I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 86 A New Plan Part 2

When I open my eyes Alannis has already been untied and is sitting up rubbing her wrists. Ruby is already in human form, I see her over by the fire, but she won't meet my eyes. I should probably pretend nothing happened so she settles down.

After checking on the stew and finding it ready I call everyone to dinner. After serving everyone I sit down to eat my stew, it turned out really tasty and filling. It hopefully will go a long way towards restoring the slaves' health.

Once everyone has had their fill there is still enough stew left for breakfast so I move it off the fire. I take the tent and bedrolls out of my pouch and hand them to the women. It isn't enough for everyone but they will have to make due as best they can.

Now I wish I had been a bit more thorough in looting the enemy, but I didn't expect to collect this many additional people. As I am trying to think of anything else I have that might be useful to them Alannis comes over and sits next to me.

Alannis says "You didn't answer me in the dream. I would still like to join you if you will have me."

Alannis Heath, Knight Level 3 is requesting to join the party!

Do you Accept? Y/N

"Yes, you can join us."

Alannis has joined the party!

Alannis says "Thank you!"

"Ah, let me return this as well."

I take her sword and armor out of my pouch and hand them to her. She immediately starts checking her equipment, she seems to have been trained well.

Drog thinks "Aww, why did you do that? You should have left her to wander around half dressed!"

"Shut up, you pervy demon!"

Alannis says "Thank you, I was feeling kind of useless without my gear."

"Just so I know, are you going to have any issues fighting the king's soldiers?"

Alannis says "You mean because they were my comrades? No, I won't hesitate."

"Okay, just wanted to be sure. Go try to get some rest."

Alannis gives me a nod and heads over to where Leyla is and finds a spot near her to bunk down. Everyone is either asleep or trying to sleep, Mericel and Drog are on watch since they don't need sleep. I am about to enter meditation when one of the beastwomen approaches me, it is the bunnygirl who took the waterskin.

"Do you need something?"

She kneels before me and then bends over until her forehead touches the ground. A quick look around shows Drog watching intently but Ruby is busy talking with Mericel.

"Please, get up! That is not necessary!"

As she straightens up I notice the rags she is wearing leave almost nothing to the imagination and quickly look away.

Bunnygirl says "Master, please accept me as payment for the debt owed you."

"What? What debt? And don't call me master! You are no longer a slave!"

Bunnygirl looks confused and says "But I heard the spirit and the demon call you master?"

"Ruby calls me master to tease me, the demon is enslaved because he can't be trusted any other way."

Bunnygirl says "Then how should I address you? Great one?"

"No! No, no, no! Just call me Ash!"

Drog thinks "Oh, let her call you great one! I want to see Blue explode!"

"Don't you start! You are supposed to be on watch!"

"By the way, what is your name?"

Myria says "I am called Myria."

"Alright, Myria, what debt are you talking about?"

Myria says "The debt we six owe you for saving us from slavery."

"There is no debt, I hate slavers and would have attacked them even if the wagons were empty."

Myria says "But the wagons weren't empty, and you saved us from a horrible fate."

"Yes, and I am glad I was able to save you, but there is no debt for it."

Myria says "By our culture there is a debt, but the others have family to return to so I told them I would take on their debt."

"You are not a wookie so don't say anything about a life debt."

Myria looks very confused by this, and I am trying very hard not to laugh. I will admit she is cute and sexy but I don't want Ruby trying to kill me. Speak of the devil, she is coming over to see what is going on, my luck sucks.

Ruby says "Master? Is anything wrong?"

"I am trying to convince Myria here that she doesn't owe me a debt for us saving her."

Myria says "But there is a debt, even if you refuse to accept it."

Ruby chuckles as I facepalm, why do all the women I meet confuse me so much?

Myria says "I offer my body as payment for the debt." as she reaches up to remove her clothes.

Ruby turns bright red and grabs Myria before she manages to remove much. She quickly drags Myria to the other side of camp away from me talking fast once she is out of earshot. I just shake my head and try not to think about what I just saw.

Drog thinks "We should definitely keep her!"

"Shut up, Drog! Don't make me order you!"

Drog wisely leaves me alone as I go back to trying to meditate. It takes me several minutes to clear my mind enough to enter a meditative state. Once I finally manage it I go into the inner world and focus on my core.

Working on my core seems much easier using the demonic power, and it goes much faster as well. Within an hour I have made some decent progress.

Core Upgrade Progress: 10% +10 DP

Core Upgrade Progress: 15%

DP: 0/160

Dropping out of the inner world into normal meditation for three hours mostly refills my DP. Again I work on my core for an hour before my DP is depleted.

Core Upgrade Progress: 20% +10 DP

Meditating normally for four hours restores my DP to full and I open my eyes just as the sun is rising. Ruby is sitting nearby watching me when I wake up.

"Morning, I hope you were nice to Myria."

Ruby says "Morning, master! Yes, we had a nice long chat."

"So everything is sorted out?"

Ruby says "Well, not quite. She won't throw herself at you again, but she still believes she owes you a debt. For now she is going to repay you by helping with the other ex-slaves."

"Okay, good. Wait, for now? That kind of worries me."

Ruby says "One battle at a time, master."

"Alright, I will worry about it once we have reached the Forest of Fangs and met the rebels."

At Ruby's puzzled look I fill her in on the discussion we had after she ran away. She looks really angry as I explain how the king tricked and used Alannis. Once I have finished explaining the new plan she nods in agreement.

Ruby says "So is Alannis joining us?"

"Yes, she has joined the party."

Ruby says "Party?"

"Yes, hey I want you to try something, say 'Party Screen'."

Ruby says "Party Screen!"

Her eyes widen as I am guessing she is seeing the party screen before her eyes. Does this mean anyone who joins the party gets access to the system? I wonder if it works the same way for the heroes.

"Alannis, could you come here please?"

Once she comes over and sits down she gives me a questioning look.

"I want to ask a few more questions. Do you have levels as a knight?"

Alannis says "No, only the summoned heroes can have levels. That is what makes them so powerful."

"Do me a favor and say 'Party Screen'."

Alannis looks confused and says "Party Screen!"

The way her face goes white tells me she is seeing the screen.

"Now say 'Stats' and tell me if you can see your stats and level."

Alannis says "Yes! I can! What does this mean?"

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