I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Please dry this bowl of chicken soup

“In this mid-term exam, the commendable classmate is Huang Zikun. He ranked first in the class and top ten in the whole year with a total score of 695.”

Zhang Wanbang glanced at Huang Zikun with relief. This is his math class: “Of course, the 695 in the second year of high school cannot be equated with the 695 in the college entrance examination. I hope Huang Zikun will continue to be in good condition.”

“In addition, Qian Huihui, Xu Qiang, Liu Mingbo, Ye Tao, Yue Lushan… and other students have all entered the top 100 in their grades. I hope you can make further progress.”

For teachers in Nangang No. 2 Middle School, it is more valuable to look at student rankings than to look at absolute scores, because the admission line for the college entrance examination fluctuates every year, and the admission rate of prestigious universities remains basically stable.

There are 48 students in the second grade (2) led by Zhang Wanbang. He knows that it is impossible for all of these 48 students to be admitted to the key universities of 985 and 211. There must be a ratio.

Mathematicians like to study probability. Zhang Wanbang analyzed the college entrance examination data of Nangang No. 2 Middle School in the past ten years.

Data shows that the top 100 candidates in their grades have a high probability of being accepted by key universities as high as 98.26%.

Grade 101 200 students, the probability of being admitted to a key university has dropped sharply to 31.15%.

Students who have never been in the top 250 in the grade ranking have a zero probability of being admitted to a key university.

Zhang Wanbang looked at Shen Qi and said: “The last classmate I want to praise is Shen Qi. He scored a perfect score again in mathematics, and his total score rose to 15th in the class and the top 200 in the whole year. Improving forever More valuable than scores.”

“The main reason is that Mr. Zhang taught well.” Shen Qi said gratefully, Mr. Zhang provided him with a lot of learning points, a teacher!

At noon, Shen Qi came to Zhang Wanbang’s office as usual and delivered “Internal Reference 17”.

Shen Qi gently placed “Internal Reference 17” on Zhang Wanbang’s desktop, and said: “Teacher Zhang, I have finished reading “Non-European Geometry” by Little Polyo. I would like to ask if I can use non-European in the college entrance examination. Does geometry theory solve the problem? The last question in the mathematics test paper of the college entrance examination last year was rather tricky. To solve the problem in the sense of Euclid, Rory needs to write a lot of proofs to prove that CD, EF and AB are parallel. If I Using non-Euclidean geometry arguments, CD and EF will naturally be parallel to AB. I can prove the most difficult math question in the college entrance examination last year in only three sentences, saving time and effort.”

“You use university knowledge to solve high school math problems, which is equivalent to cheating.” Zhang Wanbang glared at Shen Qi, and then said: “However, the Ministry of Education does not explicitly stipulate that university knowledge is not allowed to solve high school math problems. In short, it is not advocated. If you really want to do this, you won’t be deducted.”

“Oh, okay. Then I’ll leave Mr. Zhang first, and come to get the No. 18 document in the afternoon.” Shen Qi turned around to leave.

“Wait a minute, Shen Qi, are you interested in participating in the high school math league?” Zhang Wanbang stopped Shen Qi.

Shen Qi asked: “Is it difficult?”

“It’s not difficult for you to win prizes, but it’s not easy to get on the provincial team line.”

“Mathematics has a provincial team? Is there a national team?”

“Of course, there are up to six members selected for each national team, and they will represent China in the world. Nangang No. 2 Middle School has been established for nearly a hundred years, so far only one person has been selected for the national team and has represented China in the IMO and won the gold medal.”

“Is that the awesome alumnus with the profile picture on the bulletin board?” Shen Qi remembered. This alumni is said to be very awesome. He was sent to Tsinghua University. IMO is the abbreviation of the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Zhang Wanbang nodded and said, “It’s him.”

Shen Qi came to be interested: “This alumnus is very hungry. I saw his profile picture posted there a few years ago when I was in junior high school, and it has been posted until now. Then I signed up for the Math League, when will it start, what do I need to prepare?”

“The provincial league will start next month. You can buy a few high school math league exam questions and research. I will help you with the registration.”

“Okay, thank you Teacher Zhang, I will do my best!”

In the evening, Shen Qi returned home.

Shen Zhishan and Fan Yunxia both went home early, and they knew that Nangang No. 2 Middle School announced their midterm exam results today.

Shen Zhishan Dama Jindao sat on the sofa with a grim expression.

Fan Yunxia puts tableware and chopsticks at the table, and dinner is ready.

“Sit down.” Shen Zhishan patted the sofa cushion and let Shen Qi sit beside him.

“Dinner has fish, meat, chicken soup, and leather belts. Choose what you want to eat.” Shen Zhishan said and began to untie the belt.

“Hey, dad, if you have something to say, don’t do it, am I your son?” Shen Qi really convinced his dad and took off his belt if he didn’t agree. The key is that he hasn’t come up with the report card yet!

“Don’t be wordy, how many?” Shen Zhishan asked coldly.

“Don’t be impatient, don’t panic.” Shen Qi took out the physics test paper from his schoolbag, spread it out, and put it on the coffee table.

“Physics 86?” Shen Zhishan picked up the physics paper and looked at it sideways and upright. It was right, it was Shen Qi’s handwriting. The score of 86 in the physics test is not very low. Last time, Shen Qi only scored 45 in the physics test.

“This is the chemistry and biology test paper.” Shen Qi then took out the chemistry test paper and the biology test paper and put them on the coffee table.

“Chemistry 80? Biology 82? So if you add up the three subjects, Shen Qi, you got 248 points in the exam?” Shen Zhishan was very puzzled, even suspicious.

Shen Qi nodded, and said confidently: “As Dad sees, that’s right.”

“Then what is the average score of other students in your class? 280?”

“There is no 280. The average score of Physics and Chemistry in our class is 242.”

“So your exam for physical and chemical students was not bad this time, more than half of the classmates?” Shen Zhishan couldn’t believe it, what’s the situation?

“Yes, but my language and English are not good enough. I will make a thorough review, and I will definitely strive for progress in the next final exam. UU reading www.uukanshu.com” Shen Qi continued to take out the Chinese and English test papers.

Chinese 88, English 95, Shen Zhishan feels a little more relieved, he thinks this is Shen Qi’s true level: “What about mathematics?”

“Mathematics, the test is not bad.” Shen Qi finally released his big move after holding back for a long time. He slowly spread out the math test paper before Shen Zhishan’s eyes.

“One hundred and five? Full marks?” Even Shen Zhishan, who has seen the world, could not help being shocked. Shen Qi’s mathematics can actually get full marks. Isn’t it too fake?

Finally, Shen Qi took out the ranking list and put it on the coffee table. There are pictures and the truth, you can see for yourself.

“15 in the class! 188 in the whole year!”

The news is too shocking. Last time, Shen Qi, who was 47th in the class, moved forward by 32 this time, a huge increase.

Fan Yunxia didn’t bother to fiddle with the dishes. She immediately came to Shen Zhishan and checked Shen Qi’s mid-term exam papers and ranking table with her husband.

“This…this is too surprising!” Fan Yunxia was particularly excited. Shen Qi ranked 15th in the class and top 200 in the whole year with a score of 581 in this mid-term exam. The ranking is definitely not high, but the improvement is obvious.

There is hope if there is progress. During the parent meeting, Mr. Zhang said that students whose grades can be stabilized in the top 200 of the year will have the opportunity to enter key universities.

There are 441 students in 9 science classes in the second grade. Shen Qi went from 436th to 188th in the whole year, and his ranking increased by 248, which is even more fierce than the daily limit.

“Shen Qi is good, come, drink a bowl of chicken soup to replenish your body.” Fan Yunxia trot to the kitchen and held a bowl of hot chicken soup in front of Shen Qi, expressing joy.

Shen Qi drank this bowl of chicken soup and wiped his mouth and said: “Cool! The chicken soup that my mother cooks is pretty good!”

“Son, even if I drink, there is still more chicken soup!”

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