I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 26

~ Chapter 26

Wei Changcheng came back to his senses and felt heartache seeing the ground around him covered with felled trees, but what can be done, in order to expand the living space, the disappearance of these trees seems inevitable, Wei Changcheng only Just trying to minimize losses.

I don’t know how many sets of tables and chairs I made today, but there are still a lot of trees on the ground, so I don’t have to worry about not enough. It seems that the trees cut down today are not only enough for tables, chairs, wooden beds, but also for fences. .

Just thinking about it, Daniel came back: “There are j□j ten sets of tables and chairs made today, and I have already allocated them. What about the newly made wooden bed?”

Wei Changcheng glanced at it: “The first one made, give it to the patriarch.” In fact, Wei Changcheng also misses the feeling of sleeping on the bed, but thinking that the first one made is always a bit uncomfortable to sleep by himself— Besides, the bed is a bit rough, um, so it’s better to dedicate it to the patriarch.

Daniel agreed, so Daniel, Wei Changcheng and Roy walked back. It didn’t take long for the hunting team to come back. The males felt very surprised and uncomfortable seeing the forest in front of their clan’s gate turned into that, although they all knew that there would be a big change today.

The first time Jeffrey returned to the cave, he saw a new thing in his cave—a wooden bed.

“what is this?”

Pei Ji greeted him with a smile: “Xiao Wei said it was a wooden bed, and he slept on it at night. I found a few pieces of animal skins and threw them on it. It feels much more comfortable than sleeping on a stone bed.”— Whether it is comfortable or not is not important, what is important is the freshness.

“Xiao Wei is really amazing, I really don’t know how he came up with these things.” Jeffrey sighed, and walked around the wooden bed twice.

“Not only that!” Pei Ji’s tone became more excited, and he handed a potato left by himself at noon to Jeffrey, “This is a new food discovered by Xiao Wei today, and it will be shared with us at noon, okay Not to mention eating, it still feels full, and Xiao Wei said that this food called potatoes is easy to store, if stored in advance, we can also be full in winter.”

“Really?” Jeffrey asked in surprise. For Jeffrey, food, especially the food for the snowy moon, is much better than this wooden bed, table and chair. “Where did you find it?” Is there any more?”

“There are still some left. Xiao Wei said that he would keep them as seeds. We have already dug up the potatoes where we found them.”

Jeffrey frowned slightly: “It would be great if I could really eat in Xueyue. Xueyue is so cold, you can only resist the cold if you are full. If you are not full, it is really worrying.”

“Jeffrey, don’t worry. Haven’t you noticed that since Xiaowei came, our lives have changed a lot? We females can’t do anything at all on weekdays. We can only wash the animal skins, or protect your males. Go down to pick wild fruits, not to mention that I can’t share some of it for you, but you have to spare time to protect us.” Pei Ji put his hand on Jeffrey’s shoulder and comforted him, “But it’s different now, we stay We are all happy that we can do more things in the tribe, after all, we also want to do something for our loved ones.”

“Pei Ji, it is our male responsibility to protect females.”

“I know.” Pei Ji rolled his eyes. Jeffrey was really stubborn in certain directions. Pei Ji seemed to remember something, and sighed, “It’s a pity that Xiaowei is a male. If it is a female If so, it would be great to have a little orc girl with Daniel in the future.”

Jeffrey was thoughtful: “It’s pretty good.”

—Hey, stop thinking about it, even if you think about it, it won’t come true!

Wei Changcheng, who was nibbling on the watermelon, sneezed big, causing Daniel to look at him with concern. Wei Changcheng waved his hand: “Ah, ah, there must be someone talking about me behind my back.” Throwing down the almost gnawed watermelon , Wei Changcheng stood up, touched Daniel’s body without any shame, and wiped the watermelon juice on his hand, “I’m going to find the patriarch, will you come with me?”

Daniel immediately threw the barbecue in his hand to Boris: “I’ll go with you.”

Boris who was left alone in the cave to cook: “…”

Daniel turned his head to look at Wei Changcheng who was walking beside him: “Xiao Cheng, do you think your face is a bit ugly?”

“Huh?” Wei Changcheng touched his face subconsciously, “Did I forget to wash my face this morning?”

“…No, I mean, you don’t feel sick or anything?”

Wei Changcheng shook his mind, then shook his hands and feet: “Well, my head is a little dizzy, my hands and feet are a little soft, maybe I’m tired today.”

“Really?” Daniel was still worried, “Let’s go to Vaughn to see, oh, Vaughn is one of the doctors in our tribe.”

“No need, I don’t think there’s anything wrong.” Wei Changcheng glanced at Daniel. After such a long time, Wei Changcheng and Daniel had already reached the place, and they went in together.

Seeing that Pei Ji was baking potatoes and Jeffrey watched intently, Wei Changcheng smiled and sat next to Jeffrey: “Patriarch, how about these potatoes?”

“It smells good.”

“It tastes better.” Wei Changcheng raised his eyebrows, “There are quite a lot of potatoes left today, but there are not enough to grow them. I am thinking about where to find potatoes.”

Jeffrey’s eyes fell on Wei Changcheng, and he didn’t speak, waiting for Wei Changcheng to continue.

Wei Changcheng coughed twice: “That’s right, I think our tribe lacks a lot of things, and I want to look for something around, but it’s always inconvenient to be alone. I, Daniel and I are friends again, and I have What do you want Daniel to do for me, what do you think, patriarch?”

“Friend?” Jeffrey repeated, glaring at Daniel. It’s been so long and he’s still a friend. There’s no progress at all? Daniel looked down at the ground, pretending not to see the complaint in Jeffrey’s eyes.

Jeffrey said again: “No problem, Daniel is the number one warrior of the eastern tribe. I don’t worry about going out with you usually. You must know that you are an important figure in our eastern tribe now.”

Wei Changcheng laughed “hehe” twice: “There is another thing, that is, the weeds between the north and south mountains should also be pulled out by the way. It looks like this job is easy, but it is still very tiring.”

Jeffrey nodded: “Okay, the left and right males stay in the cave after dinner every day. It’s good to have something to do. I’ll tell them to pull weeds in a while.”

Wei Changcheng was hesitant. The males need to hunt during the day, and they have been tired all day. Now they have to pull weeds at night. Will it be too hard?

Daniel, who was standing on the side, saw Wei Changcheng’s thoughts, and said softly: “Our males are strong and strong, so pulling weeds is nothing at all.”

Only then did Wei Changcheng let go of his heart, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Daniel had something to say! What does it mean that our males are strong and strong? Are you not male anymore? Thinking of this, Wei Changcheng raised his head and stared at Daniel fiercely, leaving Daniel in a daze, not knowing how he offended Wei Changcheng.

“According to me, the table, chairs and wooden bed are not urgent, but when will the potatoes be planted?” Jeffrey asked impatiently after taking a bite of the potatoes.

Wei Changcheng hesitated for a moment, and replied: “I’m not sure whether the potatoes dug up now are newly grown this year or after the snowy moon. If it’s the latter, we can plant them. If the former The situation, I’m afraid it’s not enough right now.”

Jeffrey and Daniel looked at each other: “After the snowy moon? How is it possible? It’s so cold in the snowy moon, there are no plants that can survive.”

“That’s not necessarily true.” Wei Changcheng smiled. In fact, the heavy snow in winter sometimes has a better insulation effect on things buried in the ground. But I think it’s not the season for planting potatoes yet, so I have to get the potato planting method from Xiao Ke today!

When the tribe mobilized to pull the weeds, Wei Changcheng was lying on the stone bed flattering Xiao Ke: “Wendel, tell me how to grow potatoes.”


“Hehe, Wendell, let me tell you, potatoes are very important to the people in the tribe. If potatoes can be planted in the farmland, when the snowy moon comes, the people in the tribe won’t have to go hungry.”


It’s a pity that Wei Changcheng negotiated and compromised in every possible way, but Xiao Ke just didn’t speak.

Finally, Wei Changcheng became angry: “Wendel! Let me ask you, what about the one hundred potatoes you let me put into the space?”

[Ding! The system has no idea what the host is saying. ]

“You still want to renege?! Let me tell you, it’s too late! I was going to get potatoes from the storage space before eating, but unfortunately no matter how I called, there was no response. Tell me, where did you get the potatoes?”

[Ding! The system has the right to refuse to answer the host’s question. ]

“Wendel!” Wei Changcheng was almost overwhelmed by anger, “Answer me honestly, where are the potatoes? If you don’t want to answer, you can tell me how to plant potatoes and when!”

[Ding! The sleep time of this system has arrived, and it is entering automatic sleep…]

“…” Wei Changcheng was silent, his eyes darkened by Xiao Ke’s choking, and he said in a low voice after a while, “I woke you up last time when you were sleeping, which means you can hear me even in your sleep.” Talk, if you don’t tell me, I’ll make you sleepless!”

[…Ding! Reminder: The host body lacks salt, please replenish the salt needed by the host as soon as possible to avoid tragedy. ]

Wei Changcheng was stunned, Xiao Ke is changing the subject? But, well, Wei Changcheng scratched his head, the lack of salt is a big problem, yes, it seems that he has never eaten salt until now, so it is due to the lack of salt that he has been dizzy and weak in limbs recently Are you tired? Wei Changcheng suddenly realized.

——In other words, even though he realized that Xiao Ke was changing the subject, Wei Changcheng successfully fell into the trap.

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