I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Twenty-One

The gentle crackling of the campfire, accompanied by the symphony of nocturnal sounds from the forest, provided a serene backdrop as I sat awake, everyone else having long succumbed to sleep. Memories from my previous life began to surface, particularly those nights when Abigail and I, both insomniacs, would spend hours awake during the deepest parts of the night. Reflecting on my former self in this world, I realized the striking similarities between us despite our apparent differences. It was a curious paradox – being so alike yet distinctly different. This was certainly something to ponder upon.


Orzella, unexpectedly, stirred from her sleep. She rose and began to walk around the camp before settling down beside me. Her presence was a quiet comfort.


"You can't sleep, Master?" Orzella inquired, her voice soft in the still night.


"No, I can't," I admitted. "And please, Orzella, you don't have to call me Master. Despite what my Father decreed that day, you and your sisters are not my slaves."


"I understand, Master, but I prefer to address you that way. You gave my sisters and me a second chance," Orzella explained, her tone laced with gratitude.


Her words prompted a reflection on my part. It was the memories and experiences from my past life that guided me to give Orzella and her sisters another chance. 'What if I hadn't recalled my past? How would things have unfolded?' I doubted that my previous self in this world, despite his shortcomings, would have desired them as slaves. However, without the influence of my past life, they would likely have remained mere prisoners.


Orzella's voice interrupted my contemplation. "Is something troubling you, Master?" she asked with concern.


"No, just thinking," I replied. "I sometimes wonder how different our lives would have been had we not crossed paths on that significant day."


Orzella considered this for a moment before responding thoughtfully. "Fate has a way of sorting things out, Master." Her words, simple yet profound, echoed in the quiet night, mingling with the crackling of the fire and the whispers of the forest.


Having Orzella by my side was a source of solace. Her wisdom, along with the support of her sisters, had been invaluable to my family and me in these tumultuous times.


Seeking her insight, I asked, "How do you think Rosaniya's people will react to us, humans, entering their village?"


Orzella didn't mince words. "They probably won't take it well. Elves value their seclusion, but since we're under Rosaniya's protection, they might just tolerate our presence. Humans aren't exactly their preferred company," she explained candidly.


My thoughts then turned to another mystery. "It makes me wonder about the nature of this holy relic and why Duke Villanueva is so intent on obtaining it," I pondered aloud.


Orzella nodded thoughtfully. "For a noble of his stature to go to such lengths, the relic must hold significant power or value," she mused.


Curiosity piqued, I queried further, "What do you suppose Rosaniya was searching for when we first met her? She mentioned looking for relics."


"That's hard to say, Master. Perhaps it's a question best directed at Rosaniya herself. Isn't that right, Rosaniya?" Orzella said, glancing in her direction.


Surprised, I turned to find Rosaniya awake, her presence previously unnoticed. She hesitantly joined us, settling beside me with a resigned air.


"I was searching for a ring, akin to the holy relic my village safeguards," Rosaniya disclosed.


Intrigued, Orzella probed, "And what exactly is this relic?"


Rosaniya took a deep breath before explaining. "It's a powerful ring, one of a set that grants blessings to its user. According to legend, there are ten such rings in total."


"And the blessing it bestows?" I inquired, fascinated.


"The blessing is unknown until wielded. Many have sought these rings, but most have failed. They say the rings choose their bearers," Rosaniya said, her voice tinged with awe.


Orzella, connecting the dots, asked, "Are these part of the Celestine Relics?"


"Yes, that's what they're called. They possess immense power," I confirmed.


Rosaniya then revealed something unexpected. "Indeed, and you, Asa, are already acquainted with such relics. You carry two of them."


Perplexed, I questioned, "You mean Sun's Blaze and Sol's Edge?"


"Yes," Rosaniya confirmed. "Elves have a heightened sensitivity to such energies. I can sense them from you."


Orzella, considering another possibility, added, "What about Umefina? She's half-elf. Would she sense them too?"


Rosaniya replied thoughtfully, "Potentially, but it requires discipline and training to truly comprehend these energies. It's possible Umefina hasn't been exposed to such teachings."


"If what you're saying holds true, then it's imperative we prevent Duke Villanueva from obtaining this relic," I asserted with a sense of urgency.


A heavy silence followed my statement as if the enormity of our task had suddenly descended upon us, pressing down like an invisible weight.


Rosaniya, her voice tinged with determination, broke the silence. "I understand the gravity of the situation. That's why it's crucial I get back to my village to alert my Chieftain," she said.


Curious about the journey ahead, Orzella inquired, "How long will it take us to reach your village, Rosaniya?"


Rosaniya responded with a measured tone, "We should arrive by nightfall tomorrow if we maintain a steady pace. The path to my village is concealed; only those who know the area well can navigate it."


"Then we'll set off at the first light," I decided. "The sooner we embark, the better."


Orzella, considering our current company, brought up a valid concern. "What about the Rowe sisters?"


"I'll need you and Leia to keep a vigilant eye on them," I instructed. "Once we reach the village, make sure they're kept out of sight as much as possible."


Our conversation was abruptly interrupted by an eerie chorus of screams. Startled, we turned towards the source – the Rowe sisters. They were sitting up, seemingly caught in a trance-like state, their eyes emitting a strange yellowish glow. I stood, frozen in shock, as the chilling screams pierced the night. Strangely, though their mouths were open, no sound seemed to emanate from them.


Leia, her hands pressed against her ears, voiced her confusion. "Where are those screams coming from?"


I quickly realized the cause. "Their sense sight is going haywire!" I exclaimed, just as Rosaniya collapsed to the ground, clutching her head in pain.


"Haywire? What does that mean?" Orzella asked, visibly alarmed and covering her ears.


I didn't have the luxury of time to explain. A torrent of memories flooded my mind, not just from this life but also from my past existence. It was an overwhelming cascade, like watching two distinct movies simultaneously, with countless others playing in the background. Every sensation, every emotion from both lives, maybe even multiple lives, hit me all at once, rendering me momentarily paralyzed.


As I grappled with this deluge of memories, Rosaniya writhed on the ground, clearly in agony. The Rowe sisters remained in their trance, their eyes glowing ominously in the darkness. Leia and Orzella looked on in a mixture of fear and bewilderment, unsure of how to react to the bizarre scene unfolding before us.


The forest, which had been a tranquil backdrop just moments ago, now seemed to echo the chaos of our predicament. The fire flickered wildly, casting an eerie glow on our faces as we faced this unexpected and alarming development.


My mind raced to piece together the puzzle – the connection between the Rowe sisters' strange state, Rosaniya's collapse, and the flood of memories overwhelming me. It was clear that something supernatural was at play, something possibly linked to the Celestine Relics and their mysterious powers.


The screams, though seemingly silent, resonated through the night, creating a sense of surreal dissonance. The shadows cast by the fire seemed to dance more frenetically as if responding to the turmoil amongst us.


Struggling against the excruciating pain, I attempted to remain upright, but the edges of my vision began to blur and darken ominously. A sensation akin to an impending cranial explosion overwhelmed me as if an invisible force was wreaking havoc within my head. Overcome by the intensity of the pain, I found myself collapsing to my knees, my screams piercing the night as I clutched my head in a desperate bid for relief.


Orzella rushed to my side, her face etched with concern. She reached out, trying to offer some form of aid, but it was clear that the situation was beyond her help. I could see the helplessness in her eyes as she struggled to find a way to alleviate my agony.


With every fiber of my being, I fought to maintain consciousness, to push back against the darkness that threatened to engulf me. But the battle was a losing one; the pain was relentless, unforgiving.


Orzella's cries of "Master!!! Master!!!" echoed around me, her voice laced with panic and fear. Still, her calls seemed distant, as if muffled by the overwhelming pain that consumed me.


Amidst this chaos, Leia's voice pierced the air, laden with confusion and fear. "What's happening???" she yelled, her attention divided as she tried to assist Rosaniya, who was also in distress.


Then, as if a thick, heavy blanket was being slowly draped over me, darkness enveloped my senses, swallowing everything around me into an abyss of nothingness. The sounds of the forest, the warmth of the fire, and Orzella's frantic pleas all faded into a void as I succumbed to the inescapable grasp of unconsciousness.

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