I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

V3 Ch 55. The Exodus

When the night fell, the pirates started boarding their ships and loading the remaining cargo. As Alba explained, it was not done earlier to fool the possible observers.

“Second pennant, guard the other side.”

Two destroyers: Kuronami and Yoizuki left Fairy’s docks and set sail to opposite sides of the port.

[“Order confirmed.”]

Yoizuki telegrammed the confirmation, and sailed away.

My hopes of having a cute girl were ruined by the system’s cruel joke. The ships are only empty husks with basic AI. They obey my orders but are very stupid on their own. At least their gunnery skills should be on par with mine.

While the pirates finish their preparations and raising anchors, I will provide ASW protection.

During my test sail we encountered two submarines, and in the night those guys will no doubt become more brazen.

We were steaming at low speed, and watching out for submarines.

The surroundings were completely dark. The darkness was only disturbed by occasional flashes of oil lamps on the coast, and light signals I exchanged with Yoizuki.

If my estimations were correct, the preparations were almost finished. The pirate ships blinked lights a few times, signaling that they are soon going to set sail.

“Second pennant, escort departing ships.”

[“Orders confirmed.”]

The pinging sound of telegraph was followed by the ship changing course.

The submarines did not show up until the end of preparations.

After each pirate ship flashed a light, I gave my confirmation.



After Yoizuki confirmed readiness, the pirates set sail.

The wind favored the pirates’ escape. The ships managed to reach whooping 8 knots. I could only cry and expect a very slow sailing.

T+ 17:00:00

The next evening after we set sail, a group of pirate ships joined the formation.

I was covering the formation from left-front, and Yoizuki was covering from right-rear. The pirate ships were sailing in three lines, which helped with regrouping.

We already encountered several small groups but this time we had an actual force joining.

A black sail ship, the so-called ‘Black Demon’, and a couple of heavy frigates were fleeing from Benezian forces. By using its high speed, the ‘Black Demon’ managed to flee from battleships.

The situation is beyond dire.” I could only say that much.

The last time I saw pirate fleet, it consisted of at least 7 battleships, and the pirates were planning to capture a few of Benezian ships.

Now the pirates have only two.

Of course, there are galleons but they have 20-30 guns each, in comparison with battleships’ 30-40 guns. Per side.

The fortune favored the pirate fleet. We did not encounter any patrols and after two days of sailing we were almost at the new base.

I wonder if there are any crews left.” (P)

“I doubt there are crews that managed to escape the enemy’s grasp. Those ‘blockade runners’ might rejoin the fleet but I wouldn’t expect that.”

Well, that b* should show up soon.” (P)


“Veronica.” (P)

You surely dislike her…

Oh, so you do like her? After she killed you?” Patricia was way too irritated to talk. I still tried to make her talk but to no avail.

She was always avoiding any topics concerning her sister, regardless of my intentions or reasons to ask.

[It doesn’t hurt to try again.]

“You know it too, she will come soon. Those guys are not idiots. Can you tell me something about her? It would help fighting!”

All you need is to shoot and swing your sabre! IS THIS ENOUGH?!” All of a sudden, Patricia grasped my throat as if she was trying to strangle me. She did not put any force into grasping me but I was still sad to hear it.

GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!” I was a bit more sad than usually.

How can I know what to do with her, if NOBODY answers? I have no idea who she is for you. I can only rely on what I know myself!”

Patricia turned away and whispered.

Just know that she is a rabid b*…’ (P)

While I was fuming, a smoke appeared on the horizon.

We could only hope that the smoke is coming from the port, and not from ships.

[Ah, right, those guys are all sail-propelled.]

I sighed, and went out to catch some fresh air, before the bridge’s atmosphere becomes insufferable.

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