I Don’t Want To Court Death!

Chapter 56: Ghostly Possession

So I'm changing most of the characters' names to pinyin, but I will keep especially important names like "Ivory Jasmine" because of its significance later on in story, or "Bone One" because it is not too unusual or it is just a nickname. That's right, the Bone Squad has actual names. Stuff like "Jade-Sword" or "Yang-Phoenix" are actually not birth names, but rather, the special titles that a magus will obtain after a certain level of strength or fame. Kind of like a Daoist title or name. I'll go back and change the other names, as well their chapters overall. Not now, though. Too lazy lol. Stay hydrated~

After learning the backstory to whole fiasco, Yang Yang left the Palace of Elders at dusk. 


It turned out, Yang Che’s affairs were actually a more serious matter than he expected. While polygamy was not unusual in this world, people of high status usually married one person with similar status and then had concubines of lower status. However, Yang Che was playing with the young misses of other Noble Houses. The Noble Houses were prideful. How could let their daughters be the second wife or a concubine? 


Moreover, his ex-fiancee, Yu Fei’er, was the daughter of House Lord Yu Zihao. Marriage was usually a way to form alliances with the other Noble Houses. Yang Che’s affairs could flop the network between the Noble Houses since not all of houses were allies. Some were even archenemies and could only be contained from killing each other by the authority of the Ivory Royal House. 


During the time Yang Yang was meditating, rumors were quickly spreading around about Yang Che’s affairs. By the time he left the Palace of Elders, the rumors had already started spiking. Some people had harsh reactions and mocked Yang Che and the girls. Others were more excited at the drama and gave thumb-ups to Yang Che. 


Most people had mixed reactions. Since the majority of the population of the royal institute were from the nobility, this would sensations. Of course, a few people had mild reactions, like Yang Yang. 


Instead of worrying over Yang Che, and what the House of Yang would have to deal with, Yang Yang was more concerned on his meeting with Elder Jade-Sword. 


Elder Jade-Sword was slightly surprised when Seventh Sister Yu decided that Yang Yang would be her new fiance. Yang Yang tried to object, but the elder put the talk on hold. He did not deny Seventh Sister Yu’s statement at all. Yang Yang remembered that long, suspicious look from Elder Jade-Sword before he left. 


“One thing after another. I just need to check on the princess for a few more days before leaving. I wonder what missions are there th-” The distant call of Seventh Sister Yu’s voice paused his thoughts. “Damn it, what does this kid want now?” 


“Husband, wait for me!” She called out. Yang Yang grumbled, “I’m not your husband yet, Senior Sister Yu.” 


“AHA! ‘Yet’ you say.” Seventh Sister Yu ran to him and out her arms around him. “So that means you accepted my proposal?” 


“Hell no!” Yang Yang was flustered at his slip of the tongue. He opened up his wings, but Seventh Sister Yu still held onto him. “Let go.” 




“Let go.” 


“Not happening.” 


“Let’s go,” He said with a sly grin. Yang Yang grabbed her hands with his left hand. 


“I’m not letting g-.” Before she could finish her sentence, Yang Yang had already ascended to several hundred meters into the air and then zoomed forward at sonic speed. 


“AYYYEEEEE!!! I was just kidding!” 


“My bad, I can’t hear you!” 


“At least slow down!” 


“I’m too slow!? Okay then!” 




Without warning, Yang Yang accelerated to ten times his current speed. He was so fast that to the people below, they looked a blur. Alongside the scandal with Yang Che, there were reports of a squawking bird in the sky on the same day. Although, no one could confirm what it truly was. Thus began the strange tale of the squawking bird, soon to be one of the royal institute’s greatest mysteries. 




Seventh Sister Yu returned to her mansion after Yang Yang dropped her off at the mansion’s entrance. He quite literally unravel her arms around his waist and dropped her from a meter off the ground. She rubbed her behind and carefully sat on her meditation mat. 


“Hmph! What a jerk. I just teased him a little and he got all fussy. Ah, it’s so annoying how cute he can be too. That flustered face was nice to see.” Seventh Sister Yu cheekily smiled to herself. She began toying around with message talisman and connected with old friends. After nine years in the Arcane Abyss, she wanted to relaxed rather than start meditating or cultivate her magical power. 


Scented candles lit around her, creating a soft and sensational atmosphere. Although she could have turned on the mansion’s lights, the scented candles gave her the setting she wanted to enjoy herself in. 


Seventh Sister Yu was leisurely lying around many pillow while talking to her friends. Sometimes she laughed, other times she argued, but most of the time, she was happy. 


In the moon had returned to the sky and night had arrived. Cold wind blew across the Ivory Royal Institute on this day, despite the season being summer. By this time, the most of the students had returned to their residence. The campus outside was dead quiet. Moonlight passed through the window and cast the shadows of trees into the interior of the house. 


The wind outside marched even stronger and invaded the mansion. One candle in the far corner flickered. Seventh Sister Yu did not noticed it. The wind stabbed at the flame even harder, and then the flame died. 


Again, Seventh Sister Yu did not noticed it as she talked to her friends. A second candle flickered, and then extinguished. A third candle flickered, and then extinguished. One by one, the candles were extinguishing. 


“Hm?” Seventh Sister Yu looked over and noticed some candles were missing their flame. Without much thought, she went over and ignited it again. 


“...” One breath of time passed, and one candle extinguished. 


“...” Another breath of time passed, and another candle died. 


“...” A third breath of time passed, and a third candle ended. 


“Tch! Hold on, y’all.” Seventh Sister Yu activated her student medallion to close all the windows. Then, she reignited the candles. “So as I was saying, he...” 


Without any warning whatsoever, every window and door in her mansion burst opened. The wind rushed in with savage ferocity. All of the candles extinguished, leaving trails of smoke to rise into the air like incenses. Seventh Sister Yu was forcefully disconnected from her message talisman and she instantly stood up. She took out a few dozen talismans and some weapons. With shaking knees and a chilling spine, Seventh Sister Yu cried out, “Who’s there!?”


She called out. No one answered. However, a faint, bizarre voice slipped into her ear like a whisper. “H... He...” 


Strangely, that voice seemed far, far away as if it was on the other side of the world, or in an entirely different dimension. “He... He...” 


That voice became clearer and clearer. Until it suddenly stopped into dead silence. Seventh Sister Yu began to activate the mansion’s primary spell formation. Then, the wind came again with the bizarre voice... in greater fury!


“He’s mine!” The ghostly image of a girl in white with red ribbons stormed into the mansion with murderous intentions and deafening screeching. Her crusty skin was cracked in all places, black blood seeped from her empty eye sockets, and phantom bugs crawled in the crevices of her shattered form. She reached out with both bloodless hands with the intention to strangulate. Her rotten jaw opened up with hungry goals. The faces of weeping souls and laughing ghosts reached out their hands from the bottomless mouth. 


“AHHHHH!!!” Seventh Sister Yu took a step back and threw out all her talisman in great panic, but the ghostly girl passed through them all. The red ribbons around the ghostly girl wrapped all around Seventh Sister Yu until she was fully encased by the red ribbons. It was as if she had been mummified. 


The ghostly girl entered the red ribbon encasement. The body twisted and turned for some time, desperately letting out muffled screams, before it stopped moving entirely. Four breath of time later, the red ribbons loosened and Seventh Sister Yu dropped down like an empty husk. 


Her body fell into the pillows, softening her fall. Soon, she raised her head and stared ahead with a blank look in her eyes. She looked down at her body and touched it all over. 


“Yu Fei’er, huh? What a coincidence that the second transformation of the curse brought me this. One down. One more to go.” Seventh Sister Yu laughed. Her overall appearance was the same, but a tinge of red was in her pupils. 


She picked up her student medallion and closed all the doors and windows. Then she leaned back into the pillows again and ignited the scented candles. 


“Hey girl, are you there?” The gentle voice of a young woman jumped out the message talisman. Seventh Sister Yu picked up the message talisman as well and laughed. “Yep. My bad, sister. So as I was saying, he...” 


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