I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Thirteen

Leia and Gwen stood beside me, their fingers trembling as they pointed down to the city sprawled below. From the peak of the ridge, where we now stood, the twin cities of Helendale and Helenadale lay before us, nestled at the mouth of the Golden River. The sun was setting, casting a fiery hue upon the landscape, and from this vantage point, the extent of the Royal Army's buildup became painfully clear.


Tens of thousands of soldiers had gathered in the short time that had passed, and more were arriving by the minute. Torches carried by men-at-arms from every road lit up the dusk air, creating a shimmering, fiery mosaic that contrasted with the darkening sky. The air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke and the pungent odor of sweat. The cacophony of men shouting orders and horses neighing filled the atmosphere, drowning out even the distant chirping of crickets.


My spine tingled as I took in the scene before me. It was a sight of extraordinary activity and preparation for war, and I couldn't fathom what had led to this point. Lady Aiko's whispered prayer for divine protection seemed to echo the fear that gripped us all.


Leia turned to me, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and dread. "May the Gods protect us," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the chaos below.


Gwen's voice trembled as she posed a question that weighed heavily on all our minds. "How could this be happening?"


Orzella, always the realist, didn't mince words. "You know how, sister. The world is a cruel place, and cruel people do these things."


"Does this mean war?" Gwen asked, her voice quivering.


Lady Sophitia, her usual composure unwavering, spoke with an air of authority. "The Duke has always been ambitious, but power-hungry?"


I nodded in agreement, my gaze fixed on the ominous scene unfolding below. "This is more than a feud with House Martindale. This is a civil war."


Everyone is starting to have second thoughts about this course of action. Avoidance is essential to our survival. Our route is dangerous, and there is a high risk of failure. If we continue on this path, we will likely be killed. It is better to avoid the danger altogether and find a safer route.


We all watched in horror as the seemingly endless line of warriors marched past us. If this was happening here in Helendale, it was logical to assume that the same chaos was spreading across the Golden Peninsula and perhaps even throughout the entire kingdom. No one remained to stand against Duke Issac in the whole kingdom. Left unchecked, no one could stop him now.


My heart ached at the thought of my homeland and its people suffering under the iron grip of a tyrant. I couldn't allow it to continue. The enormity of the task before me weighed heavily on my mind, a constant reminder of the responsibility I bore. I knew, without a shred of doubt, that I had to get stronger. I had to amass the power necessary to challenge the Duke, to master the skills and knowledge necessary to become someone who could stop him. 


To stand against his insatiable hunger for dominion, I had to become the one who was strong enough to face Duke Issac and put an end to his reign of terror. It was a mission I couldn't shirk, a duty I couldn't evade. There was no one else who could do it. 


I felt Orzella's touch on my hand, her eyes conveying a silent message. It was time to go. She understood the harsh reality of our situation better than anyone. Right now, we have our own struggles to deal with. The responsibility fell on my shoulders, and I embraced it fully. 


There was no one else left to bear the weight of this looming tragedy, to safeguard the people of my homeland and the entire Kingdom from the tyranny that threatened to engulf us all. To confront Duke Issac and halt the devastation he threatened to unleash upon the Kingdom, I needed to become a force to be reckoned with. 


I needed to transcend the limitations of my own abilities and harness the latent potential that resided within me. Whether I was born in this world or not, I was here, and I had been given a second chance at life. The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but I had the unwavering support of my friends and allies. Together, we would face the challenges that lay ahead and do whatever it took to protect our home.


With a final glance at the city below, we turned away from the ridge and began our descent. Our path ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: we were determined to do whatever it took to protect our home and our people.


I knew that I had to be strong for Orzella. She was counting on me. The weight of responsibility weighed heavily on my shoulders as I gazed at her determined expression. Orzella had been through so much already, and now, our journey to save the Kingdom depended on our strength and resolve. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves, and then I nodded, silently affirming my commitment.


We turned away from the march of warriors, their rhythmic footsteps fading into the distance. With each step, determination fueled our resolve. Orzella's presence beside me served as a constant reminder of the importance of our mission. The fate of the Kingdom rested on our shoulders, and I couldn't afford to falter.


"Let's get going," I whispered to the small group gathered around me. "It's only a matter of time before the Royal Army sends its troops to search the forest."


The night sky stretched out above us, a vast canvas of stars that provided a dim, ethereal light to guide our way. The challenges and dangers that lay ahead didn't escape my attention. The things I had encountered before hung in the back of my mind, their shadowy presence a constant reminder of the perils we faced.


I knew that another encounter with them was inevitable. I needed to find out everything I could about these enigmatic foes—the Sins. The Tomlin sisters, Leia and Gwen, who had joined our quest, led the way. Tonight, we would travel through the night, seeking answers and a way to halt Duke Issac's sinister plans.


Further into the forest, the terrain became more rugged. Weeds and grass grew in patches over the barely traveled dirt road. The sisters had described this dirt track as infrequently traversed and challenging to locate. It was a path reserved for hunters and herders, a route less traveled by those unacquainted with the wilds. However, our wagon and carriage navigated it with ease, a testament to our determination.


Sophitia held onto my arm, her grip both reassuring and comforting in the darkness. Gwen skillfully steered the wagon, her sister Leia riding ahead a few feet to guide us safely through the night. The companionship of the Tomlin sisters was a welcome presence. The night was dark, and the road was lonely, but their support provided a glimmer of light amidst the shadows.


I felt gratitude welling up within me for the company and the invaluable information the Tomlin sisters had shared about the Sins. Their knowledge would prove indispensable in our quest to defeat these malevolent entities. I knew that I would need all the help I could get if I was going to emerge victorious.


Jacob and Maryanne's book remained in my mind as we traveled along. It was a relic of ancient knowledge, a tome said to contain information about the Sins. However, I was also aware of the ominous reputation it carried—the book was believed to be cursed. Those who dared to read its pages were said to be possessed by the very Sins they sought to vanquish.


My fingers itched with curiosity, and the weight of the book in my bag felt like an anchor. I knew that I had to be cautious, to tread carefully in its presence. But I also knew that I had to read the book if I wanted to stand a chance against the Sins. The information within its pages might hold the key to their defeat, and I couldn't afford to ignore that possibility.


I stole a glance at Sophitia, her features illuminated by the faint light of the stars. She was a vision of grace and beauty, even in the darkest of hours. But my feelings for her went beyond admiration. I knew I was falling in love with her, a realization that both warmed my heart and filled it with apprehension.


The Sins were after her, and I couldn't bear the thought of any harm coming to her. My determination to protect her had never been stronger, and I would do whatever it took to keep her safe.


With each passing moment, I focused on the road ahead, fully aware that the journey would be long and perilous. The path we had chosen was fraught with uncertainty, but I was resolute in my mission to defeat the Sins and save Sophitia. The Kingdom's fate hung in the balance, and I was determined to ensure that it would be preserved.


The night hung over us like a thick shroud, veiling the forest in an eerie darkness. Our little group, surrounded by the whispering trees, stood at the crossroads of uncertainty. I glanced at the faces of my companions, each bearing a unique mix of determination and doubt.


"This route will take us deep into the forest," Gwen stated, her voice steady and unwavering. "From there, the trails can be long and confusing. There are no markers. Our first obstacle is the Sleeping River. It branches off from the Golden River. Don't let its name fool you. For the unwary and reckless, a raging river awaits those who do not know the dangers. One can walk right into their demise because of the denseness of the forest. We'll need to find a safe crossing."


Gwen's words hung in the air, emphasizing the gravity of our situation. Her years of wilderness knowledge were our beacon of hope in this perilous journey.


"Be on the lookout for dire wolves and dire grizzly bears," Leia chimed in, her voice laced with caution. "If we run into either, we'll have to fight for survival."


Leia, ever the pragmatic one, wore a stern expression that mirrored her words. She was our strategist, always thinking three steps ahead.


"Great, dire grizzly bears, dire wolves. Is this even the best route to take?" Lady Sophitia's voice quivered with anxiety. Her aristocratic background had never prepared her for the harsh reality of the wilderness.


Lady Aiko, Sophitia's mother, placed a reassuring hand on her daughter's shoulder. "The Royal Army has the two main roads through the town on heavy guard. It was likely that we would get caught before we made it through the day."


I nodded in agreement, my gaze lingering on the determined face of my mother. Her unwavering faith in me gave me the strength to keep going.


"I have faith in my son. He will protect all of us during this perilous journey," Lady Aiko affirmed, her voice filled with maternal pride and concern.


Orzella, Leia's younger sister, stepped forward, her determination rivaling Gwen's. "Orzella and I will do our best to assist you."


"And me too," Elene, the youngest among us, blurted out, her eagerness shining in her eyes.


Orzella's brow furrowed with worry. "No, you're too young," she said, her protective instincts kicking in.


"I can fight, sister?" Elene's voice wavered, but her determination remained unwavering.


"Let's hope none of us have to fight," I interjected, trying to keep the atmosphere from becoming too tense. The weight of the situation pressed down on us all, and I could see the fear in the eyes of my companions. The night pressed on, enveloping us in darkness, and the decision weighed heavily on our shoulders. We were at a crossroads, and the path we chose would determine our fate.


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