I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Sixteen

"The ruins are up ahead. Just a little further," Gwen stated, pointing.


The remnants of a once-paved road winding through the thick foliage. It could easily be overlooked if one didn't know what to look for. 


"This town used to be a logging settlement about a hundred years ago. I believe this place was called Rosewells. It was one of the last villages to be abandoned during the dispute with the native elves here," Leia revealed.


"We could have gotten here a lot sooner if that road was still passable," Lady Aiko said. "My great Grandmother used to stop by here often," she added.


The little history lessons from the twins and my mother shed light on the area. We were quite a distance from the central passage now. The threat of Royal Army scouts was less. That left another unknown. From what I understand, elves were highly elusive. Aside from Erendriel being a half-ling, most of our generation had never seen an actual elf. I know my mother saw one when she was very young on the way to the very sanctuary we are traveling to. There wasn't much information in the history books about the dispute between the humans and elves in this region. Knowledge of whether they were hostile, or welcoming was sparse.


The elves were a mysterious and ancient race. They were said to be incredibly beautiful and wise, but they were also known to be very private and reclusive. Humans and elves had once lived together in peace, but a long time ago, a war broke out between the two races. The war was long and bloody, and in the end, the elves were forced to retreat to their hidden forests. Since then, humans and elves have kept to themselves. There was little contact between the two races, and what little there was often hostile. The elves were said to be bitter and resentful of the humans, and the humans were told to be afraid and suspicious of the elves. We were now entering the elves' territory, and I knew that we would have to be very careful. We didn't know if the elves would be friendly or hostile, but we knew that we had to be prepared for anything.


A few minutes later, the first signs of the village break through the foliage. Surprisingly, the place wasn't overgrown as much as I thought it would be. The buildings were well-built and have stood the test of a hundred or more years. As we trek down the old main road of the village, we pass old, abandoned homes and other staple buildings you'd expect to find in a medieval village. Rosewells was quite large, probably due to the logging industry it supported. The town center was filled with tall grass and bushes, but it was clear this was the heart of the community. A towering statue of a King of the past stood among the trees. Still majestic in its architecture. 


Beyond the center was a small castle. It looms over the village, still keeping an ever-present vigilance. The castle was made of gray stone and had a large moat around it. There was a drawbridge that led to the castle entrance. The castle walls were tall and thick, and there were towers at each corner. The castle looked like it had been built to withstand a siege. The village seemed to be deserted, but as we got closer.


"We can use one of the old inns to settle in for the night," Leia said.


"I recommend we rest here for a couple of days. The journey from here is long. We'll need to use ruins like this to camp in until we reach the boundaries of the forest," Gwen explained. 


"How many ruins are there between here and the border of the forest," Sophitia asked.


"Four that we could use. There are others, but I don't recommend straying from our path," Leia said.


"Alright, we'll make camp then. I think we can all use a few days of rest," I said.



Night fell quickly after setting up camp. Everyone else was snoring loudly once we settled in for the night. I was left alone with my thoughts, my only company being the knowledge imparted by Jacob and Maryanne's books. They were full of grim information about the Sins, the creatures that attacked me. These Sins have been around for ages. People never truly knew about them or were able to recognize them unless a Sin wanted them to see them, which was often too late. If that happened, you were probably their next victim. Despite their name, the Sins came in different shapes and forms, except for one common trait- they had no eyes. 


Their sightless faces filled me with equal parts curiosity and dread. Images of the creatures devouring their last victims played throughout my mind like a horror movie and only increased my growing terror. I was never going to get those memories out of my head. There weren't many ways to hurt or kill them. It was a feat to just kill one. The thought of facing another one was terrifying. 


My mind churned with thoughts of the horrors I had learned about in the books Jacob and Maryanne had given me. These revelations haunted me as I lay there in the darkness of the night.


The old, ruined bar was an excellent place to rest for a few days. Despite being abandoned for a very long time, it was still in good condition. A testament to the building practices of this world. I examined the blessed blades, Sol's Edge and Sun's Blaze. The craftsmanship was done by a master. They were the masterworks of some weaponsmith that's long been forgotten. The sheaths were exquisitely crafted, made of fine leather, and decorated with intricate gold and silver filigree. I felt honored that Jacob gifted them to me. I wish I had more time to get to know him and his wife. At least I have both their diaries. Jacob used to be a paladin or a templar, while his wife was a mage and priestess. Reading about their adventures was inspiring. 


Maryanne and Jacob have traveled all over the world. They'd been through times like these. I knew I had to learn everything I could from these diaries. Other than my own past memories and training, these diaries were my only guide forward. The old ruined bar was an excellent place to rest for a few days. Despite being abandoned for a very long time, it was still in good condition, a testament to the building practices of this world. The walls were made of thick stone, and the roof was sturdy and well-insulated. The only problem was that the place was dusty and full of cobwebs, but that was a small price to pay for a safe and comfortable place to stay.


I spent the next few hours reading through the diaries and ancient books, learning about Jacob and Maryanne's lives and their adventures. I was amazed by their courage and determination and inspired by their stories. My survival in this world would depend on me being brave and strong like them. The ancient books depicted many things other than the terrifying Sins. Jacob and Maryanne fought many monsters and demons throughout their lives. 


When I finished reading the diaries, I felt like I knew Jacob and Maryanne like old friends. I knew that they would be with me in spirit as I faced whatever challenges lay ahead. It was my intention to follow their example and become like them on my own journey. Whenever a challenge came my way, I was ready for it. Despite my fears and demons, I was prepared to face them.


A sound rustled from outside the abandoned tavern. I listened intently as the rustling grew more frequent. The sound of footsteps outside sent chills down my spine. It was only a matter of time before I was found. Every little noise caused me to jump, my hand grasping my weapon, ready for any impending danger. On guard, I drew my blade, Sol's Edge. Quietly, I moved to the window and peered out cautiously. There was definitely movement outside. The movement was growing more frequent. 


Whatever was outside was getting closer. I took a deep breath and steeled myself, ready to face whatever was out there. With Sol's Edge in hand, I stepped out into the darkness. Whatever was out there, I was ready for it. I saw a figure in the moonlight cloaked in a hood and robe. I could feel strange energy emanating from it. Suddenly, I knew what I was up against and was ready. Whoever it was hadn't noticed me yet. I used darkness and moved through the night. The figure was searching the ruins, building by building. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I relaxed when I saw Orzella. She was ready for a fight as well.


I signed for her to move around while I flushed the mysterious figure out. We moved swiftly and silently, cornering the figure in a deserted courtyard. I stood still, eyes locked on the figure standing in the courtyard. My hands gripped the handle of my blade, Sol's Edge. My heart was pounding against my chest, anticipating the confrontation. 


'Who was this person, and what were their intentions?' The answer to those questions would become apparent soon enough. I signaled to Orzella, who was hiding behind me, that we should move in. Having found our adversary, we were prepared to face them. With a single nod, we both stepped forward and pulled back the hood of the intruder. What we saw took my breath away. 


As I stepped outside into the darkness, I came face-to-face with a silver-haired elf. Immediately, she jumped back, seemingly surprised by my appearance. The silver-haired girl's eyes shimmered gold in the dark. The girl was lovely. I could tell her figure was Junoesque and voluptuous. Her corpulent breasts were only concealed by her loose-fitting robes and hid her callipygous derrière. The elf had a heart-shaped face, pale skin, high cheekbones, angled eyebrows, a succulent nose, and lushly-curved lips. The fabric clung to her voluptuous form, accentuating her shapely physique. 


Her tight tan leather pants revealed her curvy hips, thick thighs, and slender legs. Her leather shirt pushed her oversized bust up, showing her sensual cleavage. Finally, she wore a black robe with tan-laced thigh-high boots. She carried a magical staff in her left hand, which glowed with a radiant blue light. Her ears were slightly pointed, and her long hair was braided in two intricate pigtails that cascaded down her back. She had a regal air about her that commanded respect. She had an air of grace and nobility that was unmistakable. Her voice was melodious, and her words were full of wisdom. I could tell she was a formidable opponent. Her leather attire gave her an air of authority that was unmistakable.


"Who are you?" the elf girl barked.


"Answer us first! Who are you and why are you here?" Orzella snapped.


"I have no intention of revealing who I am and why I am here!" she countered.


The elf woman was clearly surprised by our appearance and was ready for a fight. I didn't get the sense that she was here to harm us.


"Let's just calm down for a moment. My name is Asa Sung Martindale. This is my friend Orzella Boyle. We don't have any hostile intentions," I said. "So, what's your name?"


The elf girl studied Orzella and me for a long moment. Finally, she seemed to stand down a little. 


“My name is Rosaniya Eilnala Ravazana. Why are you here? If I may ask?" Rosaniya questioned cautiously.


"To be honest, we are on the run. The Royal Knights and Royal Army are hunting us. We're traveling through the Golden Forest to the Golden Mountains where my Grandmother lives," I revealed.


"I see, well, I'm looking for a relic. For my tribe. I'm sorry that I startled you with my present. I was unaware that any humans came this way," Rosaniya said.


"We're sorry too. If you want, you can rest with us. Maybe we can help you while we are here," I said.


  Rosaniya smiled, "That would be wonderful. Thank you."


The silver-haired elf followed us back to the ruined tavern. Everyone was still asleep, so Rosaniya's presence was going to be a surprise in the morning. I showed Rosaniya to an empty room and asked her if she needed anything. She thanked me and said she was alright. I left her alone and returned to my own room, wondering what the morning would bring. As she made herself comfortable, I couldn't help taking in her absolute beauty. There was a connection between us that I couldn't ignore, but I knew it was pointless to pursue it. I crept back to my room and settled in for the night, my thoughts filled with the mysterious Rosaniya. In the morning, I was determined to find out more about her. Despite my desire to stay and speak with her, I knew it was not the right thing to do. I said a quiet goodnight and slowly closed the door. I could feel my heart pounding as I made my way back to my room, filled with anticipation of what the morning would bring.

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