I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 138

Chapter 135 report

Shen Qi found inspiration from Ou Ye and ran away.

Ou Ye stayed in a daze for a minute, and then left with her laptop.

The liberal arts girl next door watched Ou Ye leave. She was also very interested in Ou Ye: “This black straight eldest sister also has a personality. Girls who study mathematics are rare and precious. I think they teamed up to wear b, and It’s not against harmony.”

The engineering man found that the trembling attribute of his liberal arts female ticket was aroused. The less you understand the terms and theories, the more she likes to watch the science and engineering men’s academic force.

An engineering male majoring in materials engineering, as an engineering tyrant, academically forced him to understand a little bit, but unfortunately he is not in his hands to install the b kit. Give him a few pieces of materials and some instruments and equipment, and he will be able to show off.

Shen Qi returned to the bedroom and the roommates went to class.

He immediately devoted himself to the writing of the paper. The title of the paper was finally decided, and it was called “Analysis of Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problems with Linear Inequality Constraints”.

“Φ is continuously differentiable on r^n, based on minΦ(x), ., ax≥b.”

“A generalized Newton method of inequality constraint problems can be used to solve them.”

“It can be deduced that Φ(x)=1/2‖h(x)‖^2 is continuously differentiable on x, and ▽Φ(x)=v^th(x).”

“Therefore, a(x) and b(x) are diagonal matrices that satisfy equation (16).”

Mathematics inspiration continued to gush out like a torrential river, and Shen Qi couldn’t stop at all. It was just after six o’clock in the evening with one code word.

Of course, half a day can’t finish writing the most complicated one of the five papers. Shen Qi estimated the workload and it will take about seven to ten days.

It doesn’t matter, at least Shen Qi has a clue, he can see results in the foreseeable days.

When doing things and doing academic research, the most feared thing is to be a little busy, often thankless, and go wrong.

As long as the direction is clear, the rest is a matter of time.

At this time, Zhou Yuan returned to the bedroom with a few pages of copy paper in his hand.

Zhou Yuan, acting monitor of the Department of Mathematics, handed out the copy paper to Shen Qi, and the two roommates who had not yet returned put the copy paper on their desks.

Shen Qi closed the laptop and glanced at the copy paper: “What the hell?”

“Ma Zhe’s exam focus.” Zhou Yuan said, “The three of you are really hungry. Ma Zhe will not go to the last class before the final exam. Shen Qi, do you think I want to go? I can’t help it, I don’t. If we go, all four of our dorms will be hung up.”

Shen Qi didn’t go to Ma Zhe class this semester, so he didn’t have time.

There is no need to go. It’s ok to memorize the key points a few days before the exam. Shen Qi asked, “Ma Zhe will take the exam any day.”


“So fast?”

“Today is November 30, and tomorrow will enter December. I will have seven exams in December, one in January, and the New Year on January 28. I have all my train tickets bought and I will go home on January 15. Shen Qi, you Have you bought a ticket?”

“My dad helped me out the ticket.”

“You are a rich second-generation? Your family is so rich, and you still study hard? Tsk, I know, Shen Qi, if you don’t study well, you have to go back and take over the family business very helplessly, right?”

Shen Qi clipped the key copy of Ma Zhe’s exam into his notebook and said: “I’m not a rich second-generation, my dad is a small business, and it’s no different from ordinary migrant workers. By the way, Zhou Yu’an, You’ve been acting as the monitor for two weeks, please give me a brief report on recent major events.”

Zhou Yuan immediately gave a report on his work: “Cai Qing worked hard after he recovered from illness. He has studied very hard recently and has also taken two part-time jobs, one as a tutor and the other as a code writer.”

“He can write code?” Shen Qi was a little surprised.

“Cai Qing has been taking computer courses for three months by himself, and he has already started to pick up. Don’t underestimate him, he has also won a math competition medal, just like us, he is recommended to Yan University, and he is a master student.” Zhou Yuan explained. He also said: “Didn’t Cai Qing owe you several thousand yuan in hospital fees? He wanted to pay you back as soon as possible, so he took two jobs.”

“I know.” It’s been a long time since Shen Qi had a face-to-face meeting with Cai Qing when he was awake. He went out early and returned late. The same was true for Cai Qing. The two went to bed as soon as they went back to the dormitory.

Zhou Yuan continued to report: “Luo Ji ran to the Central Conservatory of Music every day recently. I don’t know what he has tried. I will continue to follow up.”

“The other classmates proceeded step by step, nothing unusual.”

“The first-year football team of the Department of Basic Physics of the School of Physics sent a game note, calling the name to play a friendly match with the first-year football team of the Department of Mathematics. I refused. How can there be a football team in our Department of Mathematics? 11 players who can play football. No one can get together.”

“The School of Government Management sent an invitation letter to have a networking event with our Department of Mathematics. I think this can be done. What do you think, Shen Qi?” Zhou Yuan asked.

“It is true. You can keep in touch with each other. On Christmas or New Year’s Day, we gather together to promote exchanges, complement each other in arts and sciences, and make progress together.” Shen Qi nodded and asked: “Tan Lulu belongs to the School of Government Management, so you and her Okay?”

“No, I was contacted by a little girl under her. I couldn’t see Tan Lulu’s Moments update at all. Either she didn’t post to Moments, or she blocked me.” Zhou Yuan was a little bit lost. Any love is from the beginning. The circle of friends started to like it, but Goose didn’t even have the opportunity to like it, which was very depressing.

“Don’t be impatient, the important thing about picking up girls is patience, perseverance, and a fiery heart. Okay, Zhou Yuan, your work during this period of time has been very fruitful, hope to move forward and keep your mission in mind. I’m leaving, bye. “Shen Qi took the laptop and some materials and left the bedroom.

After a simple dinner, Shen Qi came to the library, he likes to study in the library, here is a sea of ​​knowledge.

Before continuing to write the paper “Analysis of Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problems with Linear Inequality Constraints”, Shen Qi has to do something boring but has to do, which is an important test point for Ma Zhe.

This semester, Shen Qi took a Ma Zhe class. It was the first Ma Zhe class a few months ago. After that, he never went to the Ma Zhe class again.

A freshman, no matter how good math is, he has to test Ma Zhe. Shen Qi will not fail in this kind of public class. Can he still be considered a master of learning if he wants to fail?

Shen Qi’s political level in the system is level 2, which is enough, and he began to memorize the important test points of Ma Zhe.

There is only one copy paper, printed on the front and back, and the dense small fonts of No. 5 are dizzy after looking at it for a long time.

“Idealism: The belief that consciousness is the original Matter is a derivative. Consciousness comes first and then matter. Consciousness determines matter. Including: subjective idealism and objective idealism.”

“Materialism: the belief that matter is the origin, consciousness is derived, and then there is consciousness, and material determines consciousness. Including: ancient naive materialism, modern metaphysics, dialectical materialism and historical materialism.

Political experience +1

Political experience +1

Shen Qi carried Ma Zhe on his back for the whole night, and his political experience gained a few points.

“Almost there, you can take the Ma Zhe exam.”

Shen Qi seized the time to write the thesis, this is his job.

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