I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 The hand holding the ballpoint pen tremb

After driving for half an hour, the Nangang No. 2 Middle School Number Competition Team bus arrived at the Provincial Experimental Middle School.

This is the venue for the Nangang Division of the Provincial High School Maths League this year.

There are mathematics leagues in all provinces across the country, which are organized by the provinces themselves.

The South Guangdong Provincial High School Mathematics League is jointly organized by the Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Mathematical Society, and is held once a year.

The competition method is an exam. All contestants make a paper. The time limit is 90 minutes. This is a trial.

Try to set three grades of scores, from high to low for the provincial team, the first prize, and the second prize.

According to previous data, 40% of the contestants can get the second prize, and 10% of the contestants can win the first prize.

The provincial team line is very difficult to get on the line, the on-line rate is only 0.8%.

The students who can come to participate in the mathematics competition are all top mathematics students from each school, and they are one of a hundred.

After picking one in a hundred, then pick eight out of a thousand, and then continue to eliminate half of the people, and the few remaining people will represent the provincial team in the national competition. This is a retest.

Shen Qi wants to stay, this is his goal here.

The organizing committee will check the student ID, entry certificate, mobile phone and all electronic devices of each participant according to the procedures.

Shen Qi was taken by the staff to a classroom on the second floor of the teaching building. In the classroom, there were four rows of desks, one in seven rows, and a total of 28 contestants competed in the same field.

Shen Qi and his eleven teammates are arranged in twelve different classrooms, and his seats are in the first row of the second column.

Sit down, put the ballpoint pen, pencil, ruler, compass, and eraser on the table, and Shen Qi waited for the test paper to be issued.

Before handing out the test papers, the invigilators first hand out draft papers to each participant.

Except for pen and ruler and other necessary stationery for answering questions, contestants are not allowed to bring even a piece of paper into the arena. The country is very strict in the selection of mathematics professionals. One person cheats and the whole school is blocked.

Shen Qi closed his eyes and rested, don’t be impatient, don’t panic, I have done several sets of papers, this thing is not difficult at all.

10 o’clock, a try starts on time.

There are two types of questions in this test paper.

8 fill-in-the-blank questions, each with 8 points and 64 points.

3 answers and proof questions, scoring 56 points.

The total score of noodles is 120 points.

The question maker seems to prefer geometry. There are 11 questions in this test paper, 8 of which are geometry questions.

This is probably the IMO that has followed the trend in the past few years. Recently, geometric wind has blown internationally, and geometric problems have repeatedly appeared in the IMO stadium.

Fill-in-the-blank questions are too easy for Shen Qi. This type of question does not need to write a derivation and proof process, just write an answer and it’s done.

Don’t care if I use non-Euclidean geometry or coordinate geometry theory, just give you the correct answer.

Shen Qi quickly completed 8 fill-in-the-blank questions and started to do the next three solution questions and proof questions.

The first question is the proof of solid geometry. A sphere is drawn on the surface of the volume, and a triangular pyramid is embedded. It is necessary to prove that the center of gravity of the triangular pyramid coincides with the center of gravity of the sphere.

The second question is plane analytic geometry. It is necessary to prove that a curve can never pass through the junction o between the x-axis and the y-axis.

The third question is pure algebra. It is necessary to find a complex number α to make a formula hold.

“It’s not difficult, it’s really not difficult, could I make a fake paper?”

Three under five divided by two, Shen Qi quickly wrote the proof of the three questions and the solution process and answers on the draft paper.

I was afraid that what he was doing was a fake paper. After checking it several times, Shen Qicai dared to write the contents of the draft paper on the examination paper. His hand with the ballpoint pen trembled slightly.

“It is said that the proportion of the provincial team line is less than 1%, and I get a full score, then I will definitely be able to enter this 1%. Is this paper too simple, everyone can get a full score?”

Shen Qi looked left, right, and looked back.

The guy on the left is sweating profusely. It’s not hot. The air conditioner is turned on in the classroom and I feel cold.

The young lady on the right frowned, as if she had encountered a problem she couldn’t understand.

The Zhengtai at the back looked unlovable, he must be suspicious of life.

Various signs indicate that in the whole examination room, Shen Qi felt that the examination paper was simple, and everyone else was in trouble.

“Hey, don’t look around!” The invigilator walked to Shen Qi’s desk and knocked on the desk with a serious expression.

“Teacher, let me ask, who produced this paper?” Shen Qi whispered.

“do not know!”

“Fine, I will hand in the paper.”

Shen Qi packed his stationery into his school bag, and laid the test papers flat on the table.

Picking up his schoolbag, Shen Qi stood up and put his hands in his pants pockets, he left the examination room leisurely.

After the morning’s numeracy test, the judges of the Provincial Mathematical Society began to review the exam papers in the Nangang Division in the afternoon.

Nangang is the capital city of the province, and the headquarters of the Provincial Mathematical Society is located in this southern coastal metropolis.

A total of more than 1,200 high school students who love mathematics and love mathematics have signed up for the competition this time. Guangnangang City registered more than half of the contestants. After all, it is an international metropolis with a large population and excellent educational resources.

The marking work in the Nangang Division lasted from 2 pm to 8 pm. Ten judges started to review more than 600 one-test papers at the same time.

The two younger girls are statisticians who are responsible for statistics.

“Yu Huabo, Provincial Experimental Middle School, 101 points.”

“Zhou Jian, the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University, UU reading www.uukanshu.com 98 points.”

“Meng Tianqiang, City No. 2 High School, 94 points.”

“Li Xinyan, City Sixth Middle School, 82 points.”

“Zhao Liang, No. 8 Middle School, 8 points… I feel sorry for this little boy. He only got 8 points, so he got a fill-in-the-blank question.”

“Huo Jiawen, City No. 2 High School, 1 point… How did this 1 point come from? Consolation prize?”

“I looked at this 1-point boy’s paper. It really was a consolation prize. His fill-in-the-blank questions were all wrong, and the answers and proofs were all wrong. The judges gave 1 point because he was afraid that he could not accept the 0-point blow?”

“Give 1 point less for fear of your pride, and only 1 point for fear of your collapse? Once a math teacher becomes humorous, it is really irresistible, so just a little bit.”

The job of the two statisticians of the Provincial Mathematics Association is to count the scores of the completed examination papers into a computer for sorting. Both of them are interns majoring in mathematics. They are more likely to be mathematics teachers in elementary and middle schools in the future.

“The papers for the first exam of this year’s number are so difficult. According to statistics, I haven’t seen a 120 full-point exam.”

“It is estimated that this year’s first prize line was 90 points, and last year it was 100 points.”

“Keep on working, Shen Qi, City No. 2 Middle School… I got a cat!”

“What are you doing!”

“Shen Qi, City No. 2 High School, 120 points! The first full score exam paper actually came from City No. 2 High School.”

“The second high school in the city is also a key high school. What’s so fuss about. Show me the masterpiece of this boy with perfect scores, hey, what the **** is the three question marks after 120?”

Shen Qi’s roll noodle score is 120, and three question marks, which together are “120???”.

“For the exam paper No. 519, I will ask the judges teacher, what is the situation with the 120 of this little boy in City No. 2 Middle School?”

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