I Have 48 Hours a Day

Chapter 141 - Black sail (end)

“Ah ?! Then … that’s your boat parked over there?” Annie’s jaw fell to the ground. “Did you really find Kidd’s Treasure? But that’s not right, even if it’s If you have money, you should not buy a navy warship. <Щww.suimeng.lā "

“This story is a long story, and I will tell you slowly when I have time. Now, let me talk about the results of my recruitment of gunners.”


Although the space on the Jackdaw was not small, Zhang Heng did not plan to recruit too many people for the first time. Including Anne, he now has only 18 core members. Zhang Heng intends to recruit on the beach. Fifteen people, including technicians such as cooks and carpenters, and then seven or eight people recommended by Annie, mainly gunners, so that the structure of the crew on the ship is relatively stable.

After a few sea trips, it ’s almost time to run in and then add staff. This way, although the formation time of the team is relatively slow, the advantage is not to worry about being directly mixed in by other small groups, and Zhang Heng now lacks time.

A week later, Jackdaw again sailed out of port with its new crew.

When leaving the port, the sky was clear and cloudless, with seagulls hovering over the top of the mast. Several agile pirates climbed the rope and quickly sailed up. Billy stood in the middle of the deck and looked at Zhang Heng at the bow.

The latter nodded, and the helmsman of the Jackdaw then said to the pirates, “I got the news on the shore that an Armenian merchant ship was carrying a lot of silk and was on its way to New York. It was very close to us. If it goes well, we can catch up with it in a week. If we can grab this shipment, each of us can get at least 100 pounds. But the bad news is that besides us, two pirates have also followed it. What do you think? ? “

Before Billy’s voice broke, the most anxious pirate immediately said, “What to see, if you dare to grab our prey, you must ask Lao Tzu’s axe to say no!”

His answer caused a lot of laughter around him, and Billy was not angry, because he saw the morale of the people on the boat was good, and not only did not flinch when he heard the second half of his sentence, but he was eager to try.

This means that everyone is looking forward to the upcoming battle.

Billy shoved the glasses on his face and laughed. “So, let’s get started.”



Zhang Heng felt like he had a very long dream. In that dream, he replaced Titch and became the most powerful pirate in the New World. The name of the Jackdaw became a nightmare for all the merchants in the Caribbean colonies. He Not only did he successfully enter the island’s parliament, but he also led the war against British takeover of Nassau three years later.

Leading the pirates to ambush Nassau’s new Roger Wood, sunk the latter’s car in the battle, and became the pirate king recognized throughout the Caribbean.

The British government offered him a huge reward, and pirate hunters swarmed.

At this time, Nassau also broke out, and some of the island veterans secretly accepted the pardon of the new king. Zhang Heng had the opportunity to use thunder to wipe out these rebellious former allies, but in the end he just took his own followers. Sailing away.

During these years, he attacked many slave ships, most of the slaves were released by him, and a small number chose to join his pirate regiment.

The slaves released by him lived on the scattered islands in the Caribbean Sea, and this is why Zhang Heng ’s pirate regiment can still get supplies after losing Nassau ’s base.

Although the government has spared no effort to obliterate Zhang Heng and his pirate regiment, the folk evaluation of him is complicated.

The black people called him the liberator of the New World, and in the small crowded bottom of the slave ship, which became difficult to breathe, those eyes were longing for the Corsair named Jackdaw to appear in front of them.

The pirates call him the uncrowned king of the Caribbean. The pirate code he formulated to a certain extent regulates piracy in the nearby waters. The rule of only robbing goods without hurting people and insulting women’s families has been well received by businessmen.

The surgical disinfection he advocated has promoted the development of modern medicine and saved countless lives.

His name floated across the sea, spread to London, Lisbon, Paris … frequently mentioned in the private salons of the noble ladies.

In the past ten years, Zhang Heng has experienced countless battles, large and small, and one figure has always been by his side.

It was a girl with fiery red hair, but she behaved like a man. She talked with a thick throat and drank alcohol more aggressively than anyone else. Wheat-colored skin exudes wild luster. Running in front of the team, Zhang Heng had to follow her closely.

From this perspective, her short hair blown by the sea wind is like a red flame.

Zhang Heng saw the girl turning her head, with a proud smile on her face, showing off something to him, but those words seemed to be blocked on the other side of the world.

The picture in front of him began to become more and more blurred.

It was like foam on the bottom of the sea, and it disappeared just before it surfaced.

Zhang Heng’s last memory was just the night after the Jackdaw sailed to the sea. Basically, all the pirates were asleep, except for the night pirate. Only Annie slipped out of the room and knocked on the door of his room. Pulled him to the deck together.

The red-haired girl stood on the side of the ship, took a deep breath of the sea breeze, and shouted happily, “Great! This is the life I have been pursuing !!!”

After a pause, she turned to look at Zhang Heng aside, “Hey, what is the life you are pursuing?”

Zhang Heng was a bit surprised. He didn’t know why Annie suddenly asked such a question. He didn’t know what copy he would enter every round of the game, from the deserted island near the equator to the bustling streets of Tokyo and snow-covered Finland. Or the Caribbean now, he doesn’t have much choice.

For other players, this may not be a problem to think about ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Because just completing the main task will consume all their energy, they have no time to think about what life they want, but for Zhang Heng and In other words, this period of time is sometimes longer than expected, especially this time, he will stay in this copy for 3900 days, Zhang Heng does not even know what kind of person he will become after leaving the copy.

In the 18th century, the applicable living laws made by the Caribbean Sea and later civilized worlds are completely different, and it is difficult for people to be assimilated without being affected by the surrounding environment. In fact, he and his copy have already undergone some subtle infiltration. The change.

The red-haired girl pressed her palm against Zhang Heng’s chest. “Are you afraid?”

Zhang Heng silently.

“You don’t really like this life, do you?”

Zhang Heng didn’t know why Annie, who had always been careless, suddenly had such a keen side, but then the girl looked at his eyes and grinned, “So you smart people are the most troublesome, always thinking about what will happen tomorrow And worry, I ca n’t enjoy today ’s happiness at all, Ann ~ we will solve this problem. “


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