

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