I Don’t Want To Court Death!

Chapter 54: To You, In the Next Life

The morning sun was high in the sky and smiled rays of warm sunlight to the lush earth. By the grassy riverbank near a village, a young man was dragging a boy with him; they both wore the same styled robes. The young man placed down two wooden chairs and passed one of his fishing rods to the boy. 


The boy dodged the fishing rod, and it fell to the ground. He looked at the young man with a disgruntled expression. "Why are we out here again, old man?" 


The young man smiled and slapped the boy's head with the fishing rod. As the boy screamed, the young man sat down and said, "You have been causing a lot of trouble at the monastery lately. The younger monks had filed their complaints about you." 


"Tch! Just a bunch of snitches." The boy grabbed the fishing rod and sat down on the other wooden chair. "So, why are we out here again?" 


The fishing rods’ hooks landed into the river. The pair used tiny balls of dough as bait. Although worms or other insects would be more effective baits, these dough balls worked well enough. The boy was struggling to steadily hold the fishing rod, while the young man was calmly holding the fishing rod with his hands above the bamboo grip and his feet clasping the bottom. The young man took a breath of fresh air and allowed the morning wind to blow right through his hair. 


"The art of fishing can calm your mind and allow you to connect with the essence of nature. Do you remember the story of the fisherman in the sky? They say people are fishes, the river is the universe, the fishing rod is fate, and the fisherman is the creator. Everyday, new life begins and old life ends. That is because of the fisherman's work. By doing the art of fishing, we become closer to the creator and-" 


The boy spitted on the ground. "Cut the crap, old man. I remember the aunties said something about it being salmon season. You just want to fish here because meat isn't allowed in the monastery." 


Looking a little embarrassed with redden cheeks, the young man coughed. “Preposterous! I would never do something so outrageous!” 


He reached into his robe robe and took out a piece of sand-colored paper. The young man passed it to the boy who looked at it with confused eyes. “That’s a blank reincarnation talisman. They say that the river also represents time. By inscribing a wise phrase or message into that reincarnation talisman, your next reincarnation will receive the message in his lifetime and live accordingly to that message. Pretty cool, huh?” 


“Whoa! I heard of these, but they’re super, super rare!” The boy looked at the sand-colored paper again but with joy. He looked at the young man and snickered, “Hmph! Trying to bribe me, old man? Seriously, adults are worst!” 


Although he said that, the boy grabbed a nearby stone and dusted it. When enough dust gathered on the stone, he leaned down and wrote on the reincarnation talisman. The young man peeked over, but could not see the writing. When the boy was done, he rolled the paper and tossed it into the river. 


He clasped his hands together and prayed: “To you, in the next life.” 


It floated gently on the river’s surface for a while before sinking down. The boy picked up his fishing rod and leaned back into the chair. 


“What did you write?” The young man asked. 


The boy stuck his tongue out. “Bleh! Not telling you.” 


Loud screeching and angry laughter rang out by the riverbank. A cool breeze passed through the peaceful village while the sun shined as warmly as ever. 




In Princess Jasmine's room, Yang Yang opened his eyes and looked around. The light of dawn seeped through the curtains to tell him that it was morning. 


After leaving the Macabre Child’s Forest, Yang Yang warped the memories of the chiliarchs into thinking they had underwent a great battle and barely escaped with their life intact, which was not far from the truth. He left them at the cave’s entrance before members of the Ivory Royal Army or House of Wu came by and saw him. 


Luckily, the world-tier warship had an invisibility spell formation so he avoided any detection. As for the legacy students, he didn’t bother to change anything in their heads other than including memories of him helping them from danger. Again, not far from the truth, but their time in the Sacred Cult would forever remain hidden. 


However, the hardest choices came when he had to decide on the state of the Seventh Sister Jade and the other people. He gave it many thoughts before reversing the effects of the Arcane Abyss’ magical laws so they retained their memories. Since they were his followers, Yang Yang felt obligated to not mess with their memories without great reasons. Especially the Bone Squad, whose experiences made them what they were, and were his first followers. 


Yang Yang directly returned to Ivory Royal Institute with the world-tier warship and gave the spiritual-tier warship to the Hall of Merit and Virtue. When the receptionist saw him brought back the legacy students, she was so shock that she sent a message to the higher-ups and a Wisdom King administrator received him. 


After obtaining the two golden-merits, Yang Yang cashed them in. Now, he only had a debt of one golden-merit to his name. Since the princess was temporarily inactive, he paid the golden-merits in her name. When he left the Hall of Merit and Virtue, the administrator told him that the high-ranking elders, who put up the rescue mission, wished to speak to him in five days. 


Yang Yang wanted to asked questions, but his student medallion received a message from the chancellor. Apparently, over the last two years when he left to the Arcane Abyss, Princess Jasmine had been releasing extreme levels of magical power and auras of wrath, madness, and, strangely enough, envy. 


At one point, her supreme might was so powerful that it shattered all the protective wards around her and Chancellor Dugu had to step in to place seals on her. Sometimes, her magical power would release at normal level, and at other times, she would destroy the entire room. Even her transformation had grown crazily and her horns stabbed through the walls of the bedroom. 


In the words of Chancellor Dugu, “These last two years were a shitshow.”


However, when Yang Yang arrived in the Ivory Royal Institute’s territory, the supreme might eased. When he arrived next to her bedside, that supreme might had completely disappeared. It was like a warm spring that had arrived after frigid winter. 


Chancellor Dugu left with teary eyes after thanking Yang Yang, who stayed behind to look after Princess Jasmine. After some time, Yang Yang naturally fell asleep. After a great two year journey, sleep was something he needed. It was the best method to recover his sea of consciousness, even better than meditation, after strenuous times. 


The next morning was the second day since he returned to the Ivory Royal Institute. 


Yang Yang stood up and walked to the bathroom. He turned on the lights, stared into the mirror, and noticed the tears streaming down his face. He quickly began washing his face to freshen up. After he wiped away the water with a towel, he hastily left the bathroom. He sat down in his meditation room and started cultivating. 


“How ridiculous... to have that dream again...” 


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