I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 To make progress

The teachers of all subjects in the second year of high school completed the examination paper review and total score statistics overnight. This is an efficient team of teachers.

On Thursday morning, in the classroom of the second grade (2), 48 students each had a transcript, which was also a ranking table.

This ranking table is edited and printed out in excel. The top row consists of seven cells: Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biology, and total score.

The leftmost column shows the ranking of the 48 students in the class in descending order.

1, Huang Zikun, Chinese 126, Mathematics 145, English 138, Physics 97, Chemistry 90, Biology 99, Total score 695

2, Qian Huihui, Chinese 139, mathematics 122, English 148, physics 72, chemistry 81, biology 80, total score 642

15, Shen Qi, Chinese 88, Mathematics 150, English 95, Physics 86, Chemistry 80, Biology 82, Total score 581

The full score of    in math and English is 150, and the full score of physical and chemical students is 100.

Shen Qi got full marks again in mathematics, and he was the only one in the class.

Relying on the contribution of mathematics, Shen Qi’s total score ranking directly reached the 20th in the class, an improvement of 32 places compared with the last final exam.

“Analyzed from the data, my mathematics performance is normal. The average score of the whole class in this math test is 109.5. Of course, I have a higher score than the math average, after all, the level 3 math index.”

“Physical and chemical students are also in normal performance, with an average of 80.7 points in the class.”

“Chinese 88 and English 95 are below the average, as expected.”

You can see the scores of all the subjects of all the students in the class on the ranking table. Shen Qi silently performed a simple mathematical analysis, and he was 15th in the class. You can have an explanation when you go home.

It is worth noting that Huang Zikun once again won the first place in the class, and led the second place Qian Huihui by more than 50 points.

“If Huang Zikun is to be sacked, the mathematics, physics and chemistry students will not get a full score in the exam, this guy has no weaknesses.”

Once Renna makes progress, his ambition will grow rapidly. Shen Qi glanced at Huang Zikun on the left front. To defeat this all-around player, it is necessary to invest in Chinese and English, and both physical and chemical students must be upgraded to level 2, five courses. The subject has a total investment budget of 5,200 Xueba points.

The system suddenly prompted: “Congratulations to the host for the new achievement: tied for the first place in the school in math exams! Awarded 1000 points for learning tyrants.”

Shen Qi got a full score of 150 in the mathematics test, which is the first in the class. It must also be the first in the whole year. The first in the whole year is equivalent to the first in the school. Nangang No. 2 Middle School is a key middle school after all, and Shen Qi is not the only math master.

What puzzled Shen Qi was: “The last time I took the test in class, I got the first place in the class in mathematics 150, and the system rewarded me with 2000 points. This mid-term exam is a big exam, and I got tied in the school. One, why did you reward me with 1000 points? I really need the points!”

System: “If the host fights low-level monsters as a high-level player, a part of Xueba points must be deducted. You can understand 1,000 Xueba points as after-tax income.”

“Nima, I understand that the experience value of high-level players is decreasing when playing low-level monsters, but your taxes are too heavy! Black shop!” Shen Qi, as a level 3 math player, corresponds to the ordinary high school math exams, and he has gained the master points. Need to pay heavy taxes. It is clear that no tax is paid at level 2, which shows that level 3 is a critical point. In the future, you will need to make some advanced copies in the field of mathematics to get more schoolmaster points.

Chen Xiaoting at the same table has been paying attention to Shen Qi for a long time. Shen Qi didn’t say a word after getting the report card. He must be happy, right?

“Shen Qi is so good, and you got a perfect score in the math test again! And your total score ranking surpasses me, envy, jealous, hate!” Chen Xiaoting said enviously, she got 106 points in the math test this time, with a total score of 549, ranking in the class. 24 bits.

“Water?” Shen Qi recovered.

“I said, you! Good! Great! Great!” Chen Xiaoting raised her volume.

“Oh, it’s okay.” Shen Qi was still happy to be 15th in the class, after all, the small goal was completed.

Chen Xiaoting asked cautiously: “Shen Qi, there is something I don’t know if I should say it inappropriately?”

“You don’t want to tell me a MMP, do you?” Shen Qi ate a whale. My total score in this mid-term exam surpassed you, Chen Xiaoting, do you hold a grudge? If you are a master of learning for a long time, you will find that there are fewer and fewer friends and more and more loneliness!

However, Chen Xiaoting did not say a word about MMP. She asked again: “Shen Qi recently, you ran to Teacher Zhang’s office every day…

“Is Mr. Zhang cooking a small stove for you?” Chen Xiaoting expressed deeper envy.

“So you wanted to say this sentence.” Shen Qi smiled, thinking too much, Chen Xiaoting is still very qualified.

“It can’t be regarded as a simple start. The main purpose between me and Zhang Wanbang is to discuss and communicate.” Shen Qi knows that the daily life between him and Zhang Wanbang cannot be concealed from other classmates, and they are not fools and blind. They are all in the same classroom. Classmates get along day and night, and who can conceal from others.

“It seems that you are the key training target of Teacher Zhang. It is really good.” Chen Xiaoting’s understanding of Shen Qi is changing subtly. It is not easy to get the favor of the head teacher.

“Xiao Ting, you don’t have to envy me. I have a better math score, and the other subjects are pretty mediocre. The content of the exchanges between me and Teacher Zhang has nothing to do with high school mathematics, it is purely a hobby.”

“It’s so mysterious, I really want to take a look at your exchanges.”

Shen Qi took out a piece of paper from his schoolbag, which was the “Internal Reference 10” between him and Zhang Wanbang.

“Hey, this thing is actually nothing mysterious.”

Chen Xiaoting accepted “Internal Reference 10” very sacredly, and said on the paper:

“The trigonometric formula of the imaginary angle can be replaced by a hyperbolic function. Euclidean geometry is no longer applicable here… Extending the literature “Discussion on Non-Euclidean Geometry” (J. Polly Edition), “New Geometry with Parallel Complete Theory” Lobachevsky version).”

“The infinite quadratic form is the processing of the quadratic form itself with infinite variables. This is a pure algebraic problem. Higher generations are only general and do not go into depth… Extending the literature “Principles of the General Theory of Linear Integral Equations” (Hill Burt edition).”

“When it comes to points, I have to mention Newton and Leibniz. You can first study Newton’s handout when he was in the Royal Academy of Sciences: “General Arithmetic.”

Chen Xiaoting discovered that she knew all the words on the paper, but she couldn’t understand: “As a math scum, I really can only look at it… I know one Newton among so many foreign names. I still pass Newton’s three laws in physics class. I know.”

“I said it, it has nothing to do with high school mathematics.”

“Shen Qi, can you help me in high school math?”

“Ms. Zhang speaks very well. He is an excellent teacher in the city. You just need to listen to his lectures carefully.” Shen Qi said sincerely that Zhang Wanbang is indeed an excellent teacher in his mind, but his temper is a bit stinking.

“I have listened carefully to Teacher Zhang’s math class for almost two years. I have been scolded and cried several times by him, but I still haven’t made any progress.” Chen Xiaoting sighed helplessly, pitiful.

Shen Qi said readily: “Okay, if you don’t understand mathematics, you can ask me.”

“Thank you! How to break this question?” Chen Xiaoting hit the iron while it was hot, and asked Shen Qi for a math problem.

Shen Qi took the question and looked at it, and was very surprised: “Fibonacci sequence, this question is so simple and wrong? I don’t understand, how did you derive this 25?”

Chen Xiaoting covered her face with shame: “Why do you have the same style as Teacher Zhang, I really can’t do it…”

Shen Qi: “Sorry, Xiaoting, my tone is a bit harder, come, let me tell you a routine, after mastering this routine, you can follow the routine of this type of question, and give me a draft paper.”

“Here!” Chen Xiaoting handed her notebook to Shen Qi.

Shen Qi opened Chen Xiaoting’s notebook, and Junxiu’s fonts were densely packed with pages.

It can be seen that Chen Xiaoting is studying very hard in mathematics. She did not miss the knowledge points that Zhang Wanbang said in her notebook.

However, the subject of mathematics is not enough to rely on hard work, mediocre talent and no system, even if Chen Xiaoting works very hard, her mathematics score still can’t make it.

“To use the Fibonacci sequence well, Xiaoting, you just have to remember that when n tends to infinity, the fractional part of the ratio of the latter term to the previous term is infinitely close to 0.618, so you can follow the routine by dividing by 0.618. “Shen Qi wrote a formula in Chen Xiaoting’s notebook and explained it.

The Fibonacci sequence summarizes the constant mathematical laws from the phenomenon of animal reproduction, which is recorded in the “Reading and Thinking” section of the high school mathematics textbook, and described in smaller fonts.

When Shen Qi studied high generation and number scores by himself, he studied the sequence of numbers. He felt that the Fibonacci sequence is a very interesting theory. It has many practical applications in real life: “Xiaoting, have you seen Wang Jiawei’s “In the Mood for Love” , Zhang Yimou’s “Hero”, Liu Weiqiang’s “Infernal Affairs”?”

“I have watched all classic blockbusters. I have watched “In the Mood for Love” nine times, and I love Tony Leung very much.” Chen Xiaoting, who likes literary films, wondered, isn’t it the way to teach me math problems? How did you miss the movie?

“These three are all great directors. These three films have won many awards. If you look carefully, the list of awards for “In the Mood for Love”, “Heroes”, and “Infernal Affairs” all contains one award: the Best Photography Award. ”

Chen Xiaoting: “So?”

Shen Qi smiled and said, “So, I have to thank a photographer named Du Kefeng. He is a foreigner. The photographers of the three films “In the Mood for Love”, “Hero” and “Infernal Affairs” are all photographers.”

“When Du Kefeng shot “In the Mood for Love”, he divided by 0.618 in the composition. When Du Kefeng shot “Hero”, he divided by 0.618 in the composition. When Du Kefeng shot “Infernal Affairs”, he divided by 0.618 in the composition. .”

“We can complain about the plot of “Hero”, but we must admit that the style of “Hero” is very perfect, giving people a beautiful and harmonious visual enjoyment. Because Du Kefeng understands mathematics, his frame design and scene scheduling are everywhere. The golden spiral of the Fibonacci sequence reflecting 0.618.”

“So people who don’t understand mathematics can’t make blockbuster movies.” Shen Qi made a final conclusion and asked: “Xiaoting, will you do the number sequence problem just now?”

“Yes, I understand!” Chen Xiaoting suddenly realized, she realized the joy of learning: “Shen Qi, you are more interesting and vivid than what Teacher Zhang said. I didn’t expect the great photographer Du Kefeng to be a mathematics expert! Come on, UU reading www .uukanshu.com I still have a dozen questions I need to ask you.”

Shen Qi hurriedly waved his hand: “Don’t don’t don’t, you can completely digest and assimilate today’s content. Xiaoting, don’t be impatient, don’t panic, freezing three feet is not a day’s cold, we make a promise between the two. There is a limit of one question a day, learning endlessly and accumulating less and more. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. “I am very busy. How can I have so much time as your full-time mathematics tutor?

“Do you do two questions a day?” Chen Xiaoting’s desire for knowledge is very urgent.

“No, one question a day.” Shen Qi shook his head firmly.

“Since you like to watch movies, I’ll give you a movie ticket, two questions a day, OK?” Chen Xiaoting sneaked out the phone and wanted to send a QR code to Shen Qi.

Shen Qi is unhappy: “Chen Xiaoting, can scientific knowledge be measured with money? Can mathematical skills be exchanged for movie tickets?”

“Yes… I’m sorry.” Chen Xiaoting lowered her head in shame. Knowledge is priceless, science is sacred, and she is indeed shallow.

“Which theater has the tickets?” Shen Qi asked.

“Flying Studios, 3D-MAX.”

“It’s boring for me to watch it alone. If you are with me, you don’t have to ask you to invite me to watch a movie. We are AA, and we will buy our own tickets.”

“But I don’t have much time to watch movies with you, you know, we only have one day off a week in the second grade of high school, and I have to practice piano…” Chen Xiaoting said hesitantly.

Shen Qi returned Chen Xiaoting’s notebook to her: “Student Xiaoting, you really can’t be anxious to improve your math grades. Take your time, otherwise it will be counterproductive.”

“Then let me see which day I will ask the violin teacher for a half-day vacation… I only have half a day at most.”

“Let’s not take it as an example, two questions a day, let’s talk, is there any other math problem that you don’t understand?”

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