I Have A Martial Dao World

Chapter 8: 8. Spirit Refining Genius

Chapter 8: 8. Spirit Refining Genius


After waking up, the sun was already three poles high. Listening to the birds fluttering outside the window and breathing in the fresh air, Lu Yao felt alive for the first time in a long while.

Moreover... whether it was an illusion or not, his vision seemed much clearer, seeing things particularly sharply.

Having set up the medicine decoction machine, he stepped out into the courtyard, just as the two sisters were walking toward him.

Liao Qe wore a beautiful diamond hair clip on her head and seemed in good spirits. "Lazybones, you sure can sleep~ It's already noon. Wow~ Your complexion looks great, you finally look human!" Lu Yao gave her a glance and said, "I'll take that as a compliment."

Having slept soundly through the night, he looked a lot more refreshed and pleasing to the eye.

Liao Ya, clad in her ever-unchanging black outfit, radiated a charming luster from her beautiful and quiet face and her pure, lush neck under the sunlight.

She very much had the air of a Sect Leader's elder sister. Upon seeing Lu Yao, she asked without delay, "Junior Brother, how is your cultivation going? Any doubts with Focused Spirit? Don't be shy, speak up if you have any."

Liao Qe joked with a laugh, "Is Focused Spirit that difficult~ Don't worry, it's supposed to be like that."

Lu Yao scratched his head, "Well... I think I've already made a breakthrough."

"!?" Liao Qe didn't believe it, "Are you sure you aren't mistaken? Focused Spirit isn't about sleeping like a dead pig all night!"

Lu Yao said, "Then I'll do it once for you to see, so you won't worry that I've learned it wrong."

With that, he lay on his side on the ground, clearing his mind of distractions and emptying his spirit in one breath.

His breathing became extraordinarily slow and extremely steady, and he looked incredibly—calm, like a sleeping baby.

Liao Ya observed her junior brother back and forth, and after confirming repeatedly, she said in amazement, "His spirit guards the heart calmly, embracing the origin... Has he actually entered a meditative state!?"

Liao Qe rubbed her eyes forcefully, in disbelief, "Sister, didn't you just teach him Focused Spirit yesterday...!"

Focused Spirit was by no means simple. Especially for adults with cluttered thoughts, there were many who hadn't succeeded in years.

Yet this young master before them had managed it in just one night, even without a teacher, grasping the next step of Focused Spirit—entering meditation!

Liao Qe quickly went up to Lu Yao, "Junior Brother, how did you do it? Teach me~"

She was barely managing Focused Spirit, let alone being far from entering meditation, but now she humbled herself to ask.

Lu Yao shook his head blankly, "I don't know either, just close your eyes, and don't think about anything."

Liao Qe: "..."

The young girl was persistent, pulling on Lu Yao's arm and shaking it non-stop, "There must be some knack to it, teach me~"

Lu Yao's face was full of helplessness, "Honestly, there isn't. If there was, wouldn't I tell you?"

At the right moment, Liao Ya intervened, "Liao Qe, it's useless, I know the reason, and this method won't work for you."

Both turned to her, waiting for her to solve the riddle.


"Dad always says—great terror lies between life and death. After experiencing life and death, a martial artist's skills will greatly advance."

Liao Ya's crisp and gentle voice slowly rose:

"Junior brother fought against terminal illness, contending with pain day and night, which honed his spirit to be incredibly strong, enabling his Spirit Refining Cultivation to break through two realms."

Lu Yao nodded again and again upon hearing this; it seemed like the most scientific explanation.

He had battled cancer for many years, and at the worst of times, had even considered ending his life, but he had gritted his teeth and survived, his will tempered to be exceptionally tenacious.

Last night, inspired by the scent of a beautiful woman while focusing spirit, he had truly let go; he wasn't only unafraid of death anymore, but his fighting spirit to strive had also ignited!!


All the hardships pale in comparison to death, fear not life or death, and attain transcendence!

Liao Qe grumbled. She had thought there would be some trick, only to find out that one still needs to diligently practice cultivation.

Liao Ya was unaware that she had been on someone's mind. Her beautiful eyes fixated on Lu Yao, filled with admiration and amazement.

She also felt a deep regret: If it were not for the terminal illness, her junior brother would certainly make great achievements!

Yet, a new idea emerged: I taught my junior brother the nourishing method, merely hoping to prolong his life. But given his extraordinary talent, he might just reverse the situation and bring himself back from the brink!

At that moment, the medicine boiling machine beeped, indicating the medicine was ready.


Without a word, the three of them gobbled down the tonic until they were full.

This is updated by freeωebnovēl.c૦m.

Liao Qe lay sprawled across the bed in a relaxed pose, declaring with satisfaction, "Ah, refreshing! If I had eaten like this before, I might have reached Organ Refining by now~ Junior brother, having you here is just wonderful!"

After meditating for a while with her eyes closed, Liao Ya opened her eyes and said, "Having taken so many tonics, you need to practice even harder. Stop lying around, and go practice your boxing!"

"But I've already practiced this morning~" Liao Qe whined and stayed put, refusing to get up.

Liao Ya went over and smacked her younger sister's buttocks several times, "You ate in the morning, and now you're eating at noon as well!"

Seeing the supple tremors ripple, Lu Yao nodded inwardly to himself, "The sisterly duo's waist and hip curve are indeed perfect!"

The nourishing method and the tonic, in just one night, awoke worldly desires he hadn't felt before.

Feeling the dry heat of the medicine's power within him, Lu Yao asked, "Senior sister, I feel surprisingly good right now. If I take tonics daily and add in the nourishing method and your acupuncture, could it cure my illness?"

Liao Ya's heart sank, but she didn't rush to answer. Instead, she placed her hand on his chest, letting a warm flow spread through his limbs and bones.

Lu Yao knew this was the Inner Breath of an Organ Refining Warrior, capable of aiding in diagnostics, so he waited patiently.

Soon, Liao Ya opened her eyes with disappointment, "It still won't cure the root issue, your life force is still rapidly depleting. It seems your illness can only be cured by reaching the Blood-Exchange Realm on the Martial Path."

Lu Yao couldn't help but feel disheartened. The practice of martial arts could be summarized in three words—suffering, exhaustion, pain.

So weak and frail, he couldn't even entertain the hope of beginning Sinew-Strengthening, let alone reaching the Blood-Exchange Realm.

But having been tempered by hardship, he rallied in the next second, "No matter, I'm trying to snatch life from the jaws of death; I won't give up so easily!"

"Well said!" applauded Liao Ya, "That's exactly how a martial artist should be! Undaunted by difficulties, steadfast and resilient, only thus can one climb to the pinnacle of the Martial Path!

Junior brother, you have a knack for Spirit Refinement, which greatly aids in the advancement of martial arts. With it, you might just step into the Blood-Exchange Realm. Never lose your fighting spirit!"

Lu Yao nodded emphatically.

In the next second, Liao Ya resumed spanking her languishing younger sister, urging her, "Why are you still lying down? Get up and practice your boxing!"

"So comfortable, I don't want to move," Liao Qe remained prone, the warm power of the medicine giving her a drunken and afloat feeling, almost ethereal.

Liao Ya was torn between laughter and frustration. Her younger sister was incredibly bright and talented, just lazy and averse to pain, always needing constant nudging.

That's when Lu Yao suddenly said, "I think I'll go out for a bit. How about Liao Qe accompanies me?"

"Yep, yep, I'll go with you~" Instantly energized by the prospect of going out, especially shopping, Liao Qe jumped up vigorously.

The elder Grandmaster Sister Liao Ya gave her sister a stern look, then entrusted Lu Yao:

"Junior brother~ After 'entering tranquility' on the path of Spirit Refinement, the most significant change is the concentration of spirit and amplified senses. Adapt to and stabilize it for a couple of days, then I'll teach you the next step."

"I see, no wonder the world seems much clearer now."

Lu Yao had just finished replying when the eager Liao Qe pulled him into a quick dash outside.

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