I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 171

Chapter 171 Puppet and sword

“Well, we won’t discuss this kind of small opportunity. How long will it take, Polk?” Leo stopped talking and asked about the remaining distance.

“Morning, it will probably be more than a long time. At night, we will be able to reach that place.” Polk shrugged and began to concentrate on manipulating the windfly puppets to prevent powerful monsters from appearing around. A distance of one kilometer should be enough to avoid danger.

The two of them were on the road most of the time, occasionally chatting, eating a few mouthfuls of dried meat right after lunch, until the night, they came to a bare crack near.

This fissure is about a hundred meters long and five to six meters wide, and looks like a bolt of lightning. The strange thing is that within a few hundred meters of the fissure there are bare, without a trace of flowers or trees.

“Leo, it’s coming soon. But I want to check it out. Once I came over and I found a wind-winged mantis eating a clefthoof horn from a distance. I was so scared that I turned my head and left, but thought of the wind-winged mantis. It can fly, and can only hide by gritting its teeth. Later, the windfly puppet found that it had left, and it took another day to let go and enter the tower.” Polk stopped and said while manipulating the windfly puppet. After investigating around for at least ten minutes, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Okay, luck. I didn’t find it this time.” Polk turned over and got off his horse, walked towards the rift, took out a long rope, tied one end to a stone, and threw the remaining rope down the rift.

Leo laughed and said: “You are very brave. Do you dare to come to the place where the wind-winged mantis appears? If it finds it, at its abnormal speed, even one kilometer can’t save your life! ”

Polk shrugged and said: “I saw it once, and I was very careful every time I came over, but I never saw it again. I should just be passing by.”

As he said, he paused, and while clinging to the rope skillfully, he climbed down, and said: “Leo, the bottom is very deep, probably no less than a hundred meters. I will go down first, and you will wait until I get to the bottom. Go down the rope.”

Leo nodded and watched Polk climb to the bottom from above the rift. He ordered Shuang and climbed down.

After Frost came down, Leo looked at the bottom of the rift and found that it was just an empty space without any abnormality.

“Pok, are you sure that the tower you are talking about is here?” Leo frowned and asked a little puzzled.

“Of course, I can sleep with Linlin in my arms at home, but I ran to such a place just to fool you, do you think it is possible? That place is not accessible at any time, only from zero to five a day. The door will open in between, and there is no abnormality in normal times. Just wait patiently.” Polk explained as he took out his portable lighting props and books, and spent the time leisurely reading.

Leo shrugged and sat down, touching Shuangyi’s head, waiting patiently.

It was midnight at last, and Leo hadn’t reacted yet, Polk pointed to the ground, and then ran along a spiral staircase that appeared abruptly on the ground.

“Five minutes!” Leo shouted loudly, wondering what he was anxious for.

“The road is very long, you have to run the spiral ladder in five minutes!” Polk replied while sprinting. Leo didn’t make a sound at this time, and followed him all the way, running for about six hundred spiral staircases, and finally reached the bottom.

The entrance is an underground space. A few hundred meters away, a dilapidated and collapsed tower stands tall. The high tower is like being cut by a sword. The bottom layers stand up, and the upper ones fall to the ground and become horizontal.

“Leo, it’s there. I have taken the first floor, and I can’t do anything about the second floor. There may still be something on the third floor.” Polk said, taking Leo cautiously upwards. Go to the tower.

When he reached the entrance of the upper half of the tower, Leo was slightly stunned. Because it was a horizontal fall, the stairs that were originally upward became forward, which was very troublesome. Seeing Polk climbing in expertly, Leo could only bite the bullet and follow the stairs, climbing step by step.

After climbing three floors, a stone figurehead appeared in front of him.

“This is the puppet that guards the first-level prescriptions and spell books. The thing has been taken away by me, and it has also been destroyed by me. It has been scrapped.” Polk explained and continued on. After another level, a puppet with a similar appearance appeared in front of the two of them.

“Leo, that’s it. This is the second-level puppet. Look at the book behind it? It’s the second-level spell book, and the second-level boiling potion formula should be in it.”

Polk’s words made Leo’s heart suddenly moved, thinking about it and asking: “You mean, as long as you get the spell book, you don’t need to defeat the puppet?”

“That’s it, but does it make a difference? It won’t let anyone pass.” Polk looked at Leo somewhat weirdly, and said puzzledly.

“Well, there may be a difference. But, let’s fix the one in front of you first.” Leo said, considering whether to do it himself. But after thinking about it, he gave up and decided to try Shuangyi’s strength.

“Go to Shuangyi, take it apart, and bring me that spell book.” Leo issued an order. The Shuang who was following him whispered immediately, and quickly rushed towards the stone puppet.

The stone puppet remained motionless, until Shuang Yi plunged into within ten meters, its eyes suddenly lit up, raised the huge stone sword in his hand, and struck Shuang Yi with a sword.

The shell of Shuangyi first turned off-white and then lit up some weird patterns, which turned out to directly activate the abilities of the Stone Armored Rhinoceros and the Devious Beetle. Moreover, its figure disappeared the moment the stone sword smashed, and when it reappeared, it had rushed to the puppet’s side, and began to circle the puppet quickly, at an amazing speed.

The puppet stone sword slashed at it, almost always avoided by it with a slight speed advantage.

At the same time, this guy used the talents of Wind Bird, Stone Armored Rhinoceros, Void Shadow Snake, and Deflection Beetle almost at the same time, and seemed to have no burden. Leo has the urge to hide his face, level two basic qualities, is it really that easy to bear the consumption of level one talent?

When Frost stopped suddenly, Leo realized that it was spinning around the puppet. The white and cold Frost silk had already wrapped around the puppet’s body, and it seemed that victory was in sight.

“Be careful of Leo, this puppet is not only powerful and amazing, but the stone sword in his hand is a very powerful weapon!” Polk warned loudly on the side.

Leo was taken aback, before he had time to warn Shuang Yi, the puppet suddenly roared to the sky, and the stone sword in his hand suddenly lit up with a dazzling light. He whirled around and chopped a few times, unexpectedly cutting off all the silk.

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