I Got Isekai’d as a Lich into Skyrim!

Chapter 10: The Dragonborn Cometh

Chapter 10: The Dragonborn Cometh

Ivan P.O.V

All Ivan could do was yell out in surprise as he was launched from Alduin, spinning uncontrollably as the world eater flew away. He could distinctly see the smug look on her face as she darted off through the gray skies of the Skyrim mountains, scales still glimmering from far away. 


Though, of course, Ivan didn’t have the luxury to think about any of that. He was currently falling from a few thousand feet up in the air, his arms and legs flailing as gravity took its toll as he plummeted towards the mountainside. 

It’s fine, it’s fine. Right! Tuck and roll! (A/N Do not attempt this IRL, it won’t work at that height)

He struggled as he attempted to flip himself rightside up instead of plummeting head first just before he hit the ground. 

As the snowy ground and trees started to near, he spread his arms and legs to attempt to slow his fall, though this, coupled with his heavy daedric armor, did little to help.

Alright, let’s do this!


Powder-like snow was blasted into the air as Ivan crashed right into the ground. Whatever plan he had to slow his fall would have obviously not worked but he forgot that he was in Skyrim. 

Ivan slowly opened his eyes groggily as he lay spread eagle in the thick snow that had evidently stopped his fall. He wasn’t really sure what would happen if he hadn’t landed somewhere that wasn’t covered in snow but it definitely wouldn’t have been pretty. 

“Ughh! This fucking world can go to hell!”

Ivan groaned as he sat up. He really had to stop getting into shitty situations like this, but in all honesty it could have been a lot worse than it ended up being. 

Alduin, being who she was, was obviously just messing with him up to a point. The dragon-god was arrogant and had a major superiority complex. If she had just dropped a meteor shower or any type of dragon’s breath or shout he would just stop existing. 

<Entered South Skybound Watch> 

He had a bit of trouble getting up due to having nowhere to grip but he eventually managed to stagger to his feet. He glanced at the glowing words in front of him, before looking in front of him to see that he was indeed in front of a watchtower. 

“Wait, isn’t this area right by Helgen?”

Ivan, despite being slightly mentally unstable through this entire”teleported to another world” situation still managed to retain much of his gaming knowledge. One of them was the in-game geography, even though he may not have recognized all the structures names he did recognize his location in Skyrim due to the hours upon hours of grinding. 

He looked at his waist, hoping to see the mace of Molag Bal there but it had disappeared, though Spellbreaker was still attached to his forearm. When Alduin shook him off with that stunt of her’s, the mace had evidently flown out his hand and landed somewhere. 

Looking at the stone watchtower, he could see that it was quite old and rundown. Chunks of stone had fallen from the destroyed structure and lay spread out around the tower. But, among the rubble he saw the sickly green glow of the weapon, light piercing through the snow and rubble.  

He was honestly done with all of this. It had been less than a day since he arrived here but it had been one shit situation after another. He was hungry, even though that wasn’t even technically possible, but he supposed biology didn’t make sense here. 

A gamer lifestyle could not have given him the proper mental fortitude to deal with the stress of a world that was trying to kill him after all. 

Making his way towards the mace, he grabbed it by the hilt and yanked it from the ground. He had pulled it so hard that pieces of dirt and debris flew as he pulled it out.


Gripping the mace, Ivan suddenly turned at the sudden shriek. Blue orbs surrounded his body as he glanced at them before looking at the main culprit, a ghastly semi-translucent hooded woman, a beautiful, cold hooded creature of Skyrim. 

A Wispmother.

The Wispmother let out an ear-splitting shriek as she darted towards him. The temperature immediately dropped around them as the Wispmother raised her arms, orbs of frost magic congregated at her fingertips before she launched it right at him.

Without pause, Ivan raised spellbreaker up. The frost hitting the shield but doing absolutely nothing to it as the shield seemingly just melted the frost off, while deflecting the magic damage. 

Without missing a beat, he stomped forwards through the snow. After the Alduin incident, he really was just about done with everything. Now, even a goddamn Wispmother wanted to go at him. He reeled his arm back, clutching the mace as he approached, unphased, towards the glowing woman who was steadily floating backwards.

Sensing something was amiss (if that wasn’t obvious enough) she attempted to flee the scene by phasing through the watchtower walls but was soon cut off by Ivan.

With one swing, the area that the wispmother had phased through crumbled to dust as he tore a hole in the stone tower, showering himself with dust as the glowing mace responded to his annoyance.

Reeling his arm back, he swung the mace right into the side of the horrified wispmother, tearing right through her corporeal body as she dissipated. 

Blue ectoplasm exploded outwards from her death, covering most of the watchtower in the aftermath of the brutal, one-sided assault of a lich that was just really pissed off at everything. 

He didn’t even bother looking back as he stepped out of the tower once again, sheathing the mace and stared at the sun setting over the horizon. 

Ivan had initially wanted to go to Whiterun, however now that he knew the time period since Alduin had just spawned he knew that it was too risky to go there since the entirety of Skyrim would be in a panicked state. 

Not that much of this mattered anyways as Alduin was probably wreaking havoc over Helgen and the Lich really didn’t want to deal with any of that. 

With that, he reached into his bag to see if there was anything that could get him back or if he needed to physically walk back which would be absolutely terrible. He shifted the items around before he clutched a piece of parchment and pulled it out. 

It was a slightly tattered, yellowing map of Skyrim and on Bleak Falls Barrow there was a glowing dot. With a bit of hesitation, Ivan eventually pressed his finger on the dot.

<Fast Traveling to Bleak Falls Barrow>


Alduin P,O.V

Alduin let out a mighty roar as she neared Helgen. She could feel the heat arising in her blood, just from being in the proximity of the true dragonborn. 

There may be few around but there was only one that could stop her conquest, the one that her father, Akotosh, had chosen for the task. 

She was done following orders as the world eater, though she didn’t look like one she was still a god, yet her one reign that she had just been in had been destroyed in the blink of an eye. She had no one, nothing, and now she found out that someone was trying to kill her so she would be resurrected as the god’s puppet once again. 

She glanced down. The feeling of the dragonborn was unbearable, Dovah blood coursing through the individual as they came out into the open. 

Alduin snarled as she jerked her head around. 

This blasted headache! Which bastard is it down there!? 

She was still far away and couldn’t see what in the world was going on. Dozens of men and women were in the center of the city, some in armor and some in bare rags. 

“Forget it!”

She sped towards the town, wings spread wide as she landed on top of one of the watchtowers while she said it. 

The moment she spoke, a blast of pure energy sent the mortals reeling as they felt the damage of the Thu’um of Alduin, and felt the rage that sent many of them flying.


Alduin roared again as she looked closer at the people scrambling. She couldn’t tell who she was after, all of the mortals running around like scurrying mice did not help her. 

Annoyance plagued her mind as she swiped at a nearby watchtower, tearing it in half and crushing the archer on it in the process before letting out a fiery breath of flames.


Screams filled the air even more than before as many people were ensnared in the flames. People closest to Alduin were immediately charred beyond recognition whilst others were set running around while on fire. 


A volley of arrows clinked against Alduin’s scales as archers took formation against her. She was about to turn towards them to burn them but was stopped when mages joined the fray, hitting her in the chest with Adept level frost spells, pushing her back in her weakened form. 


Alduin was feeling discomfort from the continuous attacks, determining that if she stayed any longer it would do her no good. The Dragonborn had clearly escaped as she only felt the presence get further, not disappearing. 

She spread her pitch black wings once again before taking to the skies, leaving Helgen behind as a burning ruin, with most of their citizens and belongings up in flames. 


Unknown Dragonborn P.O.V

He didn’t know how long he was running for. All he knew was that one moment, he was in the hospital playing through the start of skyrim on his laptop and now he was legitimately in the game.

He wanted it to be fake, but it was hard to deny an axe at your throat before a fucking immortal dragon tried to kill you. 

Before coming here, he had barely finished the introduction of the game before being tossed into this shit. He had run off with the stormcloak named Ralof and they had evacuated underground.

“I think it’s gone now. Best get moving”

Ralof moved forwards through the tunnels as the Dragonborn sighed.

“I want to go home, goddamnit! What the fuck am I doing here!”

Ralof looked back sympathetically. 

“Don’t we all brother, don’t we all” 

And there’s chapter number diez (10) 

I’m probably going to be updating twice a week now. I’m focused on another project and will need to balance this with the production of that but it will still be updated!

Thanks for Reading!


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