I Don’t Want To Court Death!

Chapter 53: I’m Back, Yang Yang

The moonlight concentrated on the diabolical spell circle. The masked figure chanted thousands of syllables, and a bright silver alter emerged from the spell circle. It depicted scenes of carnage, wars from ancient times, deaths of gods and angels, legions of skeletons and fiends, and the fall of heroes and champions.


Above them all was a goddess in white who stared at the chaos below with an indifferent expression. On her left was the corpse of a young woman who was chained to a rock with her innards removed from the pecking of a crow; on her right was the corpse of a young man who was hanged from a tree with his body roasting in hellfire. 


The alter oozed auras of death, blood, slaughter, madness, despair, misery, darkness, disease, and more. Everything and anything vile and evil perfectly defined this alter. 


The masked figure pulled out a black jar from his cloak and brought out a golden flame, burning with majesty and holiness. Yet, the flame shuttered as if it was avoiding the silver alter and began to fade away. However, Slaughter Lightning suppressed the golden flame from leaving. 


He presented the golden flame to the silver alter, and it ignited. The masked continuing praying while reciting an incantation. "Let the stars move again; return the cycles of the sun and moon. Release the Heaven and unravel the Earth. The river of time shall flow again; let history start anew. Reincarnation Magic: Ultimate Death!" 


When he finished reciting the incantation, the living world froze in time. The stars dimmed and the moon brighten. The ringing of mourning bells echoed out along with a chorus of haunting whispers. The black grasses within a thousand meter radius withered and ceased regenerating. Any animals in that vicinity had also died; their corpses dropped to the ground and decayed at an alarming rate. Beside the masked figure, any organic matter within a thousand meters to the alter had been exterminated. 


The golden flame burned away the silver alter, and the ghostly noises died out. High in the sky, a blue phantom floated down in nimble steps and entered the white marble coffin.  The coffin trembled, and the masked figure opened his eyes with anxiety. Without any warning whatsoever, a feeble voice sounded out coffin. "Little... Hong?" 


"Big Sister! Big Sister!" Little Hong tore off his mask, revealing his handsome and demonic visage with sharp, red eyes. Those eyes were usually cold and indifferent, but now, they were soaked with tears of joy. 


"Still... such a cry baby... Little Hong?" The feeble voice said. Little Hong laughed, his voice rang like little chiming bells and was pleasant to the ears. 


"Big Sister, I missed you so much! After the destruction of the family, I ran away. I was haunted by the the family's destruction, grandpa's death, and your gruesome execution. If I only I was strong enough back then, your body would not had split in half like that..." Little Hong weep while laughing. A tinge of madness was noticeable from his tone. 


However, the feeble voice did not seem to care about that madness. "It's fine... because you... listened to my advice... You followed the... instructions... I left behind... and resurrected me... Thank you... Little Hong." 


Little Hong grinned shyly and wiped away his tears. "Big Sister, are you okay in there? Should I bring you some food or some medicinal plants? How about clothing? Should I bring a new dress?" 


The feeble voice was silent for minutes. After some thinking, it said, "Yes... do all of that... I'll wait here... and don't worry about... me..." 


He stood up and puffed up his chest. "Okay, Big Sister! I'll be back soon! When I'm back, I'll bring you the best dress that this land has to offer!" 


Little Hong coated himself in Slaughter Lightning and leaped up, disappearing into tiny red sparks. In the far, far distance, screams of terror echoed out for one moment and died at the next moment. 


The coffin's lid shook before being lifted up by a small, thin hand. The hand, and the arm by extension, was so thin that it looked like skin on bone, rather than flesh. When the coffin's lid was removed, a slender figure in a ripped white dress emerged from the coffin. Although it was difficult to tell, a person could make out that the figure was indeed female. 


"Hah... such little... life force... I need more..." The slender figure stretched her thin limbs and stood up. The moonlight shone above her head and revealed her white hair, which was so long that it was over three times her height. It was as though the hair grew while the half-corpse was still rotting. 


After stretching her limbs, the slender figure took a step out of the coffin and inhaled a deep breath. In an instance, every living thing within ten-thousand meters withered away. Green life force from the dead organisms flowed directly to her and increased her body mass. Although she was still slender, her body had regained its original appearance. 


"Ah... it's so nice to take a breath of fresh air for once!" She began to walk slowly as though she was practicing the motion of walking. "So this is what it is like to have a human body. It's pretty nice, but a little foreign. At least my original plan worked out perfect. Not only do I have a new, talented ally, I even managed to slow down darling's progress. That's killing three bird with one stone!" 


She danced around the desolate grassland and her white dress flowed in the wind. The girl with white hair turned around and stared at the moon. Without any grasses to block the moonlight, it naturally illuminated her image. 


Now that she had more body mass, the curvature of her alluring figure was pleasing to the eyes. Her skin was pale, but beautiful and clear. Her long, white hair dragged on the ground below her, but was spotless and clean. Her face was fantastically beautiful, something that could bring down nations and stars alike. It was almost impossibly gorgeous, as though it defied the magical laws of the universe. 


However, what overwhelmed that great beauty were her black eyes, cold and dangerous. They were heavy and dark, like black holes, and threatened to dim every light in existence. It was something that sought to swallow the moon, devour the sun, and eat the stars. Not even the strong moonlight of the night reflected from those eyes.


Her eyes were like two abysses, containing the primordial darkness of the universe. It was as though if a person gaze in the darkness, it were these black eyes that gaze back at them with frigidity. Her eyes contained no semblance of life whatsoever. The eyes did not merely represented the destruction of the universe, they were an expression of nothingness or universal termination.


"Hmph! That old sea bastard dare sealed me for so long. If I don't make sure every member of his bloodline is dead, then I'll write my name backwards as punishment!” The girl stomped her feet on the ground. 


“Ah, but darling can be so gullible sometimes. He didn't expect me in the slightest. I was nervous when he first arrived, but I didn't expect my disguise to work out so well. Of course, I had to knock him down a few times, that persistent boy. Though, that is also what makes him cute." The girl in white squealed and giggled like any other young girl when excited. 


"I definitely need to reward that bloody child and his kid; they did a pretty good job. It’s time for me to find the other missing servants. Ah! Those other two people as well. Only when I get those two will everything be whole again. Now, it's time to go." The girl stared into the distance and noticed streaks of red lightning flashed. She returned her dark gaze back to the moon and then started running to Little Hong's direction. 


"Back then, the moon was also out for us, right?" She said with a smile. "I'm back, Yang Yang!" 


End of Arc 2



That's the end of Arc 2! The end of Arc 1 and 2 means the "first part" of the story is completed. To be honest, this is more like the "prologue" than the beginning of the story. These past 53 chapters were me practicing my skills and trying to build a world, flesh out some characters, practice how to include details, and write a decent plot before things get a little more... crazy. The next part will be the "beginning" of the story since the essential aspects of the story had been established and I can focus on what's really important: Best Girl (I’ll let you guess who’s that going to be). 

Will Yang Yang realize his mistakes soon? Will Fei Fei get that sweet ass? Will someone else take the object of her desires? Will Yang Yang become a god before Fei Fei can catch him? Or will he receive the Kiss of Death?

Find out next time on I Don't Want To Court Death! 

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