I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Twelve

A beam of sunlight peeks through the open barn doors in the early morning. Sophitia lay quietly asleep. The deep red of her hair shimmers in the sunlight like flames. Rather than wake her up, I let her sleep for a while longer. I check our belongings, and everything is good. The street below is quiet. Despite the early hours, I expect to see common folk getting started on their daily chores or work as soon as possible. There wasn't a soul in sight. I know the stable hand and master would be up even earlier than this. Last night, during our heated exchange, the streets were still lively. We were lucky to be off the main road, but I could hear the sounds of life outside. Something felt wrong. I shake my sister away. I hear her stirring as I scan the street below.
"Again? What is it brother? Have you not indulged yourself enough? I'm tired and exhausted. If you want to have sex again, please wait for another time," Lady Sophitia muttered.
I turn her over, putting my finger to her lips. Her face is filled with surprise, but she says nothing. A rustling sound comes from outside as she looks me right in the eye. After carefully removing my hand, I peer out the barn window. A tingle of terror runs down my spine. There was a humanoid-looking being standing alone in the alley next to the barn. White milky or bone-white skin covers its body. The body of the creature is utterly bare of hair. Like the sun's rays, the humanoid's eyes were golden. Despite being oblong in shape and lacking a nose, the creature has razor-sharp teeth inside its mouth. Dread runs down my spine when I see its permanent smile. The thing would tower over me despite the fact that I am tall. The fingernails on its arms are razor-sharp and horribly long. The abomination could be described as a lanky nightmare. There is some kind of black armor covering its chest and lower body. I watch as it opens its mouth inhumanly wide. Like it was sensing the air. The monster continues onwards down the alleyway out of sight.
"We need to move now," I whispered, almost not saying a word.
We gather our belongings as Lady Sophitia nods. As I prepare my sword, my sister does the same. Sword fighting isn't her strong suit. That was the forte of our siblings Erfan and Kenna. Even so, she was a prodigy when it came to magic and archery. No matter what the creature is, I would instead not put Sophitia or anyone else in our group at risk. There seems to be something perilous about this monster. Scenarios run through my mind. I look out into the alley. No sign of the humanoid. With caution, I creep down the opposite way. Behind me, Sophitia stays close. There is no sign of the monster, yet I can still sense its presence. If it spots us, I can't let my sister be harmed.
"Head back to the Castle, Last Sophitia," I whispered.
"Why?? What's wrong Asa?" Sophitia questioned. 
She hadn't seen the abomination. I didn't want her to. No one should see such a being with their own eyes. It was here still, very close by. I know it was hunting us. The streets remain clear. Not a soul to be found. 
"Listen, Sophitia. There's something hunting us. Some kind of creature. I've never seen or heard of anything like it. You have to get back to the others. Now, go!" I said firmly.
Again, she looks over my face. Trying to determine if I was serious. For a long moment, we held each other's free hand. 
"Okay, but make sure you head to the Castle too," my sister whispered.
"I will," I replied.
We jogged for a few minutes before reaching a street that would take her to the Castle. I watched her as she cautiously moved down the street. Sticking to the darker side of the street with shade. When she was out of view, I headed the other way. The presence of this abomination drew me in. 'What is this creature? It looks like something out of a movie. A demon or hell spawn. I'm a lover of horror movies, but this is beyond anything out of a man's worst nightmare. This was abject evil.' My body shivers at the overwhelming presence of the monster. I felt it in every fiber of my being. One moment, it wasn't there, and then it was. Like it popped into existence or manifested somehow. The city is empty. 'Could this thing be causing this?' I came to a corner at an intersection. The presence felt stronger.
With great care, I peer around the corner. The image I saw is straight out of hell. A group of bodies lay in a pile. It was that creature with another one. They are identical in every way. One was squatting over the pile, eating one of the bodies. The other is doing that mouth-sniffing thing. It turns in my direction. A second later, the other stops eating and looks right at me. Before I reacted, the creature was behind me. The abomination impales me from behind. I stare at the blood-covered appendage. My still beating heart was speared on its razor nails. Blood drips from the ripped arteries. 
As suddenly as it has occurred. The monsters were back down the street. Instinctually, my free hand grips my chest. To my astonishment, no hole is there. A blurry in front of me draws my attention. The creature charges at me at lightning speed. As it maneuvers behind me, I realize it's aiming for my heart. At the last second, I dodge the income blow. Yet again, my chest gets impaled. This time from the front. The other creature was gazing down at me with its arm in my chest. Then again, it wasn't. The two beasts were just now charging me. 'Am I seeing what's going to happen? Is this even real?' The two attacks came at me in rapid succession. Both I counter with my sword. The force drives me into the canal. A rush of cold water engulfs me. The two monsters glare with anger. Showing razor-sharp teeth in their open mouths. One of their mouths enlarges, and some sort of energy forms in its throat. I've seen enough movies to know what comes next. I dive under the water, catching a glimpse of a black beam of something devastating the bed of the river.
Another beam strikes where I just was. I use the cover of the water to swim farther away. 'Thank God for all those practices during stunts underwater.' The beams hit random places all around me. I dive deeper into the bed of the river. A bridge is coming up. I can take a breath there under cover. More beams slam the bedrock around me. I swim up, breaking the surface. There wasn't much time, so I took the deepest breath possible and dived into the bedrock. I wasn't seen, but the bridge came down right as I cleared the area. My swimming skills were on par with a pro. I effortlessly put distance between myself and those monsters. As I do, the presence dissipates. Like a fading feeling slowly going away. When it was truly gone, I swam to the surface. People were everywhere now. They were looking at the river canal. Some people were pointing while others were trying to find out what was happening. The bridge I passed was in ruins. Then screaming came from down the canal. Where I'd see that pile of bodies. City guards rush to that area. An old man and woman helped me out of the water.
"Young Sir, your eye is bleeding. Are you well?" the old woman asked.
"I'm fine," I said.
Blood rolls down from my right eye. A throbbing pain hung behind my eye and in my head.
"Son, did you see it?" the old man said.
I stare at him in shock. The man nods his hand as we both acknowledge what happened.
"You saw them then. Come with me boy," he whispered.
To my shock, I comply with the man's request. I took one step and felt all my energy drop to nothing. 
My senses were awakened by a savory smell. I opened my eyes, barely able to see my surroundings. My body is still drained of energy. What I could recognize was that I was in a cottage.
"Ah, you're awake. You must be hungry. My wife is an amazing cook. Her stew will have you back on your feet soon," the old man said.
"What happened?? How long have I been asleep?" I asked.
"You passed out from exhaustion. You've been resting for half a day," he answered. "Seeing one of them can cause such a reaction alone. For those of us that can see them, that is. Most don't see them unless they want to be seen," he explained.
"What are they?" I asked.
His wife brought a steamy bowl of stew. The aroma is delicious. I dove into it without hesitation.
"They are called Sins. Evil creatures of this world. Those that are aware of their existence are fated to battle them," the man said.
"You mean I will have to fight these things? How do you know all this??" I questioned.
"Hmm, in my youth, I was chosen to combat these things. Most are born with this burden, but those like us. Those who are reincarnated into this world. We must fight them. It's the purpose of our existence," the old man revealed.
"Do you remember your past life from my world?" I stammered.
"Well, I remember my past life in my world, yes. There are many worlds to be reincarnated from. I do know that there aren't many like us these days," the elderly man said.
All this was a lot to consume. The knowledge that others have been reincarnated into this world was helpful. It meant my wife Abigail might remember someday. The question of how I was supposed to fight these things came to mind. 
"Those Sins seemed to be hunting me and my sister," I revealed.
This piqued the man's interest as well as concern.
"If that's the case, then you might need something. Sins don't hunt specific targets. Not unless someone has summoned them for that purpose," the elderly man said.
He went to a room in the back. His wife prepares another bowl of stew. I gladly took it and began eating when the old man returned. He had two swords in his hands. One shaped like a holy cross. A great sword or longsword. The other was a broadsword shaped like a holy cross as well.
"These are my blades Sol's Edge and Sun's Blaze. Their divine swords that are blessed. You'll need them if you are to battle them. Only a powerful mage can summon a Sin. You'll need to grow in power to wield these properly," the elderly man said. "You'll develop powers. All the chosen to do. That's all an old man like me can do for you," he added.
"I'll take good care of these. Thank you for helping me and for all the knowledge. I know it's going to help me in the future," I said.
His wife brought me a bag and a satchel. "Just a little extra to help you on your journeys," the elderly woman said, smiling.
"Thank you! By the way, I never got your names?" I said.
"Oh, I'm Jacob and this is my wife, Maryanne. It's a pleasure to meet another like us," Jacob said.
"Yes, again, thank you for all your help," I said.
With the items they provided me, I departed Jacob and Maryanne's cozy home. Knowing these things are called Sins and can be willingly summoned was vital. They lived on the northwest side of the city, on the Golden River. I could make it back to the Castle by nightfall. Sophitia and Lady Aiko are going to be worried beyond belief. The city was back to normal now that the Sins were gone. 'Did they do something to make everyone disappear?' I was so tired I didn't ask. Still, Jacob would have mentioned something like that. Then again, Maryanne did give me a bag full of things I may find helpful. Maybe there's something inside. I stop a moment and search inside the leather backpack and satchel. A few books that look like dairies, and others that look old, ancient books. Maryanne is a perfect wife. I bet these books can help me.
The gates of the Castle lay ahead. More City Guards were present than usual. 'Probably a response to the disturbance this morning.' I kept my head down as the guards screened everyone. Thankfully, I kept the pass Lady Sophitia received yesterday. More Royal troops have arrived, too. This was looking more and more like a military build-up. All this couldn't be all for House Martindale. This was an issue for later. I need to return to the rest of my party right now. 
On my way to our quarters, Lord Huntley. I raise my hood to avoid any recognition. He stops nearby and talks to a Knight.
"Any signs of House Martindale survivors?" Lord Huntley asked.
"No, Milord. Our search so far has yielded little," the Knight said.
"What about the Dukes?? Any word on their intentions?" Lord Huntley questioned.
"I'm afraid there isn't, Milord. Troops are being assembled across the Kingdom. There's no word from King Galen either," the Knight revealed.
"We need to find any survivors first. Before any of Duke Issac's men do," Lord Huntley affirmed.
"If I may, Milord. The boy may be better off on his own at this point. If the report is true, he's awakened his magic prowess. That alone may aid him better," the Knight suggested.
"Still, inform Sir Bishop to continue his search for Count Asa," Lord Huntley ordered.
I confirmed with my ears that Lord Huntley was still loyal to my father and was comforting. His Knight may be right, too. Duke Isaac is looking for any of my family members. We have to press onwards to the north before his forces realize we're here. I wait in the shadows of the hallway for the area to be clear. After a few tense minutes, no one else was nearby. Carefully, I make my way to the quarters. Sophitia's and my mother's voices came from within. Everyone made it back safely. I crack the door quietly and slip inside. Before I could close the door, my sister grappled me from behind. I managed to turn around to face her when our Mom hugged both of us. Their ample tits press up against my chest. I couldn't get a word in with all the sobbing and crying. 
"Alright, I'm fine. Calm down, okay," I said.
"Don't even run off on your own again!" Sophia wept. 
"You're supposed to be my responsible Honey buns," Lady Aiko said.
I couldn't respond to all the kisses on the cheeks. Gwen and Leia were here staring. I quickly ended the ordeal. 
"We need to go now. Lord Huntley is looking for us, but so are the Duke's forces. Pack your things fast. More troops are on the way here," I revealed.
"Then we must make haste to my grandparents' sanctuary in the north. No one knows of it other than myself and my mother. We'll be safe there for a while," Lady Aiko stated.
"That's why you need us to guide you through the Deep Forest??" Gwen asked.
"The Golden Forest separates the northernmost region of the Golden Peninsula. The Royal Army will have a hard time tracking anyone in there," I said.
"What will you do once you get there?" Erendriel asked.
"Once we get there safely, I can worry about that. We just need to get there first," I said.
Everyone gathers the equipment and supplies. Most of the preparations must have been done when I was unconscious. The real hardships were about to begin in earnest. Running from the Royal Army and Duke Issac is dangerous and challenging enough. Surviving a trek through the Golden Forest off the river or road presented an entirely new world of dangers. We could get lost in the endless valleys and sun forests. Then, there were the various wild animals and beasts that inhabited the lands. What I'm mainly worried about is the unknown. Many go into this forest and never return. Even with guides, we could meet our end. I didn't dare think about the rumors of eleven enclaves or worse legends. We had to survive this trek.

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