I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother!

I got Reincarnated but My Wife is Now My Mother! Chapter Twenty-Three

"Dihuna, this is not in accordance with our agreement when we decided to intervene," the being spoke firmly, her voice resonating with authority.


"Indeed, we must refrain from meddling in the affairs of mortals," added the other being, her tone equally resolute.


Dihuna, with a slight nod of acknowledgment, introduced them. "Ah, my sister Goddesses of Life and Death, Dhiona and Dihanna. Always so committed to maintaining the divine balance."


"That is our purpose. We cannot become entangled with mortals, no matter our desires," Dhiona stated, her voice echoing the unwavering duty that governed their actions.


"Regardless, our role is to provide guidance to this mortal, and nothing more, Dihuna," Dihanna elaborated, making their stance clear.


"Guide? What do you mean by guide?" I mumbled, struggling to grasp the significance of their words.


Dhiona stepped forward. "We have deemed it necessary to offer you limited assistance and disclose to you our existence," she revealed.


"Why me? Are you the reason I've been reincarnated into this world?" I asked, a mix of curiosity and apprehension in my voice.


"While we preside over the realms of Life and Death, it was not our doing that brought you to this realm," Dihanna clarified.


Dihuna, visibly perturbed but conceding, posed a question. "Are you not aware of the entities known as Sins?"


I recalled a conversation. "Ah, yes, Joacob and his wife Maryanne mentioned these entities. I've encountered and survived battles with two of them," I responded.


"Sins pose a grave danger to mortals, but someone in your world has manipulated them for their own ends. This cannot be allowed to continue," Dhianna explained gravely.


Diana added, "That is why you, Allen Thomas, must find and stop whoever is committing this sacrilege."


Allen Thomas – my name from my previous life echoed in my ears, a reminder of a past long gone and a love I still held dear. Abigail Thomas was my wife in that life. It had been so long since I heard my name since being reincarnated.


Dihuna's voice softened. "That is why I brought you here. And now, you face your first true test."


"What test?" I asked, the urgency evident in my voice.


"The village you are traveling to is about to be attacked by a Sin, one far more powerful than those you've previously faced," Dihuna stated with concern.


"You must defeat this Sin before it obtains the Celestine Relic," she continued.


"The Celestine Relic controls Life itself. Combined with the ring you already possess; you'll have dominion over Life and Death. That is the only way to truly defeat the Sins," Dhonia elucidated.


Dihanna looked at me intently. "Do you understand your task, Allen Thomas?"


"You're saying a Sin will soon attack Rosaniya's village for the holy relic they guard?" I asked, trying to piece together the gravity of the situation.


"Yes, and you must prevent this," Dihuna affirmed.


"You're currently too far to intercept the Sin in time," Dhiona noted.


"But we will hasten your journey, along with your companions," Dihanna offered.


"Be warned, this will be a battle of life and death," Dihuna cautioned, her eyes lingering on me. "Ensure that you return to me."


"Dihuna, refrain... you know that is not possible," Dihanna interjected, her tone cautionary.


"You risk your immortality, and ours," Dhiona added, underscoring the gravity of Dihuna's actions.


Before I could voice any more questions, a blinding light emanated from the trio of Goddesses' halos, enveloping me in an indescribable warmth. Clarity flooded my mind, as clear as a midsummer day. A purpose was instilled within me – a force was manipulating the Sins against the natural order. I had to retrieve the Celestine Relic and unite it with my own.


Abruptly, I found myself standing in a clearing. Orzella, Leia, Rosaniya, and the Rowe sisters were stirring awake as if from a deep slumber. Our gear was meticulously arranged beside us. Ahead lay a village, undoubtedly Rosaniya's home, nestled in a part of the forest so ancient and majestic it was like entering another world. Snow blanketed the ground and the dense canopy of trees, a stark contrast to the landscapes we had traversed before. This was far to the North, a hidden sanctuary now on the brink of an unimaginable threat. 


As I approached Rosaniya, who was slowly regaining consciousness, a sense of urgency overtook me. Her usually serene face now bore traces of confusion as she awakened. Still, it was the impending sense of danger that overshadowed the moment. I knelt in front of her, gently brushing her bright silver hair away from her face. When our eyes met – hers golden and full of elven grace – she immediately grasped the seriousness of the situation.


"Rosaniya, listen very carefully," I began, my voice steady but infused with urgency. "A dangerous entity known as a Sin is heading towards your village. We need to prepare for a fight immediately."


Understanding flashed in Rosaniya's eyes, tinged with a growing fear. "Go, warn your people," I instructed firmly. "We'll try to stall the Sin. Don't question how we arrived here so swiftly; just know we had help. Now go."


Without hesitation, Rosaniya sprang into action, darting towards the village with elven swiftness. Leia and Orzella were already up, their expressions a mix of confusion and fear. The Rowe sisters appeared weakened, still reeling from the events at the previous campsite. The sudden transition to midday had thrown everyone off balance.


"Wynnefreede is sick and in pain," Wynnefreede mumbled, her voice weak.


I stood up, addressing the Rowe sisters with an assertive tone. "Elizabethe, Wynnefreede, Katheryne, you need to choose a side now. A monster is coming, and we're all in danger," I declared, the gravity of the situation evident in my voice.


The three sisters looked at me, their faces a blend of confusion and realization. The impending threat wasn't just a danger to us; it was a menace to every living creature nearby, including them. I signaled to Orzella and Leia to untie the bewildered Royal Scouts. They moved quickly, unbinding the sisters, their own alertness palpable.


Leia, her hands trembling, drew a dagger from her belt. I reached out, gently steadying her wrist. "Stay back when it arrives," I advised her, my gaze then shifting to Orzella. "You too, Orzella."


"Elizabethe does not understand what's happening," Elizabethe admitted, her voice betraying her fear.


"Katheryne is scared... very scared," Katheryne echoed, her words laced with terror.


"Wynnefreede wishes for Daddy dearest and Mommy dearest..." Wynnefreede whimpered, hugging herself tightly.


The air around us grew heavy, laden with a foreboding sense of doom. I could feel the oppressive aura of the approaching Sin, a feeling I recognized from past encounters but magnified exponentially. This Sin's presence was announcing itself, a palpable force that seemed to weigh down on us like a colossal meteor hurtling towards the earth.


Everyone felt the ominous pressure of the Sin's approach. It was a clear signal that what we were about to face was far more dangerous than anything we had encountered before. The weight of the situation was not lost on any of us, each aware that we were on the precipice of a confrontation that could decide the fate of many lives.


As though responding to an unspoken signal, I instinctively turned towards the dense forest. Emerging from the shadowy tree line was a figure whose slow, deliberate steps seemed to herald impending doom. The bone-white skin was unmistakable, a clear indication of the abomination it was – a dreaded Sin. It bore certain similarities to the Sins I had previously encountered, yet it was distinct in its own horrifying way.


Its arms were inhumanly long, ending in sharp, black talons capable of slicing through the toughest metal. Its legs were slender yet packed with muscle, each movement carrying an unholy grace that belied its sinister nature. The creature's head was cone-shaped, devoid of any features except for a grotesquely wide, smiling maw filled with razor-sharp teeth, grinning unnaturally wide as if mocking the natural order of the world.


However, this Sin presented new, terrifying differences. Unlike the others, it was shorter, standing at the same height as me, but its build was substantially more robust. Bat-like ears adorned its head, large and pointed, with a series of looped golden rings piercing the elongated cartilage. The absence of a nose was marked by a sunken depression in the middle of its face. Most strikingly, bat-like skin stretched between its arms and torso, a ghastly adaptation that gave it a more demonic appearance.


The sight of this creature was chilling, and its presence filled the air with a palpable sense of malevolence. Every aspect of its being was a perversion of nature, a testament to the unnatural powers that had birthed it. This Sin was not just a creature to be feared for its physical prowess but also for the profound, unsettling wrongness that it embodied.


As I stood there, confronted by this monstrous entity, I knew that the battle ahead would be unlike any other. This Sin, with its unique and terrifying attributes, represented a threat that went beyond physical danger – it was an affront to the very essence of life itself. The air grew tense, the forest itself seeming to hold its breath as the Sin and I faced each other, the moment before the storm of our inevitable clash.

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