I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 139

Chapter 136 The threshold of Marxist philosophy

December 2.

The overall progress of the paper “Analysis of Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problems with Linear Inequality Constraints” is 30%, which is slightly faster than Shen Qi expected.

Today, freshman students in a number of colleges ushered in their first exam after college, Ma Zhe.

Shen Qi entered the exam room with confidence. If the test is based on the key points of the exam, I will lose if Ma Zhe can’t get a full mark in the exam.

The Department of Mathematics and the Department of Probability and Statistics are arranged for examinations in the same classroom.

Ma Zhe’s test papers were handed out to each student, and the invigilator walked back and forth.

“Haha, Ma Zhe, little case.” Shen Qi hadn’t read the questions after getting the test papers, but he was full of momentum.

After the college entrance examination, Shen Qi never took the closed-book exam again, so she missed it inexplicably.

However, the first question of this Ma Zhe test paper made Shen Qijuku a shake: “mmp, let me go to your uncle…”

The first question is:

“Excuse me, the instructor of “Marxist Philosophy” this semester is:

a, Chen Xinhong

b, Chen Yahong

c, Chen Jinghong

d. Chen Aihong

Note: This question is a threshold question. If you answer it correctly, you won’t get a score. If you answer it wrong or don’t answer it, 41 points will be deducted. ”

In the examination room, Shen Qi was not the only one who was mad, and students in several colleges never missed a lesson.

For students who have never attended or rarely attended a Ma Zhe class, this threshold question is simply a frantic proposition.

Ask the teacher of Ma Zhe class, get 0 points for correct answers, -41 points for wrong answers or no answers.

If you choose the wrong name of the teacher, Shen Qi’s answer to 100 points will not help, and his final score of Ma Zhe cannot exceed 59 points.



Shen Qi calmed himself down and had to face the extremely complex and cruel political struggle rationally.


Shen Qi recalled an important clue. He took the first Ma Zhe class, and the teacher was a woman.

In the first class, female teacher Ma Zhe wrote her name on the blackboard, three words!

However, Shen Qi couldn’t remember which three words they were. He was reading math books in that class.

The abcd options are all three words, which one to choose?

Chen Xinhong, Chen Yahong, Chen Jinghong, and Chen Aihong all have scarlet letters in their names, and they are very particular about their roots.

Which teacher Chen is the real teacher Ma Zhe?

You can only choose one of the two from the true and false Monkey King, and you, Teacher Chen, choose one of the four, you must be the ultimate boss of the Buddha level.

Can permutations and probability theory come in handy?

The answer is, no.

Aren’t you students in a number of colleges awesome? Didn’t you look down on our Ma Zhe? Today, I, Da Ma Zhe, must make you suffer a little bit, take a long time to teach you, and you will lose one thing.

A vague outline emerged in Shen Qi’s mind. She was a woman, of medium build, short hair, capable and slightly fat.

The outline is getting clearer and the middle-aged woman’s face blooms with a smile, this smile is firm and indifferent, but persistent but weird.

Shen Qi shuddered. No, I must not drop a subject. My mathematics is all full marks, and the college entrance examination is also full marks. Gaodai completed 10 credits in advance, wrote 4 professional papers, and drafted one jointly with Ou Ye. Six articles are being perfected…I am a character, Teacher Chen, why do you let Ma Zhe fail?

Do not!

This shouldn’t be my destiny!

I, Shen Qi, will never give in!

“High generation, solving a few and several points, functionals, complex and real variables, topology, discreteness, probability theory, Riemannian geometric partial differential…”

Shen Qi never bowed to fate or compromised with brutal political forces. He silently studied all the math courses in the university. At the same time, he clicked back and forth on the four options of abcd on the test paper.

This kind of mathematical analysis method is very old, and Shen Qi will not sacrifice such a world-shaking big move when it is not a last resort.

“Number theory, series, variational method, non-Euclidean geometry group ring.”

In the end, Shen Qi’s mathematics course silently stopped at the “group ring”, that is, abstract algebra.

And the option he pointed at was…a Chen Xinhong.

If you encounter selection difficulties when doing multiple-choice questions, do not blindly follow your feelings. You must firmly believe in mathematics. This is the final stubbornness of mathematics workers.

Teacher Chen Xinhong, I’m sorry, I let you down.

Do you think that under the guise of a, I dare not choose you?

Shen Qi chose a without hesitation.

Then start to do the following short answer questions.

Once the threshold for selecting a teacher is passed, the short answer questions that follow are divided questions.

One question is 20 points, five short answer questions, all of which are marked on the photocopy paper of Ma Zhe’s important test site.

Shen Qi quickly completed the answer sheet, handed in the paper, and left.

Zhou Yuan handed in the paper a few minutes in the morning, and he waited outside the examination room.

“Zhou Xueba, so early.” Shen Qiyun said lightly.

Zhou Yuan spread his hand and said: “Shen Xueba, I have tried my best. I can’t help you with such things as the threshold question choosing a teacher. It’s so utterly conscience that I actually got this kind of threshold question?”

“Teacher Chen Xinhong may have her problems.” Shen Qixian said nothing.

“Hey, how do you know her name is Chen Xinhong?” Zhou Yuan was surprised.

“In the first Ma Zhe class, did I go to it? The first thing Teacher Chen said is, Hello everyone, my name is Chen Xinhong, and I will spend a happy semester with you. Zhou Yuan, I will go. Now, bye.” Shen Qi turned and left, feeling secretly, Teacher Ma Zhe, the political devil, is actually called Chen Xinhong?

There is no danger, how could I miss Shen? Shen Qi did one thing immediately after leaving the examination room, which was very urgent and very important.

Shen Qi looked up the names of teachers in each course on the school’s educational administration information network.

Advanced algebra, Sun Erxiong. This course has been passed in advance, so don’t worry about it.

Mathematical analysis, Lu Guozhen.

Analytical geometry, Qu Wenquan.

Shen Qi is very familiar with the professor who counted points and settled points, and the teachers in the school never asked inhuman questions, such as “41 points deducted for the wrong teacher.”

Marxist philosophy, Chen Xinhong. It really was her, the devil!

Military theory, Wei Junqiang. Make the key points and remember the name of the teacher.

College English Mulan. This English teacher is quite distinctive. It is also very difficult for Shen Qi to forget her name. She is a foreign teacher, so she named herself Hua Mulan in Chinese.

There are also English names. Shen Qi made the key point, helen-margaret-laurance, which translates to Helen-Margaret-Lawrence, hml. No wonder she named herself Hua Mulan in Chinese. She understands Chinese pinyin.

Computer, there is no morality. This is a key point. Shen Qi hasn’t taken a computer class for a while.

Sports, Zhu Jian. There is no need to focus on this, and physical education does not take the written test, unless it is a student of physical education theory.

The above courses will be arranged for final exams in more than a month. Shen Qi has passed Gao Dai and Ma Zhe, Gao Dai has full marks and completed the credits ahead of schedule. Ma Zhe, it should be a perfect score too, right?

Shen Qi pulled up a short-term schedule in his mind, how much time is allocated for mathematics majors, how much energy is spent corresponding to the public exams, and how to operate the papers. It is very busy in December.

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