I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

Chapter 20: Table

Naru spent the rest of the early evening cleaning the various cups and the dishes that she was given; it was menial work but also relaxing for her. She had worked a similar job in her past life and thus she was adept at doing it.

Soon it grew dark outside the bar, and slowly but steadily it began to fill with patrons. Hakuya wasn’t lying when he said there were a few suspicious figures, but it seemed like there were quite a few mercenary-looking figures and other people.

Naru was now busily taking orders from the patrons and giving them to Hakuya who also doubled as a cook.

She couldn’t write, so all she could do was memorize the orders and recite them to Hakuya.

“You can’t even write? Bah, remind me I’ll teach you to do it sometime” Hakuya said.

It seemed like Hakuya had an even better memory than Naru since he was able to remember what Naru told him with accuracy. It was a surprising memory capacity he had and Naru was impressed by his ability to remember 10 or more orders at the same time and the order in which they were ordered.

Regardless, the work was simple and Naru steadily got into the flow of things rather quickly. A few regulars were surprised to see her so she just introduced herself as a “new hire” and they seemed to nod in agreement.

Occasionally one of them would tried to grope her, so she would stab through their shoes with thorns made from her magic.

Naru was surprised to find that the bar was surprisingly mild and that there wasn’t anything particularly interesting about. It was just like any other bar she had seen in her old world. A place for people to gather, and drink.

The food wasn’t particularly good mostly meats and potatoes and the alcohol wasn’t very good either. Frankly, Naru wondered why the bar was so popular in the first place. Still, as long as she was being paid she didn’t mind that much.

Occasionally, people would come by asking for Hakuya and she would direct them towards him. She worked late into the night and once she was done, she slumped into her bed and heaved a sigh.

It felt good to work, While, Naru enjoyed the peaceful deer life she also liked to work as well.

[I guess I can stay here for a while,] Naru thought as she fell into a dreamless sleep.

** ** **

The week was much of the same working the nights while lazing about during the day. Still, the state of the bar wore on Naru’s nerves.

[This place is disgusting!] Naru finally hit her limit when she nearly tripped on a pile of vomit while wiping the floors.

Hakuya watched her with a bemused look.

“Think something is funny?” Naru said glaring at him.

“Ah, that expression is really too scary, can’t you smile a little” He said.

“I would smile more if you actually bothered to clean this place up!” Since Naru had arrived at the bar she had taken up much of the cleaning duties and was get frustrated with how dirty and dingy the place was.

Hakuya only seemed to lazily shrug his shoulders in response.

“I don’t care all that much”

Naru continued to glare at the man at the counter.

“I’m going out” She said starting to walk out the door.

“Woah, woah quitting already?” Hakuya said looking slightly concerned.

“No, I’m going to clean up this place, I just need a few things”

Naru quickly left the bar and began walking down the road.

It was about midday and the streets were filled with people going about their lives, Naru ignored them and instead went to an empty lot where there were be few prying eyes.

[Okay let’s see here.]

She began channeling mana within herself, waiting for the exhilarating rush of mana started to seep into her body. She decided on an image and then cast it out through her chest crystal.

The ground in the lot seemed rumbled, as twisting green vines appeared. The vines snaked up and formed a flat surface before they withered and turn and turned into a light tan color.

[mhmm, this should do] Naru thought. She had grown a table with her magic and was feeling a little tired. She suddenly realized that she wouldn’t be able to make any more.

Realizing something, Naru scratched her head.

[How am I supposed to carry this?] She thought.

Naru wasn’t strong enough to carry an entire table by herself back to the bar.

Naru quickly ran down the street and into the bar.

“Back so soon?” Hakuya lazily said.

“Let me borrow Ymir, for a moment” Naru said.

“Sure, it’s not like Ymir has anything better to do.” Hakuya said shrugged his shoulder.

Naru walked over to the sleeping figure in the corner and kicked it. When she first came to the bar she was afraid of Ymir, but soon she realized he was a lovable dope.


“Ymir help me out here,” Naru said as she kicked the figure awake.

Ymir rolled over and got up. Lumbering awake he scratched his head and looked at her

“Wadya want?” he asked her.

“Help me lift something!” She said.

“Ok” He said.

Naru led Ymir out to the abandoned lot and had him bring back the new table she had grown.

Hakuya seemed surprised to see the table.

“Where’d you find this? He asked her.

“Oh, I made it” Naru said casually.

“You made it?” Hakuya said raising his eyebrows.

“I uhhh grew up in a village outside the city where we did woodwork” Naru said.

“I see” Hakuya seemed to narrow his eyes scrutinizing Naru. She looked away in response, hiding from Hakuya’s gaze.

“Whatever, Ymir toss out that old table over there replaces it with this new one.” Hakuya said pointing to one of the more messed up tables in the bar.

Ymir grunted in response and went to carry out Hakuya’s order.

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