I Have 48 Hours a Day

Chapter 141.2: New beginning

“Ah ?! Then … that’s your boat parked over there?” Annie’s jaw fell to the ground. “Did you really find Kidd’s Treasure? But that’s not right, even if it’s If you have money, you should not buy a navy warship. ”

“This story is a long story, and I will tell you slowly when I have time. Now, let me talk about the results of my recruitment of gunners.”


Although the space on the Jackdaw was not small, Zhang Heng did not plan to recruit too many people for the first time. Including Anne, he now has only 18 core members. Zhang Heng intends to recruit on the beach. Fifteen people, including technicians such as cooks and carpenters, and then seven or eight people recommended by Annie, mainly gunners, so that the structure of the crew on the ship is relatively stable.

After a few sea trips, it ’s almost time to run in and then add staff. This way, although the formation time of the team is relatively slow, the advantage is not to worry about being directly mixed in by other small groups, and Zhang Heng now lacks time.

Zhang Heng has already greeted Billy in advance as the sailor captain. Such things as female pirates are still relatively rare in the 18th century. Everyone generally has concerns about this, but Zhang Heng is very involved in this matter. adhere to.

Because it is the first order of the new captain, it is not easy for everyone to directly reject or ask for a vote.

So Billy and others discussed and finally accepted the appointment, but there was an additional condition, which needed to test Annie’s combat effectiveness.

This reason is very reasonable. After all, in addition to organizing the sailors to perform various tasks on the ship, the sailor captain must also lead by example in combat. If a sailor captain who is in front of himself is cut off by the opponent during the battle, then don’t expect yourself People here can still have morale to fight.

Zhang Heng has no objection to this request. He can designate Anne to be the sailor captain of the Jackdaw, but he can only rely on the latter’s own efforts to convince everyone on the boat. Fortunately, Zhang Heng is worried about everything. Independence did not worry about the latter’s ability to fight.

Looking at the two opponents higher than her in front of her, the red-haired girl’s eyes not only did not have any fear, but she ignited a touch of excitement.

The pirates watching the crowd around have taken the initiative to give up a clearing. Billy, the referee, said to Annie, “This competition is of a competitive nature. In principle, heavy hands are not allowed, and you can admit defeat at any time, so you do n’t have to worry. Next You can choose an opponent among them, as long as we can defeat any of them, we will accept you as a companion … ”

In the end, the girl was interrupted before he finished speaking. Annie pulled out the saber inserted in the sand in front of her, waved a few times to try it, and then grinned to reveal two rows of white teeth. “No need to worry, you guys together Come on, otherwise it won’t be interesting to end too soon. ”

The pirates heard the arrogant declaration and immediately became uproar.

Zhang Heng didn’t go to see the battle in which the results had been known in advance. He had more important things to do.

After becoming the captain, the most intuitive feeling is that there is more to do. Previously, in the Sea Lion, he basically focused on learning. See more and talk less. In order not to arouse Orff’s vigilance, Zhang Heng is becoming a captain. In the past, he was hardly involved in any affairs on the ship, so he only needed to arrange his own time every day. Now he needs to be responsible for the entire ship, and there must be more things to consider.

Zhang Heng first found Difraina and asked the latter to purchase a batch of green lemons before going to sea.

The danger in the era of great sailing comes from all aspects, and scurvy is definitely one that cannot be ignored.

Limited by the technical conditions at the time, most vegetables and fruits could not be stored on board for a long time. Whether it is navy or pirates, the food is mostly biscuits and dried meat, supplemented by a portion of seafood. There is no problem in the short term. If you can’t get close to land, you will have a series of troubles due to lack of vitamins.

From the weak, the body is weak, the teeth are loose, the bones are painful, and it can even cause death. Most of the crew died of scurvy when Columbus explored the New World, and two-thirds of the crew in Magellan’s global travel also died. Blood disease.

People in later generations basically know that this time is caused by lack of vitamins, especially vitamin C, but in the age of Zhang Heng today, most people have no effective coping method except prayer.

Zhang Heng had seen some people suffering from scurvy on the Sea Lion before. His expression was slack and he could only play 50 to 60% of his strength when fighting. This also gave him a wake up and it was his turn. The first thing when taking a boat out to sea is to reserve limes.

The latter is easy to store and can be kept from spoiling for about a month at room temperature. It is one of the most vitamin C fruits. In addition, Zhang Heng also found a newly recruited chef and let him cook one. Batches of dried vegetables and fruits can basically prevent the risk of scurvy.

The only regret is that decades after soybeans were introduced into Europe from China, this is the easiest source of fresh vegetables on board. The growth of bean sprouts does not require soil, it can grow crazy with just a little water, rich in protein and vitamins Several merchants related to the East India Company have been commissioned to help him collect the island, but it will take a year later as soon as possible.

After solving the food problem, Zhang Heng went to see the black market merchants on the island, mainly to discuss the issue of the share of booty sales. Generally speaking, the larger pirate groups on the island have fixed black market merchants as partners, and the two sides establish mutual benefits. Win-win cooperation.

The pirates will grab the loot directly to familiar black dealers, and the latter will also provide a richer price than the market. Zhang Heng originally thought that he had the Jackdaw, which should be favored by many black market merchants, but the actual situation of the meeting was quite different from what he imagined ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ he visited several islands to compare Although the **** dealers are very kind to him, they seem to be more courteous, and the prices given are not concessions. According to the fellow Difraina, the conditions are only better than normal. The newcomer to the sea for the first time is a little bit better than the original Sea Lion.

The answer from the other party was basically the same. They all saw the excellent hardware conditions of the Jackdaw, but expressed concern about Captain Zhang Heng’s too young. Some people also heard what happened on the beach before, and thought he hired a female Sailor’s approach is immature and unconsidered, and this confirms their previous concerns.

Therefore, they generally hope that Zhang Heng and his Jackdaw will prove their ability to establish a foothold in this area after several successful hunting, and then discuss the issue of sharing again.

Difraina frowned after going out. “The situation is a bit wrong. These guys were very enthusiastic when there were potential pirate groups on the island. It seems that the rumors may be true.”

“What rumors?”

“Because of the huge benefits brought by the sale of stolen goods, there are many large and small black merchants on the island. The competition between them is also fierce. Sometimes they even tear their faces in order to win the pirate ship with other merchants. Here, some people will also secretly fund the ambitions hidden on the ship to incite them to rebel and seize power. If those guys succeed, they will choose their sponsor as a new partner in return. But recently I heard that the island ’s Black market merchants are discussing an end to this chaotic situation, and they intend to form an alliance. ”

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