I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Twenty-Two

My eyes snapped open, and I immediately felt an unfamiliar surge of energy pulsating through me. The aftermath of the earlier ordeal left me dazed, but as my gaze wandered, I found myself in a realm utterly alien to me. An endless sea of clouds sprawled out in every direction, giving the surreal impression that I was suspended high above the world, gazing down from an incredible height.


A wave of vertigo and acrophobia suddenly overwhelmed me, causing me to stagger and lose my footing. I landed awkwardly on my tailbone, and to my astonishment, the impact rippled across the sky as if it were a vast, fluid canvas of water. The disorientation was tangible, and I struggled to grasp the reality of this bizarre environment.


Upon collecting myself, I soon became aware of my unclothed state. More startling was the realization that this body was not my own - not the Asa I knew, nor the one from my previous life. This new form was distinctly more athletic and muscular, a physique evidently shaped by rigorous activity and meticulous care. It was older than the body of my second life but considerably younger than that of my first.


Thoughts of Abigail, my companion and wife from past life, surfaced in my mind. We had journeyed through decades together, experiencing a multitude of events. Yet now, inhabiting this new form, I sensed a profound difference.


In attempting to make sense of these bewildering changes, I questioned my reality. 'Could this be death and the afterlife? Or perhaps another reincarnation?' The answers were elusive, but I was determined to unravel this mystery. It was then that a voice caught my attention. Turning, I saw a figure veiled by a shimmering light, their details obscured. It was as if a halo radiated from just behind them. Squinting, I tried to bring the figure into focus. As they drew nearer, I discerned that the halo wasn't an illusion; it was an integral part of this enigmatic entity. The figure mainly remained concealed, yet it was evident that their skin had an almost ethereal, flawless quality.


I watched as the mysterious, ethereal silhouette drew nearer; the air around me seemed to thrum with an unspoken energy. I could hear a voice, soft yet unmistakable, yet its words eluded my understanding. 'Is this celestial being speaking to me?' I wondered. My focus sharpened, and more details of the figure became apparent. It was a woman, but not just any woman. She was the embodiment of impossible beauty, a vision that seemed to defy the very laws of nature.


Though her face was still not entirely clear, her physical presence was undeniably striking. She possessed the qualities of both Junoesque and Rubenesque goddesses, a combination that exuded regality and allure. Her body was a harmonious blend of strength and grace, statuesque yet curvaceous in all the right proportions. Her bust was voluptuous, perfectly complemented by her rounded bounteous hips and derrière. Her thighs exuded a sense of fertility and strength, while her legs were long, willowy, and exquisitely formed. Her feet and toes were the epitome of symmetry and care, adding to her overall allure.


With each step she took, the distance between us lessened until she was almost within arm's reach. It was then that her facial features became visible in all their splendor. She had a heart-shaped face framed by a pair of pure gold eyes that shimmered with an inner light. Her eyebrows were perfectly angled, accentuating the high cheekbones that gave her face a delicate yet commanding appearance. Her nose was feminine and finely shaped, leading down to lush, heart-shaped lips that seemed to whisper secrets of ancient times. Dotted subtly across her skin were brown freckles, with a beauty mark located under her left eye and another beside the right corner of her lips. Her hair, a striking bleach blonde, was styled into an intricate French crown ponytail that cascaded in flowing waves all the way down to her feet.


The sight of her was mesmerizing, almost overwhelming in its perfection. She exuded an aura that was both otherworldly and deeply comforting, a paradox that seemed to define her very essence. Her presence was like a soft melody, a song of an age long past yet timeless in its beauty.


As I stood there, rooted to the spot, I felt a sense of reverence mixed with a profound curiosity. 'Who was this ethereal being? What was her purpose in this realm of clouds, and what connection did she have with me?' Her approach was slow and deliberate, each movement filled with a grace that seemed to transcend the ordinary.


Her eyes locked with mine, and for a moment, the world around us seemed to fade away. It was as if we were the only two beings in existence, suspended in a realm where time and reality had no hold. The clouds beneath our feet felt like a sea of tranquility, the sky around us a canvas upon which this extraordinary moment was painted.


The air was filled with a sense of anticipation, a silent question hanging between us. In her gaze, I sensed a depth of knowledge and wisdom, a story waiting to be told. This encounter, surreal as it was, felt like a pivotal moment, a crossing of paths that was destined to change the course of my journey in ways I could not yet comprehend.


In preparation for whatever revelation or message she was about to impart, I prepared myself for whatever revelation or message she was about to impart. This was more than just a meeting; it was a convergence of fates, a moment that held the promise of uncovering secrets from realms beyond my understanding.


The ethereal being drew closer; her resemblance to my red-haired wife, Abigail, from my past life, was strikingly apparent. Aside from her hair and eye color, she bore an uncanny similarity to Abigail in every aspect.


"Do you remember me?" she asked, her head tilting slightly as if studying my reaction.


I struggled to process her words, my voice faltering. "What? No... I... I don't know," I stammered, trying to grasp the surreal nature of our encounter.


"Have you forgotten me?" she inquired; her voice soft yet laden with emotion.


"I don't remember...," I responded, a sense of confusion washing over me.


"You... promised me... remember?" she continued, her finger tracing a line across my chest as she moved gracefully around me, her movements ethereal.


Perplexed, I dared to probe further. "What... did I promise?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.


"That you'll be mine forever?" she murmured into my ear from behind, her breath warm against my skin.


"Why??? Why would I make such a promise?" I questioned, my mind racing with questions.


"To meet her again... to meet the one you love so dearly," she whispered, her words enveloping me like a gentle breeze.


"You mean my wife, Abigail?" I whispered back, my heart pounding.


The being let out a sigh tinged with disappointment and sorrow. "Why do you always... choose her... over me?" she asked softly. "I saved her... I saved you. What must I do... to gain your affection?"


Her revelation left me stunned, a myriad of emotions swirling within me. "Who are you? What are you talking about? Please tell me what this place is?" I implored, seeking clarity in this bewildering situation.


"I am Dihuna, Goddess of Life and Death of this world and yours to have," she confessed, her voice barely audible.


"Does that mean that you're the reason I'm in this world?" I pressed, seeking answers.


"Perhaps... would it matter?" Dihuna questioned. "Would you be mine if I had?"


"Is that why you look like Abigail?" I countered, trying to make sense of her appearance.


Dihuna released another sigh, filled with a mixture of regret and longing. "It is not I that appears as her. It is she who resembles me. So, I don't understand you. Why her?" she questioned, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and pain.


I was taken aback by her words, their implications sending shockwaves through my thoughts. This revelation was sudden and unexpected, leaving me struggling to process it.


"All I can tell you is I love my wife, Abigail. It's not something I know how to explain," I admitted, my voice filled with a mix of conviction and bewilderment.


"What if I was your wife?" Dihuna asked, tilting her head, her eyes searching mine for an answer.


"What? Aren't you a Goddess? I'm... I'm just a man...," I stammered, overwhelmed by the enormity of her question.


"That's no reason not to consider what I offer you," Dihuna whispered, her voice soft yet persuasive.


"You're asking a lot, and I don't really understand," I confessed. "But... If I promised you something, then I won't break my promise to you."


Dihuna's presence, her words, and the surreal environment we were in combined to create a moment that was both otherworldly and intensely personal. The clouds around us seemed to reflect the turmoil within me, shifting and swirling as if responding to the emotional currents of our conversation.


In this realm, high above the world I knew, I stood face to face with a goddess who claimed a connection to my past, present, and perhaps even my future. The revelations she brought were profound and unsettling, challenging my understanding of my own existence and the nature of love and commitment.


"Enough, Dihuna!" a commanding voice echoed from behind me, breaking the surreal tranquility.


Dihuna paused, her movement marked by a moment of hesitation. She let out a deep sigh, her hand remaining gently placed on my chest. Her eyes shifted past me, focusing on something - or someone - behind me. Although apprehensive about what I might discover, curiosity overwhelmed me. Dihuna's subtle gesture indicated that I should turn around and confront the source of the mysterious voice myself.


As I slowly pivoted to face whatever awaited, I was greeted by an astonishing sight - two beings who bore a striking resemblance to Dihuna. To my left stood one with a mane of braided hair that cascaded in a waterfall of locks to her feet, each braid seemingly woven with the meticulous care of an artisan. To my right, another with her hair styled in an elaborate top bun ponytail, the locks curling and coiling in an intricate dance down to her feet. Their eyes mirrored Dihuna's, exuding the same pure gold hue. Yet, there were subtle differences in their faces - almost imperceptible, yet distinct enough to set them apart. Each was a vision of ethereal beauty, their features exquisitely crafted, and their expressions imbued with serene grace.


Their Junoesque figures were akin to Dihuna's, each curve and contour a testament to a divine aesthetic. The sight of them was captivating, leaving me momentarily lost for words. Just like Dihuna, they possessed an otherworldly charm, their presence commanding yet comforting. The halos that hovered behind them cast a celestial glow, accentuating their statuesque forms and further enhancing their supernatural allure.


Standing there, flanked by these three divine beings, I felt as though I had stepped into a realm beyond my understanding. The air around us seemed charged with a mystical energy, and the endless expanse of clouds below us provided a surreal backdrop to this extraordinary encounter. The moment was filled with a sense of wonder and an unspoken question about the nature of these beings and their connection to me.


At that moment, flanked by these celestial beings, a sense of awe washed over me. Questions about their true nature and their connection to my past, present, and perhaps future swirled in my mind. The moment hung suspended in time, a convergence of fates and a crossroads in my journey, leaving me torn between the love of my past and a promise shrouded in the mists of forgotten memories.

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