I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Seventeen

As I lay in my bed, deep in a restless sleep, a sharp prod abruptly dragged me back to reality. My eyes fluttered open, struggling against the weight of weariness, only to be met by the anxious gaze of Nella Boyle, the youngest of the Boyle sisters. She stood beside my bed, gently nudging me, her petite frame barely visible in the dimly lit room.


Her worried expression bore traces of anxiety, tinged with an unmistakable shade of fear. I could sense that something was wrong, though I wasn't quite sure what it was. For a moment, I lay there, trying to shake off the grogginess that still clung to me.


But Nella's persistent nudging was enough to ignite a jolt of adrenaline that surged through my veins, dispelling any remnants of sleep. With a swift motion, I leaped up, my hand instinctively reaching for Sol's Edge, the new trusted sword that had been my companion against the Sins.


My mind, which was clouded a moment ago, was now sharply focused, ready to defend those who depended on me. I looked at Nella, silently urging her to tell me what was wrong. As she began to speak, I knew that whatever it was, I was ready to face it head-on.


"Lord Asa," Nella's voice quivered, barely above a whisper, as if the very walls around us might betray her words. "Scouts from the Royal Army are here! They're surveying the Southside of the ruins."


The words struck me like a bolt of lightning, sending a wave of shock through my system. I froze for a second, trying to process the information. The scouts of the Royal Army were here, in this remote part of the forest. How had they managed to find us? We had taken every precaution to ensure our safety. We had traveled in secret, avoiding the main roads and sticking to the undergrowth, hoping to go unnoticed. 


But now, as I looked around, I realized how vulnerable we were. We were hiding in a carriage, a makeshift shelter that barely concealed us from any passerby. We had parked it in front of an old, dilapidated tavern, hoping to blend in with the surroundings. But it was a feeble attempt at best. The carriage stood out like a sore thumb, and we were exposed, sitting ducks waiting to be shot.


I knew we had to act fast. We could not afford to be caught by the Royal Army. Their punishment for treason was death, and we were accused of nothing less. We had a mission to complete, and we had to do it without getting caught. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, and whispered to my companions. We had to move and move quickly.


Quickly, I asked, "Where are Lady Aiko and Lady Sophitia?" My voice was a hushed whisper, mirroring Nella's urgent tone.


"Still asleep," she replied, her voice barely audible.


I gave her a swift command," Gather everyone. We need to leave, now." My words were an urgent whisper, every syllable laced with the gravity of our situation.


"Yes, Master!" Nella responded with a nod; her footsteps silent as she crept away to alert the others.


Immediately after Nella left, Orzella and Elene appeared before me with grim expressions and a readiness for combat. I could sense their instincts were primed for a fight, but my instincts told me we needed to leave immediately. I issued the same directive to them that I gave to Nella, insisting that we must go to keep ourselves safe from the soldiers who were pursuing me. Initially, they hesitated and seemed reluctant to follow my lead. However, I emphasized the urgency of the situation and the need to prioritize our safety. Seeing the logic in my argument, they ultimately agreed to my plan. They followed their sister to prepare for a swift departure.


Looking back at them as they left, I knew the burden of leadership weighed heavily on my shoulders. My decision to lead the soldiers away from my companions was not an easy one. Still, I knew it was necessary to protect them from harm. As I set out, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and uncertainty about what lay ahead. Yet, as a leader, I knew I had to remain focused and resolute in my determination to keep my companions safe.


With each step down the stairs, my heart felt heavier as the gravity of the situation weighed on me. Just as I reached the bottom, Leia appeared before me. Her stance was unwavering, her eyes blazing with determination. Every line etched on her face seemed to convey the strength she possessed to face any challenge.


"I hope you're not about to do something reckless," she said, her voice firm with conviction.


I replied, equally determined, "The Royal Scouts have located us. I need to draw them away from here."


Leia's resolve was unwavering. "Then I'm coming with you. You won't be able to locate the next ruins without me," she insisted.


As I was about to respond, Orzella's voice cut through the air, "I'm joining too!" I wasn't taken aback by her defiance. Orzella had always been a fearless individual who never shied away from confrontation. Despite my warnings, she had always followed her own path. However, at that moment, I couldn't help but admire her courage.


Suddenly, Rosaniya emerged from the shadows. It was evident that she had made a decision to accompany us as well. Leia seemed unsurprised by her sudden appearance. "I cannot allow these soldiers to discover my village," Rosaniya declared with a fierce sense of duty. "I'll guide you to a safe path that will ensure the safety of both your party and my village."


With Rosaniya's guidance, we set off, our hearts pounding with anticipation. We knew that the path ahead would be treacherous, but we were determined to succeed. As we walked, Rosaniya shared stories of her village, giving us a glimpse into the life of her people. Despite the danger that lay ahead, we felt grateful to have her with us.


I surveyed the three of them, a mix of gratitude and concern in my heart. "We stick together, lead them astray, and then circle back to rejoin the others," I stated, finality in my tone.


As we prepared to set off, the others began descending the stairs. My sister, Sophitia, caught my eye, and I understood immediately the gravity of our plan. She had undoubtedly overheard our strategy to serve as a distraction. The Royal Army was after her and our mother, and this was the only viable option to ensure their safety. With a reassuring smile, she spoke, "Good luck, Asa. I'll take care of everyone here. Just make sure you return to us safely."


Her words bolstered my resolve. We were a team, each playing our part in this dangerous game of cat and mouse. With a heavy heart but unwavering determination, I lead my small band outside into the breaking dawn. The air was cool, a stark contrast to the burning urgency that fueled our actions.


As we ventured into the ruins of the old logging town, the eerie silence of the early morning was punctuated by the distant sounds of the Royal Army's movement. The soldiers were approaching from the south, just like Nella said. I counted at least a hundred of the warriors, searching every structure. They were far from the tavern at the moment. We waited as the others took the carriages and left quietly. 


The reality of our situation was apparent: we were outnumbered and outmaneuvered, yet our resolve remained unshaken. Our steps were cautious and measured, each of us keenly aware of the importance of our mission. We had to lead the scouts away and create enough of a diversion to give the others a chance to escape.


The ruins, with their crumbling walls and overgrown pathways, offered a labyrinthine escape route. We moved swiftly, ducking behind structures and weaving through narrow passageways. The air was thick with tension, each of us acutely aware that a single misstep could lead to disaster.


Once I was sure my sister had led the others out of the ruined logging village, it was time to make our move. I looked at Rosaniya, and she nodded. The four of us moved silently to the south. 


Our footsteps echoed softly against the ancient stones, a haunting reminder of the history that surrounded us. With every step, we moved further away from the safety of the tavern, delving deeper into the heart of the Gold Forest.


The sun began to rise, casting long shadows across our path. The light brought a semblance of hope, a reminder that with each passing moment, we were drawing the scouts further away from our companions. Our pace quickened, fueled by the urgency of our mission.


As we turned the corner, the dense forest gave way to an open clearing. The sudden burst of sunlight was both blinding and exhilarating as we emerged from the shadows. For a moment, we were all frozen in awe at the beauty of the space. 


But reality soon set in. We were exposed, with no cover and no place to hide. It was a dangerous move, but I knew it was our only chance to lead the scouts away from the rest of our group. I signaled for Rosaniya and Leia to run ahead. In contrast, Orzella and I stayed behind to draw the scouts in the opposite direction.


The two women moved like lightning, their footsteps barely making a sound as they crossed the clearing. I scanned the horizon for any sign of the enemy, my heart racing with anticipation. The tension was thick in the air, each of us bracing ourselves for the inevitable confrontation.


And then, as if out of nowhere, the scouts appeared. They emerged from the shadows with a predatory intensity, their weapons at the ready. Their eyes were trained on Orzella and me, and I knew that the moment of truth had arrived. We were outnumbered and outgunned, but we were determined to fight until the bitter end.


"Move into the forest!" I barked, my voice echoing through the open space.


Without hesitation, Orzella sprang into action behind me. We raced at breakneck speed toward the tree line, with the scouts in hot pursuit just a hundred yards behind us. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the grassy plain, and the trees loomed ahead like a welcome sanctuary.


Rosaniya and Leia had already disappeared into the woods, their movements swift and graceful, like the forest creatures they had grown up admiring. A group of scouts broke the trees just a few meters away, their weapons drawn, and their eyes fixed on us. They immediately headed straight for Orzella and me.


We clashed with them at full speed, our swords drawn and our hearts pounding. The sound of steel clashing echoed through the open space, a symphony of survival. The scouts were skilled fighters, but we were determined to protect ourselves and those we loved. We fought with a ferocity born of desperation; each blow is a testament to our will to survive.


The battle was fierce, and the outcome was uncertain. Still, we stood together, united in our purpose and unwavering in our resolve. The forest was our only hope, and we were determined to make it there, no matter the cost.


The two of us, Orzella and I, quickly broke through the group of soldiers, escaping into the tree line. As we took refuge in the dense foliage of the forest, we could hear the sound of battle raging behind us. We knew that our diversion had been successful when the scouts started to pursue us; their attention focused solely on us. We seized the opportunity, retreating deep into the forest, our hearts racing with adrenaline.


The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warm glow over the landscape. At the same time, we moved quickly, disappearing into the thick trees and foliage of the Gold Forest. We could hear the sound of swords clashing and arrows whistling through the air, but for now, we had managed to evade the enemy.


After a few minutes of running, we caught up with Leia and Rosaniya, who were waiting for us. The elf took a hard left, heading west, and we followed her lead. As we ventured further into the forest, we left the path we had intended to take far behind. 


Without Rosaniya, who seemed to know the forest like the back of her hand, we might have ended up lost forever in this dense yet dangerous forest. I was grateful that Orzella and I had stumbled across Rosaniya the previous night. She was a blessing in disguise. I knew then that I owed her a great deal. If I could, I would lend her all my strength to help her find what she was searching for.

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