I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

Chapter 22: Babysitting

The very next day Naru went to the location that the Hakuya's acquaintance told her and waited. It was a fountain in the classier part of the town that was inside the wall. Although the day was warm the steady mist that came of the fountain cooled the surroundings.

Naru was told that the person she would be watching during the day was a girl and she would be led by her escort. The sun approached midday and Naru was beginning to worry the girl might not show up

[I still get paid if she doesn’t come right…] she thought apprehensively.

Her fears were soon abated when she saw a large figure accompanying a small girl.

The girl was around 7 years of age and had brilliant azure hair. While having colored hair was not particularly rare in this world it did seem to be a trait that the rich had rather than the average commoner.

From what, Naru could tell the hair was not dyed in any sort of way and was naturally colored.

She thought it was odd especially since she came from Japan where the norm was dark black/brown hair, but since this was a new world, she brushed away such concerns.

Despite her beautiful hair though, she still had fairly average looks with a smattering of freckle and looked like any other girl.

The man next to her was broad shoulders with a scraggly beard, despite the fact he was wearing a cloak Naru could see the outline of a metal armor underneath it. She assumed that he was some sort of armed escort, that was paid by the girl’s family.

The girl seemed to be a sour mood as she approached Naru with her escort.

“Why isn’t Camille-ane here! I want Camille-ane!”

“Now, now, Georgina, you know Camille-ane is busying on maternity leave right now.”

“I don’t care I want Camille-Ane!” The girl protested further.

The man seemed to have an exasperated expression as he dealt with the child next to him.

[Oh great… A brat.] Naru thought. Naru had never been particularly good around children and the thought that she would have to supervise this rude girl was not something that she looked forward too.

“Hello, I’m Naru I was told to come here?” Naru said at the pair as the approach her.

The girl seemed to turn away as she looked at the man next to her. The man next to her gave an apologetic smile in response

“I apologize, this girl can be a bit of a handful. I take it you’re the person who was hired to watch the young lady?”

Naru nodded in response.

“You’re wearing a hat in the presence of me! How rude! I hate you” The girl said sticking out her tongue and giving Kotori a raspberry.

[This girl…] Naru thought.

She gave a polite smile, Naru who was forged in the fire of Japanese customer service was still able to deal with the girl in front of her.

“Hello, young lady. My name is Naru and I going to watch you today” Naru said while giving an inviting smile.

The girl seemed to pout further and ignored her.

The man seemed slightly distressed by the girl’s reaction.

“I’m sorry, this girl is usually accompanied by her maid, but as you might’ve heard she recently had a child and couldn’t work.

Naru nodded as she heard the explanation.

“So all I have to do is watch her”

The man nodded and then handed her a large heavy bag.

Naru opened the bag to see several glittery golden coins, she was surprised to see so many. Gold coins were the largest denomination of money in this city and the entire bag was full of them.

“This is the young lady's allowance, use it to buy anything she wants. If she runs out. Let her know she will handle it.” The man explained.

Naru nodded acknowledging his instruction.

[Such a large amount… is it even possible to use this all?] Naru thought looking at the large bag of gold.

A single gold piece was enough to buy a small house and inside the bag were at least 30 of them.

The man pulled out one of the coins and handed it Naru.

“Here this is your payment.” The man said.

“Eh?” Naru said in response.

Nar was already expected to be paid by Hakuya but the man in front of her handed her an entire gold coin.

He smiled in response.

“Consider it an apology fee, don’t worry, her father approved it” he said.

[Rich people…] Naru thought in disdain.

If the girl’s father had enough money to give such a small fortune away then the girl was even more privileged than she thought. That, or her father, was generous. Naru assumed the latter.

“Well I’ll be leaving her in your care,” the man said He gave a polite bow and walked off leaving Naru to her own devices with the annoying girl in front of her.

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