I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

Chapter 21: Mystery

The bar seemed livelier than usual. Rather, it was likely because the bar had become much more popular in recent days. The new furniture that Naru had made coupled with her cleaning had brought in new patrons and thus the bar was beginning to gain a bit of popularity.

Despite this increase in business, Hakuya seemed slightly annoyed and he seemed to watch her with suspicion, although she had been able to explain why she was able to come up with new furnishings it seemed like he still didn’t completely believe her. At the very least he didn’t press the issue so Naru kept going on with her life without paying it much attention.

“It’s too busy!” Hakuya would often shout in contrast, Ymir was as stoic as always.

It was still at a manageable amount though, although their bar had become slightly cleaner and more well put together it was still an establishment for the plebeian customer.

No matter how much the bar clean itself up it would always just be a normal bar.

It wasn’t like Naru was trying to make the bar into something else, instead, she was just trying to make herself a bit more comfortable in the space.

Naru had begun to notice a curious phenomenon. Often, there were customers who would come to see Hakuya. While Naru initially assumed that they were regulars and wished to just say hi to Hakuya she often saw him pull them into a back room and talked to them.

Naru watched them with mild interest and went about her work. She was not one to pry into Hakuya’s business.

It was then, too her surprise, when Hakuya asked her to come into the room with him and one of these patrons.

It was one of the back rooms where cleaning supplies. This person who came to see Hakuya wore a hood that obscured his face.

Once Naru was in the room with the patron and Hakuya the patron pulled off his hood to reveal an old man.

The man was normal looking, but carried a refined air around him as if he came from money.

“This is the girl?” He said looking at Naru narrowing his eyes.

“Hakuya, what is the meaning of this,” Naru asked eyeing the man in front of her.

Hakuya put his arms in front of him feigning innocence.

“Ah, it’s nothing important. Are you free tomorrow?” he suddenly asked.

“Why?” Naru asked back. Tomorrow was her day off, and she didn’t have any plans to do anything, besides exploring the city.”

“I was wondering if it would be possible for you, to help watch a girl tomorrow,” Hakuya asked.

This time it was Naru’s turn to raise her eyebrows. It was a fairly innocent request but also felt odd.

“What girl?” She asked.

“It’s just an acquaintance of mine, the person who was meant to be watching her bailed last minute and my ‘friend’ here needed someone to watch her.”

“Have Ymir do it, it’s my day off,” Naru said instantly pushing the task back to Hakuya.

“I’m sorry but it would be better if you watched her. Ymir is a bit… Imposing after all. I’ll tell you what, I’ll pay you to double okay!” Hakuya said clasping his hands in front of him and bowing.

Naru sighed, it was an attractive proposal. Double pay to watch a girl for a day

“Alright, I just have to watch her, right?” Naru said.

“Well, she is going around the town, so yeah, make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble and such. This guy will fill you in on the details” Hakuya explained. He pointed to the man next to him.

“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Hakuya has told me quite a bit about you,” The man said bowing politely. Naru could see to the sheen of his balding head as he bowed.

“Pfft, I’m just a temp, don’t get to know me too well,” Naru said.

“I’m sure you will do well.” The man said smiling, ignoring Naru’s rude response.

He told Naru a place to meet with the girl and also some instruction on when to bring her back.

Naru listen closely and noted the times, it would look bad on her employer, Hakuya if she was late or made a mistake. Despite her nonchalant attitude, she was actually rather serious when it came to her work. A holdover from her old life.

“Be sure to keep her safe,” The man said.

“Yeah, Yeah” Naru explained.

It was just babysitting after all.

Babying sitting right? Also, we got trending Saturday! Thanks folks, and welcome new readers.

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