I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

V3 Ch 56. Res Publica

The closer we sailed to the smoke, the thicker it became.

It was the smoke of blast furnaces which produced steel.

As it turns out, the vassal port of Benezio was spared from their tyranny because they had access to iron and coal, making them the second by steel output, right after Benezio themselves. Or so Patricia says.

[Fairy will be happy to see this much refined steel. At least she wouldn’t have to zigzag all the time to search for ores and minerals like she did on her way.]

When the port finally entered our view I was astonished. On one side of a bay there were docks and manufactures, and on the other side were endless slums.

Is this alright…?” I pointed at towering constructions that looked like they were built by a two-years old kid playing with lego.

“The only ones who lived good here were the Doge’s administrators. What, you really thought that the city of Benezio is so marvelous because they are good and kind? Those f*s exploit everything that is outside of the City’s boundaries.” W-well, it’s a good time to take off the pink glasses…

[Now I see why a port would risk being razed by Benezian navy that is at our throats. They have nothing to lose…]

“Second pennant, guard the port.”

[“Orders confirmed.”]

[“Warning, enemy encountered. Engaging.”]

Suddenly, Yoizuki steered to her right, and headed somewhere. I immediately followed.


“Second pennant, prepare to bomb the folly out of ‘em!”

[“Orders confirmed.”]

Pom Pom

Two destroyers discharged their depth charge projectors.

Boom Boom Boom Boom

[“Enemy neutralized. Resuming orders.”]

Rest in pieces…’ I offered my prayers to foolish souls who sailed into us, before returning back on course.

Our troubles did not stop on that.

My radar picked up flying objects on approach. I may know that steampunk has blimps and steam aircraft but I am 100% sure neither of this stuff has the length of a wyvern and can flap the wings.

With Patricia’s translation I messaged that there are wyverns incoming, and sailed back to the pirate fleet that was parking at the roadstead.

Simultaneously I saw a smoke coming from the way we came. I sighed out in relief. I have no idea how Fairy does this but with her assistance (4 bofors guns) we might make it.

“Second pennant, engage the flying targets.”

[“Orders confirmed.”]

Yoizuki turned towards the wyvern swarm and opened fire with two turrets.

[Stupid AI, turn and fire all guns.]

[“Orders confirmed.”]

I joined too.


The first salvos of my 127mm guns went haywire. I had to focus on countering the wyverns’ movement and maneuvering but unlike their usual behavior, they flew straight and did not even try avoiding the shells. After I stopped trying to predict their flight pattern and fired where they flew now, I scored a lot of hits.

The wyverns were contained, currently.

With my newly obtained points I decided to buy AA guns.


You received 234 upgrade points

IJN Kuronami – DDL. Upgrade points – 36.

Torpedoes – 6/6.

HP – 3700.

HI – 100%.

AU – 74% (2232nm).

25mm Dual AA mounts 1 Improve mounts – 0/100
25mm Single AA mounts 2 Max.
13mm Deck mounts Max.


As soon as I upgraded my AA, the 25mm guns started barking.

The combined AA might of two destroyers mowed down most of the wyverns, however, the survivors reached the pirate ships, ignoring us.

A fight started immediately.


Seemingly for no reason a pirate galleon exploded.

One may think it was a powder explosion but I saw that it was pushed out of the water a bit.

As if it was exploded from underneath.

Second pennant, deal with the submarine ASAP!

[“Orders confirmed.”]

I hoped that Fairy would arrive sooner to deliver what I required the most right now.

But the smoke from behind turned into a fleet of Benezian warships.

Are these idiots burning their own ship?” Patricia tried to hold back her laugh.

No. They have a steam-powered ship. Like myself.” The giggling girl immediately turned pale.

What…?” (P)

Perhaps because they understood that they are now seen, the steam-powered battleship accelerated. I accelerated too.

While Yoizuki is trying to smoke out the submarines, I have to buy some time for the pirates.

The winds favored us on our way but now the entire fleet will have to sail against the wind, which is not a problem for the enemy.

As I prepared to fire a couple of direct shots to blow up the battleship’s powder storage, it fired.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

We must break the distance, now!

[How the hell?!]

Thought I, while the first two tubes were discharged.

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