I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 172

Chapter 172 Windwing Praying Mantis

After    cut off the Shuangsi, it slashed frantically towards Shuangyi, with simple and sharp swordsmanship and superb power. What’s more terrifying is that the stone sword in its hand shines with a dazzling light, and it is extremely sharp, making Shuang feel threatened instinctively, and he does not dare to resist.

“This… Polk, the power of this sword looks terrifying. If you say that the first-level puppet has similar weapons, how did you defeat the first-level puppet?” Leo looked at Shuangyi in shock. Avoiding the puppet’s attack, with no resistance, frowned and asked Polk.

“I’m a warlock! I don’t need to fight melee, and I don’t care whether the sword is sharp or not. Just keep the distance and find a way to break its defenses. Leo, the long sword must be restricted. I suspect it is a second-level extraordinary. Weapons are powerful enough to threaten the strong knight, and your pet will be miserable if you get hit.” Polk replied hurriedly, suggesting anxiously.

Leo thought for a while, and immediately took out the Slow Realm, the magic energy was poured in, and a khaki light shone on the puppet, immediately reducing its speed by a large amount.

“Leo, it’s not very useful, its spell resistance is very high… My God, what is that?” Polk said halfway, suddenly pointed to the stairs leading to the next floor, and screamed in terror. .

Leo turned his head and saw that a small triangular head about the size of a human head protruded from the stairs and was looking at Leo and Polk coldly with a pair of compound eyes.

“Yes, yes, it’s the wind, the wind, the wind-winged mantis! Damn it, how could it be here? Leo, I, I think we are dead!” Polk took two steps back in an instant, and his face was bloody. Faded, shuddering all over for a second, suddenly turned around and fled out of the tower without saying a word.

Leo didn’t even have the mind to blame the resentment at this time. He recalled Shuangyi while nervously alert. Because that green head slowly exposed its whole body, it really was a huge mantis that was huge, one person tall, and two swords as wide as one person.

“It’s dying, it’s really Windwing Mantis!” Leo swallowed dryly, and couldn’t think of any countermeasures for a while.

Wind Wing Mantis belongs to the third-level strange beast of the wind system, and it is the third-level high-level strange beast. It is extremely fast and can fly. At the beginning, the black ridge bear Rio could be far away for a while, but if it was replaced by a wind wing mantis, then don’t dream. Even if he was irradiated by the slow realm, Leo used all the means, and it was estimated that he would not be able to escape its pursuit.

“What to do? The door of the underground passage is open for at least one day and one night. How to avoid this alien beast in this space? Do you want to use the teleport bracelet again?” Leo muttered in his heart, his face full of unwillingness. Look.

At this moment, as Shuang reached Leo, the puppet did not chase him, but returned to the spell book position. Interestingly, the location of the spell book is not far from the stairs on the second and third floors, and the figure of the wind-wing mantis is right next to the puppet, less than three meters away from the spell book.

The puppet would not have any fear or fear, and immediately spotted a new intruder, and rushed towards the wind-wing mantis in a roaring stride. The wind-winged praying mantis showed real anger in his eyes, and his figure suddenly fluttered, teleporting generally appeared in front of the puppet, raising his sword arm and cutting it away.

“Good opportunity!” Leo yelled in his heart, and his figure flashed to the stairs on the first and second floors, and fled down as quickly as possible. As for Shuangyi? Leo gave it an order to stop the intersection for a second and then escape by himself. As for whether he could escape, he couldn’t control it.

“Hey, what about Polk? How could he run so fast?” Leo teleported out of the tower three times in a row. There was no sign of Polk in the empty underground space. He shook his head suspiciously, and suddenly heard a strong roar in his ear, as if some kind of mechanical disintegration sound.

Don’t think too much, the puppet must have been taken down by the wind-winged mantis. He no longer cared about where Polk was hiding. While ordering Frost to wrap around the wind-winged mantis, he made three consecutive shadow jumps and reached a bump. On the uneven mud ground, he took out the mud-marked cloak to cover his body, curled his body, and disappeared into the mud all at once.

From the outside, it seems that the muddy ground has suddenly risen a bit, which is very inconspicuous.

Just after Leo hid his body, the figure of the wind-winged mantis appeared at the exit of the tower. The green head looked around, and quickly made a realistic smelling action, and then showed a very anthropomorphic mocking expression. Slowly raised his head and looked at the top of his head.

Leo was thirty meters away, looking at the wind-wing mantis from a nail-sized transparent cloth on the mud-stained cloak. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the five meters above the gate of the tower seemed a bit strange. You can’t notice it when you scan it, but if you look at it carefully for a while, you will find that the color there is slightly different from other places.

“As expected to be a warlock, there are so many methods I have even been deceived, thinking how far he has escaped.” Leo exclaimed in his heart, and also found that the wind-wing mantis seemed to rely on the smell. Found the location of Polk. It just so happens that the mud-stained cloak can completely shield the breath, but there is no such concern.

didn’t know if Polk saw my location. . . Leo flashed a trace of worry, and then saw the Windwing Mantis slowly flapping its wings to float up. It happened to be in the position where Polk was hiding, with a pair of cold compound eyes staring ahead.

Just as Leo sighed, Polk shouted with a desperate crying tone: “Leo, the boiling potion formula and some other things, I just threw it ten meters to the right of the entrance to the tower. It shouldn’t Will be interested. Also, the secret language of the adventure agreement is boiling blood. You use the secret language to retrieve the five thousand gold coins I pressed in the warlock hall, and give them to Linlin along with my other things, and give the medicine formula and the spell book to Linlin. You, please!”

As he yelled to the end, he burst out magical energy frantically, shooting out a series of terrifying red flame arrows, directly at the wind-wing mantis.

“The burning rocket inspired by the chain!” Leo’s face paled slightly. Scorching Rocket is a very powerful and expensive one of the first-level spells, but it is absolutely impossible for a first-level warlock to fire it continuously. Polk seems to have inspired some kind of explosive method to do this.

However, facing the mighty and powerful serial burning rockets, the wind-wing mantis just twisted his head coldly and leisurely, and then did not move anything, letting these surprisingly powerful burning rockets blast on it.

A layer of light blue wind-type beasts can envelop it, blocking all the burning rockets motionlessly, without even a trace of fluctuations.

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