I Got Isekai’d as a Lich into Skyrim!

Chapter 9: Era’s Of Difference

Chapter 9: Era’s Of Difference

Charles P.O.V


Charles dug his feet into the ground before the impact, grunting as he was nearly blown away from a single hit . Even though Spellbreaker took the brunt of the force, it was unbelievable that someone with such a small stature could push him back so easily. 

The single blow caused pieces of rock and dust to get blasted into the air, the pressure from that attack causing cracking and fractures in the barrow’s stone structure. 

“Wow…I didn’t know there could be a living creature that could still take on my strikes! Even with those idiot princes' weapons, you sure can fight can’t you?”

“I guess I can say the same to you…whatever you are. Now, would you listen to me if I kindly asked you to leave?”

Putting Spellbreaker away, he gripped the Ebony Blade with both hands. The pitch black blade of Mephala shimmering in the setting sun as he readied his stance, raising it above his head while pointing towards his enemy in one of the better known stances in the video gaming universe. 

His armor was still standing firm, his legs were still steady. Despite not knowing how to fight, he could still hold out for a long time. 

He breathed in as the dust started to settle, the person was still just standing there absentmindedly, seemingly waiting for him to finish. 

There’s no point of dragging this out anymore, I can only tank the damage that they deal by a minimal amount, I’m going to be gone soon enough if this continues. 

“Well, you are in my old home afterall. Did you think I would say yes!? Ha!”

Alduin launched herself forwards again, twisting her body sidewise and bringing her claws down with momentum onto Ivan, the resulting force from the strike launching chunks of dust and debris everywhere as Ivan’s knees buckled against the strike. 

In a flash Ivan made his move, pulling downwards with his sword while their blades were locked. This made Alduin stumble from being unbalanced as he had just done a, albeit rudimentary, aggressive parry that made the dragon nearly fall over. 

Ivan spun around, bringing his sword in a wide arc, before striking Alduin in the back with fall force with his sword. Despite her evasiveness of being hit by Ivan the blade enchanted by one of the Daedric princes hit their mark, and cleaved into her-


“Wh-what the fuck!?”

Ivan had indeed struck her with all he had, and the sword had pierced her skin. But, despite that, there was no blood flowing out and it didn’t even feel like he hit anything made of flesh. If anything, it felt like he just used a sword and hit a fucking boulder!

Grabbing the sword, he tried to wiggle it free to no avail. Left with no options, he backed up as Alduin recovered from the attack relatively quickly despite having a sword in her back. 

He swore that he could see veins pulsating as she pulled the sword out of her with relative ease before chucking it towards Ivan. 

“You damn Lich! This isn’t fun anymore!”


Ivan leapt out of the way just as the sword stuck into the ground below, right where he had just been. A minute later and he would have been impaled right then and there by his own sword. 

The Ebony blade stuck out of the ground like shimmering obsidian as the sun rose directly above them, illuminating the entrance of the Barrow. The shadow’s of the stone structure falling over both of them, but Ivan didn’t have time to appreciate that.

“VOTHAARN! You came out of my temple, you listen to ME!”

The light enveloped the girl's body, her arms started to stretch out into gigantic proportions, as did the rest of her body. The light morphed around it, but before long the shape of a new body had taken its place.

A razor sharp tail swished to life, pitch black, armored wings spread across the horizon in front of Ivan. And the head, the deep, crimson eyes that stared into his soul surrounded by black spikes protecting it’s whole body.

It was as if time stopped, no creature dared to make a sound. The snow fell softly around them, with the only sound being the breathing of the gigantic armored dragon.

And this was when Ivan really knew what he got himself into. 

“Alduin. You’re Alduin the world eater aren’t you?”

Ivan saw the crimson eyes of Alduin widen in response. Though it made sense that Alduin would think that nobody would know her since it had clearly been hundreds upon hundreds of years since dragons graced the lands. 

Their once powerful temples lay in ruin, worshippers turned into undead monsters and memories of them nearly forgotten. And yet, here stood an individual who knew exactly who she was, though she did feel her chest puff up a bit in pride that her name was still well known. 

Hah! Now you know to cower in fear, but do not worry, I will forgive your insubordination! As long as you agree to serve me forever, I will allow you to live like a king!”

Ivan pointedly stared at her. He retired the ebony blade back into his inventory bag, which had been slung over his shoulder, and pictured a better weapon in this scenario before grabbing the hilt of another weapon.

Pulling the weapon out, the intricately designed weapon took form. Curved spikes inlaid among the sides of the weapon whilst a cruel, cackling face in the center with the weapon emitting a unmistakable, sinister green glow. 

<Mace Of Molag Bal> equipped!

<Spellbreaker> equipped!

Considering a blade wasn’t cutting it (literally), this was his best option. Holding the sinister mace, he pointed at Alduin.

“I know this is stupid as fuck but I’ve beaten you before, I’ll beat you again!”

To be honest, he knew he was being batshit insane. 

When he beat Alduin in the past, he knew all types of spells and dragon shouts, which included dragonrend. And now, this Alduin could transform from dragon to human as well as have intelligence to not follow a single attack pattern like the one in game.

He knew he was in trouble. He didn’t know how to fight at all, only knew that he had to swing or he’d be fucked up real bad. Without many options, he knew what he was going to choose. 

“I want to live you piece of shit lizard, so let me do it in peace!”

Alduin was a mere meter above him, so Ivan did the stupidest thing he could think of. 


Alduin barely had any time to react as Vlad lept up before smacking her under the chin with the mace, causing Alduin to fall over into the snow as the glowing mace drained some of her energy. 

Obviously, it was barely anything since she was Alduin the world eater, a mace like that would have to dish out dozens of hits before it did any real damage but at this time, when Alduin had just come out of a dragon break, she was significantly weaker and it was a hit to a weak spot. 


The combined strength of the hit from an empowered being as well as a blessed daedric item that tore the soul was enough to make Alduin crash into the ground, most likely out of arrogance that she would have beaten him either way than the actual pain. 

She was arrogant, and that was a mistake.

“Alright, you asked for this!” 

Jumping up and grabbing her by the snout, he hefted himself up with ease. He gripped onto her horns and flipped himself onto the top of her head before raising the mace again. 


Alduin roared in annoyance as the mace slammed into the side of her head, making her both annoyed and dazed at the situation. Her thick scales protected even her head but the blunt damage caused a good amount of shaking, good enough to cause a headache from the force.


Alduin shook her head violently from side to side, with Ivan hanging on for dear life as Alduin roared with anger at the said individual on top of her head. 

“I’D LIKE TO RETHINK MY CHOICES!!!” Ivan yelled as he nearly got thrown off if not for his monstrous strength, clutching on to her horns. 


Alduin flapped her broad wings, the dark, obsidian like wings whiplashing tree’s and sending rocks and snow flying. With one mighty flap, they took off. 

The dragon turned right and left, zigzagging through the sky in an attempt to throw him off without hurting herself in the process. 

“Man I REALLY didn’t think this through! Alduin, can we just talk about this over some food!?”

That must’ve struck a cord as Alduin flew straight upwards, perhaps she really was that hungry? Time travel does that sometimes. 

In any case at this point, all of Whiterun probably heard his yells of terror by now. Ivan had never been good with roller coasters, or heights, or anything since he was a stay at home full time gamer.

Alduin flew, straight as an arrow, upwards before folding her wings in. They flew up a bit more before gravity did its work, pulling them back down towards the earth, Ivan nearly flying off again. 

His daedric armor clanked against her armored head, most of him flying in free fall as they fell towards the ground. Glancing at Alduin’s face, Ivan saw the biggest smirk he had ever seen on a dragon, which too be fair didn’t mean much but he knew what she was planning.

“Wait. No… no no no no NO!”

Too late, Ivan was flung completely off of Alduin as she conducted a wild barrel roll. Glancing down in victory at her falling opponent’s sheer terror.


That was all that was heard as Ivan dropped thousands of feet towards the ground.


Alduin P.O.V

Alduin knew for a fact that the Lich was probably fun from that drop. She wasn’t even sure a drop from the atmosphere would kill him anyways. 

“I do have to admit, that was the most fun I had in a while…when did I care about fun anyways? That’s always been for mortals!”

No matter what god, even one like Alduin, they have long forgone the worldly desires of man, or so they thought.

Alduin was a clear exception to the case, feeling the arrogance and need to control and conquer as a mere mortal does. Arrogance that she would be able to take control of all of Tamriel, then Nirn, in her weakened state. Her true state would never come out unless the world needs to be reset.


And Again.

And again and again.

The slight pain from the hit on her head did not dissipate, perhaps due to the weapons ability but it hurt more than usual. The sharp pain made her grimace, but a worse one struck her head as she gasped out loud. 

Eyes widening,

Pupils dilating,

Wing’s suddenly at full span as her nostrils flared and body shook at the feeling.



Hey guys,

The previous chapters you have read thus far have been edited backlog chapters from last year. From here on out, everything is being written by the university me and not the highschool me. 

I have decided to bring in some of the game elements as that makes more sense in the sense that this is literally a game, but don’t expect a huge spreadsheet of every character. At most it’ll only be level and abilities, perhaps health as well and when using items and effects and damage. Nothing out of proportion though.

Thanks for reading,


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