I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 87 A New Plan Part 3

"I think it means that joining my party gives you access to the level system. If the heroes don't know about this then we might just have a major advantage."

Ruby says "What do you mean?"

"If people who join our party can level up like a hero then they can become as strong as a hero and offset the number advantage the heroes have."

Ruby says "Oh, I see. So why does the party screen say three of five?"

"Huh? Party Screen!"

Party 3/5

Ash Rank: 0 HP: 1322/1322 DP: 170/170

Ruby Level: 3 HP: 515/515 MP: 780/780

Drog Rank: 0 HP: 850/850 DP 100/100

Mericel Rank: 1 HP: 635/635 MP: 250/250

Leyla Level: 2 HP: 150/150 MP: 675/675

Alannis Level: 3 HP: 550/550 MP: 10/10

"I guess it is only counting Leyla and Alannis as party members. You, Drog, and Mericel don't seem to count."

Ruby says "Why not? We were here first!"

"Yes, but you three are bound to me and didn't ask to join. So you count as part of me I am guessing."

Ruby says "Oh, I guess I can live with that."

"So, I guess we can only recruit two more people."

Alannis says "Wait, do you seriously think I could become as strong as a hero?"

"I don't see why not. Other than the fact they can gain levels, heroes are just humans from my world right?"

Alannis says "Yes, as far as I know."

"Then you should be able to gain just as much power from gaining levels as they do."

Alannis says "But I am just a knight, that won't be as powerful as a heroic class will it?"

"Honestly, I don't know what kind of classes the heroes have so I can't say for sure. But every class should have its strengths and weaknesses."

Alannis says "Will I lose the power if I leave the party?"

"I don't know, you should keep anything you have gained, but the ability to level may be gone."

Ruby walks over and says "Master, we should get moving."

"Right, wake everyone up, we will eat then start south. We will take it slow today for the sake of the ex-slaves."

Ruby and Alannis go around waking everyone up while I start a small fire to reheat the stew. Once everyone is done eating I pack everything into my pouch and we start south. We go at a nice easy walk and stop frequently so we aren't going to cover much ground today, but the women need the slow pace.

As we are walking I notice Myria leave the group, only to return a few minutes later. She walks up to me with a bunch of berries cradled in her shirt. I take a handful then watch as she goes down the line until everyone has taken some.

Mericel is pacing us to our right, keeping an eye on the road, while Drog is scouting ahead of us. As I lead the way I am keeping my senses trained to our left, if anything is going to surprise us it will be from deeper in the forest.

Ruby says "Master, is it okay if I rest for a while?"

"Sure, go ahead. I will call if anything happens."

We have traveled about three miles and are stopped for a rest when I hear something move in the forest. I place my hand on Blitz and move until I can see the thing, it looks like a bear, but it has six legs and scales. It seems to be sizing us up, so I make eye contact with it and growl at it. It backs up a few steps before turning and lumbering out of sight.

Alannis says "I've never seen a fang bear back down from anything!"

"Fang bear? Is that what it was? Are they common in these woods?"

Alannis says "Thank the goddesses, no. They are fairly rare, but they are why patrols travel in groups of fifty."

"It didn't look all that dangerous to me."

Alannis says "They are faster than they look, and they can cut a horse in half with one swipe of their claws."

"Are they good to eat?"

Alannis just looks at me like I asked her if the sky was purple. I can't help but chuckle at the look on her face.

"What? You've killed them before right?"

Alannis says "No, never. Patrols are set at groups of fifty because then the group is too big and they won't attack."

"I thought you said they didn't back down from anything?"

Alannis says "They don't, big groups just aren't worth the bother to them unless they are starving."

I am about to reply to Alannis when I hear movement again, looking over I see the fang bear has returned, and it brought a friend. The two of them start growling at me and moving closer. I was trying to avoid a fight, but we do need the meat.

Alannis says "By the twins! I've never seen two of them! We should run!"

"Too late, the girls would never out run them. Go to Leyla and keep the girls together. I will take care of this. Ruby!"

I walk towards the bears, drawing Blitz as Ruby takes human form beside me. I try sending a mental call to Drog and Mericel but I have no idea if it works. Unless they show up it will be two on two.

"Alannis said they are fast and strong, I'll take the one on the right. If you can't handle the other, just keep it busy until I can help."

Ruby says "Yes, master!"

I shoot her a smile before I charge at the bear on the right. As I move it rears up with its front only, so four legs on the ground two ready to attack. Now that I can see its claws I think it must be part badger, they are huge.

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