I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 25

~ Chapter 25

Wei Changcheng, who had finally completed the task of cutting down ten trees by himself, threw the stone ax in his hand to the ground, and then lay on the ground sprawled out panting, Emma, I was so exhausted.

The male who just made the stone ax for Wei Changcheng was a little worried, hesitated for a moment, and chose to squat beside Wei Changcheng and asked, “Little Wei, are you okay?”

Wei Changcheng, who had some flowers in front of him, watched for a long time before he recognized that the male in front of him was the one he had just begged to do something, and said, “Just a little tired, nothing else.” Then he sat up on the male’s arm, “Speaking of it I don’t know your name yet.”

“My name is Roy. I have been an adult for five years and I have no partner yet.”

Five years into adulthood? Wei Changcheng looked at Roy’s baby face, tsk tsk, so he is older than Daniel, but it still looks like Daniel is more vicissitudes. The one who didn’t have a partner was ignored. What does having a partner have to do with him? But in fact, this is the custom of the Beastman Continent, which means that I don’t have a partner yet, do you have one? If not, we may succeed in the future.

“I also ate the food called potatoes at noon today.” Roy said, “Not only is it delicious, but it also makes you feel full after eating it. Xiaowei, you are so amazing that you can find such a food.”

The enthusiasm in Roy’s eyes made Wei Changcheng uncomfortable, and even the smile on his face froze. He was at a loss, and Roy, who was squatting beside him, was dragged away. Wei Changcheng looked up and realized that it was Daniel is here.

“Huh? Why are you here?”

“I’ve taught a few females, and I’ll just let them teach them.” Daniel glanced at Roy, who was thrown out by himself and returned, with a bad expression on his face, “Who is this person?”

“Roy, I just met.” Wei Changcheng said, “He even made me a stone axe.”

Daniel’s eyes fell on the stone ax on the ground, thinking that when he got back, he would sneakily throw away the stone ax and make another one himself. Glancing at Roy again, this kid is enough to get in the way.

“It’s just in time for you to come, and I’m worried that no one will help me.” Wei Changcheng stood up and patted his buttocks, “Let’s make a bed.”

Daniel nodded without any objection.

Wei Changcheng looked in the direction of Boris, and wanted to call Boris to come too, but after thinking about it, he gave up, let Boris stay there and teach how to make tables and chairs, after all, there are so many people.

“Roy, would you mind helping me?” Wei Changcheng asked with a smile, his face full of the expression of wanting to kidnap and sell children.

Roy shivered first: “No, I don’t mind.”

As soon as these words came out, Daniel’s face darkened to a higher level. Wei Changcheng didn’t see it, even if he saw it, he didn’t think there was anything wrong. The two sets of tables and chairs did not use much latex, and the rest of the latex was brought by Boris. Wei Changcheng thought about getting some more latex. There are hundreds of sets of tables and chairs to be made, and this amount of latex is definitely not enough. use.

“Let’s go find latex.” Wei Changcheng said, “First look for purple hard nuts. Well, it’s wrong to waste food. When the time comes, eat the pulp inside the purple hard nuts first.”

Wei Changcheng and his party went to the tree that produced hard purple fruit, picked six big ones and picked them off. One person took two, Roy ate two, Wei Changcheng ate one, and Daniel ate three. . Then go for the latex with the hard shell. It was the first time for Daniel and Roy to see the collection method of latex, and they couldn’t help but marvel at the magic. Going back with purple hard nut shells filled with latex, he sent five to Boris and the others, and kept one for himself. place to run.

Daniel Xu was born to be a carpenter. The crooked things that come out of Wei Changcheng’s hands are much more refined when they arrive at Daniel’s. In the end, Wei Changcheng naturally gave up the unfinished parts, and calmly squatted aside to watch Daniel’s work, and made gestures in front of him from time to time. Well, it seems that we can’t do anything without Daniel in the future, Wei Changcheng sighed secretly, look, look, this skill is really good.

Roy on one side was left out in the cold, but unfortunately, neither Wei Changcheng nor Daniel realized it. Daniel automatically pushed Roy’s existence out of his mind, while Wei Changcheng completely forgot about this person. Poor Luo Yi couldn’t intervene, so she had to watch Daniel’s movements. Daniel took a step, and Roy quickly followed suit.

When it was getting dark, the first wooden bed on the Orc Continent finally appeared. Wei Changcheng looked excitedly at the wooden bed in front of him, ignoring the prickly touch and the ugly look, this bed is really good!

“Daniel, lie down and see how it feels.” Wei Changcheng said, um, it hurts to touch, let Daniel try it.

Without further ado, Daniel lay down on the wooden bed, and lay on it for a while before getting off: “It’s as hard as a stone bed, but if you put animal skins on it, it will be much warmer when the snowy moon comes.”

“It’s unavoidable, unless we can find cotton.” Wei Changcheng rolled his eyes, “We can only do what we can do before the snowy moon comes this year, and now we can only do whatever comes to mind.”

“What is cotton?” Roy asked suddenly.

If Daniel asked this question, it would be fine if Wei Changcheng designated him as an impatient fool, but seeing that it was Roy who asked, Wei Changcheng was too embarrassed to prevaricate, so he had to say: “It’s a kind of white, It feels soft, flat, and silky.”—Forgive Wei Changcheng for only seeing white cotton, but not what cotton planted in the ground looks like.

“Huh? Sounds familiar.” Roy scratched his hair and said hesitantly, “I seem to have seen it somewhere.”

“Really?” Wei Changcheng was pleasantly surprised, “Where did you see it? Is it far from here?”

Roy frowned and thought for a long while, and finally said uncertainly: “If I remember correctly, I should have seen it when I was traveling. It has been four years since now. At that time, I was heading in the direction of the northern tribe. I walked, probably, I saw it in the middle of the eastern tribe and the northern tribe, it should be, I really can’t remember.”

A middle ground between eastern tribes and northern tribes? Wei Changcheng’s face was a little ugly when he thought of the long journey from the Karu tribe to the eastern tribe. Doesn’t that mean that he still has to walk for a month or two? Wei Changcheng couldn’t help being a little disappointed, forget it, let’s talk about it later, the distance is really a bit far.

“Let’s put the matter of cotton aside for the time being.” Wei Changcheng said, “It’s getting late today, so let’s stop here.”

Daniel agreed: “Alright, the hunting team should be coming back soon. How do you divide the tables and chairs that were made today?”

Wei Changcheng thought for a while: “Let’s distribute it to the pregnant females and the old orcs first. We will work hard tomorrow, and we will be done by tomorrow night. Everyone will have it by then.”

“Okay, then I’ll arrange it.”

Wei Changcheng said “En”, watched Daniel leave, and then glanced around. It seemed that the trees had been cut down. The area circled by Jeffrey was really big, and he couldn’t even see it when he stood here. Where is the dividing line between forest and farmland. However, there are indeed many people in the tribe, and it would be better if there were more farmland, so that there would be more food distributed to everyone.

To be honest, the population of the eastern tribe is really large, there are more than 1,300 males and females, while in the Kalu tribe, there are only one or two hundred people. But yes, if the population of the eastern tribe is like that of the Karui tribe, I am afraid that they cannot be called the second tribe of the Orc Continent. After all, in this place where there are not many production tools and weapons, the more males, the stronger the fighting power. Stronger means more right to speak.

From this point of view alone, the Beastman Continent is actually controversial, Wei Changcheng thought to himself, although orcs are called orcs, and males can even turn into beasts, but in the final analysis, orcs still bring ” The word “person”, since the word “person” is included, even if it is not as complicated as human beings, it is definitely not simple. Orcs are simple and kind, but when humans first appeared, were these not synonymous with humans? It’s just that with the development of productivity, the evolution of human beings has become more and more complicated, and the strong and weak have become irreconcilable disputes. Why is it not the case on this beastman continent? They have stronger power, just that, already means that the future will not be peaceful.

Wei Changcheng heard from Daniel that the patriarchs of the four major tribes would gather for a meeting every three years, and every five years the patriarchs of the tribes living on the Beastman Continent would gather for another meeting. In this year, there will be a rain collection at the center of the Orc Continent. This rain collection is somewhat similar to the market in human society. The orcs naturally have no money, and their rain collection is barter. Every year, many people participate in the rain gathering, which is held in turn by people from the four major tribes.

Yuji Yuji, as soon as you hear the name, you know that it is held during the rainy moon, but it is not accurate to say that. Between the rainy month and the snowy month, there is actually a dry and cool period of about one month. This period is incorporated into the rainy season, that is, the rain assembly is held during this month. Usually, It varies from eight to ten days.

Last year’s rain gathering was held by the western tribes, this year’s rain gathering was held by the southern tribes, and next year it will be the turn of the eastern tribes.

“Xiaowei? Xiaowei?” Roy, who was standing beside Wei Changcheng, saw that Wei Changcheng had been maintaining the same posture, and pushed Wei Changcheng suspiciously. Roy smiled, and said that he was fine.

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