I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Fifteen

I opened my eyes to the bright rays of the morning sun. An icy chill reminded me of the chilly mornings of the Golden Peninsula. Fall was on the horizon, and the days would become colder and longer. I sometimes forget that this world, in a way, has the opposite of seasons. The summers are longer and hotter, and the winters are longer and colder. I wonder how the people of this world have adapted to such extreme weather conditions.

The days in this world are five to six times longer than in the world I came from, depending on the time of year. The days are very long in the spring and summer, while they are still quite long in the fall and winter. I wasn't too keen on being on the run during the winter months, as it would be freezing and challenging to travel.

Our destination was taking us north, which meant we would face even longer days and colder winters. My understanding was that this was the southernmost hemisphere on earth. There was a lot I didn't know about this new world I was in. Only my flash of memories gave me insight into this world. I knew it was a dangerous place and that I would need to be careful if I wanted to survive.

The smell of cooking drew my attention. The Tomlin sisters were cooking, and surprisingly, so was Lady Aiko. "Bacon and eggs?" The sweet memories of my wife cooking breakfast came back to me. My mouth watered for her cooking again. In a way, my wish was being granted in front of me. If I could somehow get her to remember. Would that even matter now? Lady Sophitia's voice broke through my thoughts.

Lady Aiko, my mother, was the first to break the silence. Her voice was soft as she asked, "Bacon and eggs, just the way you like it, Asa?"

I nodded, offering her a weak smile. "Thank you, Mother."

"Come on, Asa, time to eat breakfast, then we break camp," Lady Sophitia said, changing the subject and bringing our focus back to the immediate task at hand. "We got a lot of ground to cover today. Gwen and Leia tell me we'll be out of the region they're familiar with any day now. Fortunately, they've got old maps of the area ahead. They're hundreds of years old, but still should give us a rough idea of what to expect."

I sat up only to find myself lying next to Lady Sophitia, her presence a constant reminder of the mysterious connection we shared. Her fiery red hair shimmered in the morning sunlight, and her delicate features were serene as she prepared breakfast alongside the Tomlin sisters.

Gwen and Leia, the Tomlin sisters, exchanged knowing glances but remained silent as they continued to cook. They had become like sisters to me during our journey, and I valued their support and friendship.

The awkwardness in the air was palpable, and I could sense the discomfort radiating from the other members of our party. They had been with us for a while now, witnessing the strange bond that had formed between Lady Sophitia and me.

They had seen her save my life, witnessed our unexplainable connection, and heard the whispers of destiny that seemed to surround us. But they had never openly discussed it, choosing instead to keep their thoughts to themselves.

Always the meticulous planner as always, I tried ignoring the eyes of the other females in our party. I sighed and packed my camping gear up. The others in our group did the same. I noticed Orzella looking at something up on the hill near our camp.

The Tomlin sisters picked this location because of its vantage points over the local area. I strolled over to join her. When I arrived at the spot she was in, I noticed smoke plumes on the horizon. When I arrived at the spot she was in, I noticed smoke plumes on the horizon. Well over a few dozen. I held my hand over my eyes, straining to see farther.

"What is it?" I asked Orzella.

"I don't know," she answered. "But it doesn't look good."

We both stood there momentarily, watching the smoke plumes grow.

"We should probably head back to camp," I said. "And tell the others."

Orzella nodded. "Yeah, I think you're right."

We turned and walked back to camp, our hearts racing. We knew something terrible was happening, but we didn't know what. But we knew that we needed to find out.

"That's just about where the passage through the Golden Forest is. I say at least five or more days out west and south in these conditions," Orzella stated.

Many of the plumes were closer than that. Well, off down the passage, deeper into the forest to either side.

"The Royal Army is searching for us. Those closer ones have to be advanced parties. Scouts are probably much closer than we realize," I whispered.

"We'd better proceed with caution. Maybe even venturing more to the east than we already have," Orzella suggested.

"There's no choice, regardless of how dangerous that would be. We just need to be aware of our surroundings more diligently from here on out," I stated.

"What is it?" Sophitia said from behind.

"Let's just eat breakfast and break camp as soon as possible. We should ditch the carriages once we hit uncharted territory. We'll have to pack the horses with all our supplies after that," I said.

Sophitia said nothing, having seen the smoke plumes herself. We all were harshly aware of the dangers searching for us and what lay ahead.

A tense atmosphere pervaded the campfire as we gathered around it. The scent of Lady Aiko's cooking filled the air, but it was mingled with an awkward silence. The party members were unsure of how to navigate the situation, with Lady Sophitia lying next to me.

Leia, always the one to break the ice, couldn't help herself. "So, Asa, you and Lady Sophitia seem to be getting quite close," she said with a playful grin.

Gwen chimed in, "Yes, we've noticed you two spending a lot of time together."

"Er... Umm... What is it?" she inquired, sensing the unease around her.

Gwen Tomlin adds with a teasing smile, "Is there more to the story? Did you two have a whirlwind romance on the way here?"

I can feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment, and Lady Sophitia's expression turns slightly amused. "No, nothing like that. Our focus has been on survival and reaching our destination safely."

Lady Aiko, who was busy cooking, shot me a knowing look, and I could feel my face flushing with embarrassment. How had things become so complicated? Sophitia didn't press further, but her knowing gaze lingered on me for a moment before she turned her attention to her breakfast.

Leia, one of the Tomlin sisters, cleared her throat, breaking the uneasy silence. "So, Lady Sophitia, how long have you known Asa?"

I felt a pang of discomfort at the question, unsure of how Lady Sophitia would respond. She glanced at me briefly before answering, her voice measured. "I've known Asa for as long as I can remember. We grew up together."

Gwen chimed in, her curiosity evident. "Grew up together? That's interesting. What's your relationship like now?"

I shifted uncomfortably, aware of the curiosity in their eyes. Lady Sophitia's response was careful, her tone neutral. "We've always been close. Asa is my brother but also my friend."

I cleared my throat, attempting to steer the conversation away from this uncomfortable topic. "We're just siblings and comrades on this journey, bound by the same goals."

Orzella, ever observant, added her input. "It's not every day you see a young man and a young lady traveling together, especially siblings acting this close. Do you two have some secrets?"

I cleared my throat, struggling to find the right words. "It's not like that. We're all on this journey together, facing the same dangers and uncertainties."

Nella Boyles, the youngest member of our group, spoke up innocently. "But you're always together, even when we're setting up camp at night."

Elene, her older sister, nudged her gently. "Nella, don't pester them."

"My sister was supposed to be in the capital, but due to unusual circumstances, she was back home, and none too soon. Anyhow, she's been a valuable member of our team." I added.

Elene Boyles, always quick to chime in, added with a wink, "Valuable in more ways than one, I'm sure."

Nella Boyles, her twin sister, giggled, and the awkwardness in the air grew thicker.

Erendriel Umefina, our elven companion, raised an eyebrow and said, "It's rare to see such camaraderie between a noble and their siblings. You two must be very close."

Lady Sophitia nodded in agreement but didn't say anything. Her expression was unreadable.

I shot Lady Sophitia a glance, silently pleading for her assistance in diffusing the situation. She merely smiled and replied, "Yes, we've become quite close on this journey. Asa has been a true friend and protector. I wanted to expect something else from my older brother!"

Elene, who had been relatively quiet, spoke up, "It's not every day you see a group like ours traveling together. A mix of different backgrounds and personalities. It's quite fascinating."

Elene, one of the Boyles sisters, added, "Yes, it's like a diverse family of sorts."

Nella, the other Boyles sister, grinned mischievously. "But families have secrets, don't they?"

Elene ventured a question, her tone hesitant. "But you two seem really close. Are you sure there's nothing more between you?"

Lady Sophitia's expression remained composed, but I could sense a hint of discomfort in her response. "We're just very good friends and siblings. Nothing more."

The tension in the air grew thicker, and I could sense that the others were struggling to find the right words. Lady Aiko tried to ease the situation with a gentle smile.

Elene, one of the Boyles siblings, attempted to lighten the mood with a playful smile. "Well, you know what they say about traveling together—either you become the best of friends or mortal enemies!"

Nella, her sister, chimed in with a laugh. "That's right! And I can see you two are definitely the best of friends."

I exchanged a knowing glance with Lady Sophitia, and we shared a small, private smile. Despite the awkwardness and probing questions, there was a warmth in the camaraderie of our group. We were all in this together, facing an uncertain future, and the bonds we forged on our journey were becoming stronger with each passing day. Lady Aiko, for her part, continued to cook in silence, her actions deliberate and controlled.

"What's the story with you two, huh?" Nella Boyles piped up, a mischievous grin on her face. "Are you two lovebirds or just really close siblings?"

I exchanged an uncomfortable glance with Lady Sophitia before responding, "We're siblings, just siblings."

Nella Boyles chuckled and leaned in closer, her curiosity evident. "Come on, don't be shy! We've been traveling together for weeks now. We're practically family. Is there something you're not telling us?"

I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks, but Lady Sophitia came to my rescue. "No secrets here, just family bonds. And we have a long journey ahead of us."

Erendriel Umefina, always the observant one, chimed in, "I've noticed you two share a unique connection. It's fascinating, really."

Elene Eilnala Ravazana nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it's quite intriguing. Perhaps there's more to it than meets the eye."

I cleared my throat, feeling the weight of the question. "It's complicated, Nella."

"Complicated? That's one way to put it. We've all noticed the way you two look at each other." Nella said, fishing for more information.

"Let's not pry too much into each other's personal lives. We're all here for a reason, and that's what matters," Lady Aiko said, trying to defuse the awkwardness.

Gwen Tomlin tried to change the subject. "I agree with Lady Aiko, let's not pry into Asa's personal life, shall we? We have more pressing matters at hand."

Silence fell over the campsite for several long minutes.

Erendriel, who had been silent, finally spoke, "We should focus on the task at hand. Those smoke plumes are a cause for concern. We need to decide on our next course of action."

"Let's just eat breakfast and break camp as soon as possible," I said, trying to redirect the focus. "And if we need to, we should ditch the carriages once we hit uncharted territory. We'll have to pack the horses with all our supplies after that."

The tension didn't dissipate as Lady Aiko served breakfast, and we ate in awkward silence. I knew we needed to address it eventually, but for now, we had more pressing concerns to deal with. The campfire crackled, casting dancing shadows on the faces of my companions. We were all aware that the Royal Army's pursuit was relentless, and every day brought us closer to an uncertain fate.

I glanced at Lady Sophitia as we finished eating. She looked serene, her eyes fixed on the horizon, lost in her thoughts. I knew there was much more to her than met the eye, and her presence in our group was a mystery I was determined to unravel.

The morning sun continued its ascent, casting long shadows around our camp. The uncertainty of our journey weighed on everyone's minds as we broke camp, preparing to continue our perilous trek. The smoke plumes on the horizon served as a grim reminder of the danger that pursued us.

I knew we had to proceed with caution, perhaps even deviating from our planned route to avoid potential encounters with the Royal Army. There was no room for complacency in our desperate flight to freedom.

The party members packed their belongings efficiently, their faces etched with determination. We were a motley crew, brought together by circumstance and bonded by a common goal: survival.

During the departure process, I addressed the group, "Remember, once we enter uncharted territory, we'll have to abandon the carriages and rely on our horses to carry our supplies if such a need arises. Otherwise, we will keep them as long as the path ahead allows. It won't be an easy journey, but we've come this far together, and I believe in each one of you."

Sophitia, standing beside me, nodded in agreement. The others exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of anxiety and resolve. We were on the run, hunted by a formidable adversary, but we were also a family of survivors.

With our preparations complete, we set out on our path, the smoke plumes still visible on the horizon. Each step brought us closer to the unknown, and the weight of our choices pressed upon us. But in the face of adversity, we had no choice but to press forward, for our lives and freedom depended on it. And so, we would press on, facing the unknown with courage and resilience, no matter what lay ahead.

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