I Don’t Know but it Seems Like I’m a Deer!

Chapter 23: Treats

“Hello Georgine,” Naru said putting on her best customer service smile.

Naru was instantly greeted with the back of the blue-haired scalp.

“I don’t talk to commoners, today you are just my money holder and that’s all you will ever be” the girl said.

“Of course,” Naru said.

The girl was unpleasant but Naru was not one to take it personally, the girl was evidently spoiled rotten by her father.

Georgina started walking in a direction and trailed behind her. The area they were in was filled with several high-class shops. The vast majority of them seemed to cater to the city elite.

They all had elegant and well-made signboards and the staff all wore expensive and neat clothing.

The store that Georgine walked into was a candy-type store. Naru had never been in this part of town and thus was actually intrigued to see what they held.

The candy store was not what Naru expected. In fact, when Naru entered the store she didn’t even see any candy. The store entered into a small reception area where they were led down a hall to a private room.

The room was large with several couches and a coffee table.

“We have been awaiting you ms. Georgine” the polite receptionist lady told them.

“Bring me the seasonal treats” She said.

“I will relay your orders to the chef”

The receptionist bowed and left Naru and Georgine alone. Naru began to sit on one of the couches before she was instantly reprimanded by Georgine.

“Don’t sit there! You’ll make it dirty with your commoner clothes!” She petulantly protested.

Naru internally sighed.

[Brat] She thought.

Naru brushed off a small corner in the room and sat on it seiza style. She would’ve preferred a cushion but Naru didn’t mind.

Soon a waiter brought in a tier table filled to the brim with all sorts of pastries and treats. Naru Saw Georgine’s eyes light up upon seeing it.

The waiter looked at Naru with a sympathetic look and spoke to Georgine.

“Should I bring a small chair for the young lady?” He asked Georgine.

“She is fine, Ignore her,” Georgine told the waiter.

“Don’t mind me” Naru said giving a polite smile. She appreciated the thought at the very least. It seemed like the people working at this establishment were like her normal commoners.

The waiter bowed and left the food in the room.

Georgine dug into the treats with Gusto. Still, her high-class sensibility prevented her from eating too quickly and she seemed to hate the fact, her movements were quite deft and in just a few minutes she had demolished half of the sweets that were given to her.

[Where does she put it away?] Naru thought looking at the girl. Georgine was quite slim and even though she ate quite a bit of calorie-dense food it didn’t seem like it affected her figure at all.

Well, Naru couldn’t be one to complain either. She also ate a large amount of food herself. Naru assumed it had something to do with the fact that she could cast magic but she didn’t think too deeply about it. She was also immune to gaining weight, still, that also meant she had a rather slim build overall with very little “extra fat” so to speak.

Georgine quickly demolished the treats in front of her and was not daintily wiping her mouth with a handkerchief she pulled from her pocket. She gave a yawn.

“I’m taking a nap” she said and then immediately laid down on the couch.

It only took her a few moments before she had fallen asleep and was not soft breathing.

[Mou, don’t you know you’ll get fat like that, eating and then going to sleep] Naru thought.

She didn’t say anything for the simple reason that the peace and quiet was nice. In fact, she was enjoying the fact this job was so easy. The jabs that Georgine made towards her didn’t faze her and she was happy to have made so much money.

[The irony of a deer being so excited to make money] Naru thought bitterly.

There was a small knock on the door and a face peered it. It was one of the waiters. Naru pointing to Georgine and made a shushing motion.

The man nodded and gestured for Naru. She stood up as quietly as she could and exited the room with the man.

“Hello, I’m here to collect the payment. Don’t worry about the lady she can nap in the room as long as she wants”

Naru nodded and then pulled out the bag of coins the armored man gave her earlier.

She counted out the requisite coins and handed them to the waiter.

“Do you want to wait with the young lady? Since, you’re her retainer can prepare a waiting space for you” The waiter asked.

“Don’t bother, I’m just a random hired babysitter” Naru said.

“I see, regardless we can still prepare the room,” the waiter said politely. He gave another expression like he was pitying Naru.

Naru rolled her eyes.

“Look it’s fine, I’ll look after her don’t worry about me” She said. Although it would be nice to wait in another room, Naru still had an obligation to watch the girl and she wanted to stay close.

The waiter didn’t press further and instead gave a small bow before leaving.

Naru watched his back for a moment before she went back into the room with Georgine. She tenderly closed the door and kneeled in the corner of the room she was in before.

Inhalers are nice.


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