I Have A Martial Dao World

Chapter 9: 9. Cordyceps

Chapter 9: 9. Cordyceps

Lu Yao and Liao Qe walked together on the cobblestone road, surrounded by ancient-looking buildings.

White smoke curled up from the coal stoves, cloth banners fluttered in the wind, with the cries of the vendors ebbing and flowing.

The little girl was so happy just to be out that she skipped along, her two braided pigtails dancing joyously.

This time, Lu Yao's secondary objective for going out was shopping; his primary goal was to earn money.

Now, just the cost of medicinal supplements was consuming 5000 copper coins a day, which is half a tael of silver, and the silver he brought would be spent within half a month;

As for Blue Star, she didn't even have enough money for a takeout meal!

So, once her condition had stabilized somewhat, earning money became an urgent matter. Thankfully, she already had a plan!


Lu Yao was increasingly certain that his vision had improved, able to see the characters on a distant signboard clearly, with a vision of at least 5.5!

Moreover, as long as he concentrated his mind, he could see even more clearly, as if using a telescope. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

He couldn't help expressing his surprise, "Spirit Refinement actually has such benefits?"

Liao Qe pouted, "Humph, don't be smug. The stages following 'meditative immersion' are even harder! up with you sooner or later!"

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"The stage after meditative immersion is 'entering oblivion', right?"

"Yes, sister is also striving for that realm. Who knows how many experts have been stuck there, unable to advance an inch for the rest of their lives."

As Lu Yao chatted, he looked around curiously, but it wasn't long before he felt a wave of dizziness and blurred vision.

Liao Qe teased him, saying, "Haha, you've overused your brain. Enhancing the five senses consumes a lot of mental energy~"

"Damn it~ Why didn't you tell me earlier~"

Lu Yao rubbed his head, but fortunately, he was fine after just a short rest.


The two of them laughing and joking, they arrived at the pharmacy named Jinshou Hall without realizing it.

Upon seeing them, Shopkeeper He's wrinkled face lit up with a smile, and he came out from behind the counter, "Young Master Lu, Sister Liao, you're here, please come in!"

Liao Qe said, "Shopkeeper, he's my junior brother now~"

Shopkeeper He dropped his insincere smile and looked Lu Yao over carefully, then bowed with cupped fists and said solemnly, "Congratulations, the Liao Family Fist has gained a distinguished disciple!"

The other customers and clerks nearby, upon hearing this, looked at Lu Yao with faces full of surprise and envy. Some of them were even eager to find out more about his background.

Liao Qe stood tall and proud, obviously very pleased with herself.

Feeling the numerous amazed and envious gazes, Lu Yao thought to himself: The newspaper said that martial artists who enter the Organ Refining Realm and register with the authorities can obtain the title of martial master and enjoy the treatment of a Scholar. It seems that their social status is higher than I had imagined.

At the same time, he was startled to discover that he could even hear quiet whispers:

[This person's complexion is pale, and he looks weak and ill; how did he manage to be accepted into the Liao Family Fist? This is an Organ Refining Martial Artist's school!]

[Not just that, did you not hear Sister Liao call him junior brother? Master Liao taking a disciple on behalf of his father—equals in status!]

[This person must have something extraordinary about him; otherwise, with Master Liao's disposition, he would never have done this!]

[Could it be that he's a prospective son-in-law? Master Liao would surely not let the Liao Family die out. But this person isn't physically fit, can he even serve a martial practitioner?]

He could hear whispered conversations from 20 meters away clearly, which would have been utterly impossible before.

And just like his enhanced vision, by focusing his energy, he could hear even more distinctly.

Indeed, as Liao Ya said—the senses are greatly enhanced after entering the meditative state.

Lu Yao couldn't help but marvel at the wonder of the Spirit Refining Method and was immensely curious about what the later stages would bring.


Next, under Shopkeeper He's personal service, Lu Yao purchased many medicinal herbs needed for the Ten-Ingredient Tonic Soup;

He also spent a tael of silver to buy a catty of "Cordyceps," a valuable tonic herb reputed to be restorative and strength-enhancing.

Lu Yao decided to resell Cordyceps back on Blue Star. Easy to carry due to its small size and not a low price either, high-quality ones could sell for 100,000 per half kilogram.

When it was time to pay, the shopkeeper He looked forward to it with anticipation, and upon seeing Lu Yao still using silver for the payment, his smile grew even wider, and he hurriedly received the silver with both hands.

As Lu Yao left, shopkeeper He personally saw him out of the store, only returning after the two had walked a good distance away.

"We're just ordinary customers, why does this man lower his posture so much?"

Lu Yao was somewhat puzzled, "This heartfelt joy can't be faked, and I didn't buy that much either... With such a big medicine hall, could it be?"

Upon seeing him at a loss, Liao Qe explained with a smile:

"These days, it's rare to see someone pay with silver like you do. 'In prosperous times, antiques are valued, in chaos, silver is king.' Silver is hard currency, everyone likes it."

"No wonder," Lu Yao chuckled, "I was too hasty last time and didn't notice that."

For him, silver wasn't expensive and was easy to carry, so he spent it without a second thought, but merchants loved this kind of generous customer.

Lu Yao thought to himself, "The details reveal much, the people's pursuit of silver seems to signify a lack of confidence in the Imperial Court."


After buying the medicine, the two didn't go home but continued strolling.

Lu Yao wanted to subscribe to the newspaper at the news agency to get more information, which was no bad thing.

Liao Qe, with her big eyes glowing, expressed her envy, "Junior Brother truly comes from a wealthy family, you can even read."

Seeing her look of yearning, Lu Yao asked, "What's so difficult about that, do you want to learn? I'll teach you~"

"Really? I don't know anything at all, you'll have to teach me from the beginning~"

"It's a small matter, I'll start teaching you when we get back~"

Lu Yao readily agreed, and Liao Qe became even happier, leading the way with excitement.

Today, the young girl was wearing a dark, fitted martial outfit. Her hips swayed unconsciously as she walked, with her waist slender as a willow and her behind as luscious as a peach.

Lu Yao followed behind, making the most of the view, even using visual enhancement to not miss any delightful curves.

At the same time, he tried to concentrate his mind on his nose and sure enough, he caught the sweet fragrance of the girl.

"Ha, this is fun!"

Lu Yao was enjoying himself when Liao Qe suddenly got into a defensive stance to protect him, her face full of vigilance.

Looking around, they had arrived at the "poor district."

Here the streets were in disrepair, houses were mostly makeshift shanties, the people skinny as sticks, wearing tattered clothing, their eyes numb yet with a hint of cruelty.

The ground was filled with filth, emitting a foul odor.

Occasionally, a rickshaw would pass by, immediately surrounded by numerous beggars. The rickshaw puller would take out a wooden stick and swing it around to make way, barely managing to escape.

Hungry eyes looking over, tempted by the prospect.

But upon seeing Liao Qe's martial outfit, they became timid and seemingly afraid of martial artists.

Liao Qe snorted coldly, "Good they recognize what's good for them!"

In this place, one couldn't afford to show weakness, if someone had dared to approach her, she would have dealt a heavy hand, crippling them.

Lu Yao sighed, "This must be what the real world looks like, I'm just lucky to have picked a not so difficult beginning."

Liao Qe seemed already accustomed to it, and spoke nonchalantly:

"Is this the first time Young Master Lu has witnessed the hardships of the common folk? This is still considered good; you haven't seen the refugee areas outside the city, that's... tsk tsk."

Lu Yao said, "Indeed, it's my first time seeing this. But I'm not much better than them, not knowing how much longer I'll live."

Liao Qe took his arm and comforted him, "Junior Brother, you're a good person, and I'm sure good luck will favor the benevolent and you'll turn danger into safety!"

Feeling the soft and delicate touch of the girl's hand, Lu Yao smiled and said, "I'll take your auspicious words~"

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