I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 He is a communicator with perfect scores

As night fell, the headquarters building of the Provincial Mathematical Society was brightly lit.

More than 600 one-test papers in the Nangang Division have all been reviewed, including one with a full score of 120.

The scores of each competition area in the province have also been summarized to the headquarters of the Provincial Mathematical Society, with a total of 2 full score exam papers.

“This year’s questions are really difficult, with only 2 full-point exam papers, compared with 38 last year.” The vice president of the Provincial Mathematical Society said that he is mainly responsible for the business of mathematics competitions in elementary and middle schools.

“Last year, the question was too simple to reflect the authority of the Association, so this year the difficulty of the competition was appropriately increased.” A judge said that he was one of the question writers for this year’s Digital Union Test.

“It’s okay to increase the difficulty of the competition, but don’t be too tricky. Our original intention of setting up the math league is to cultivate young people’s interest in the basic subject of mathematics. What should I do if I’m scared away?” the vice chairman said earnestly.

At this time, a bald judge made a speech: “I said something, the scores of a test paper in the Nangang Division have not been included in the statistics, which is the one in my hand.”

“Oh? Is there anything special?” the vice chairman asked.

The bald judge handed the test paper in his hand to the vice president: “I reviewed this test paper. Please review it by the vice president.”

The vice president is a senior management member of the Provincial Mathematical Society. He generally does not care about specific tasks such as scoring and marking, but is only responsible for making decisions on important matters.

took the test paper and glanced at it, and the vice president was puzzled: “Nangang No. 2 Middle School, Shen Qi, you scored him a full score of 120 on his test paper, but you added three question marks after 120. What do you want to express?”

The bald judge explained: “When I corrected this student Shen Qi’s test paper, my initial feeling was heartfelt. His fill-in-the-blank questions were all correct, and the answers and proofs were all correct. There was no sign of alteration in the entire test paper, and the handwriting The neatness and drawing standards show that his answering process was done in one go. I gave him a full score of 120 without even thinking about it.”

“Then why add three question marks after 120?” The vice chairman came with a little interest and began to review Shen Qi’s examination papers carefully.

“Later, the more I thought about it, the more something went wrong, so I reviewed Shen Qi’s test paper and finally found the problem, so I added three question marks.” said the bald judge.

The vice chairman’s interest in Shen Qi’s examination papers has greatly increased, and there is nothing strange about filling in the blanks. He is mainly reviewing three proof questions and answer questions.

Looking at it, the vice president found the problem: “Oh, this classmate Shen Qi is cunning enough. The first proof is three-dimensional geometry. It is necessary to prove that the center of gravity of the sphere and the embedded triangular pyramid are completely coincident. He actually The Mercator projection law is used.”

Balding judges: “Yes, the Mercator projection law is a knowledge point of university geometry. It is mainly used to draw nautical charts and route charts. It is widely used in the maritime industry. Few people use it to solve high school geometry problems.”

“Shen Qi, this auxiliary line is very concealed. In the Mercator projection law, the latitude and longitude lines on the earth are not represented by curves but straight lines. He knows this knowledge point, and this auxiliary line betrays him.” The vice chairman saw through everything, after all, the old driver.

“Shen Qi certainly knows that we do not advocate using knowledge beyond the scope of the high school syllabus to solve problems, so he takes covert methods to exploit the loopholes. 90% of the proof process uses high school mathematics knowledge, but the most important auxiliary line is that he The Mercator projection law is applied.” said the bald judge.

“Cunning and cunning, very cunning. However, no matter how cunning the fox is, he will not be able to slip away from the old hunter’s gun.” The vice president continued to review the last two questions of Shen Qi’s exam paper, “Hehehehe, this Shen Qi It’s really amazing. In the second question, he used Bernoulli’s theory of two-wire lines, and in the third question, he used the Descartes’ rule of sign, with the same technique. Mingxiu plank roads are dark. But after all, they are still young and shallow. No matter how great Sun Monkey is, can he jump out of the Buddha’s Five Finger Mountain?”

The bald judge asked: “So the vice president, do you think that Shen Qi’s test paper can give him a full score of 120? Or is it a symbolic deduction of a few points as a warning?”

The vice president said very simply: “Yes, why not? Your level of questioning is limited, so that the contestants have some time to use, what can be said? Other students, Shen Qi, use their skills to take advantage of the loopholes and use the Mercator projection law technically. , Bernoulli’s theory of double ties, Descartes’ rule of sign, and gave a 100% correct answer. We have no reason not to give him full marks. I personally set the questions for the semi-final exam, but I want to see who can Full score on the test?”

“Cough cough.” Several judges coughed at the same time. Just now they said that we were too difficult and tricky to write the question. Now they said that we are limited and embarrassed.

The next day, Monday, Nangang No. 2 High School (2) Classroom.

Early in the morning, as soon as Shen Qi entered the classroom, he felt a special atmosphere.

All the students in the class focused on Shen Qi, welcoming him from the front door to the seat.

Shen Qi sat down and touched his chin: “Is this handsome me handsomer than that?”

“Cut ”

Hiss are everywhere.

Shen Qi spread his hands and shrugged: “Then why are you staring at me? It’s shameful.”

“Shoot your sister, shoot, Shen Qi, I’ll ask you, how many points did you score in the math league and how many places did you get?” Xu Rui asked with a whisper, he was the loudest in the class.

“Yes, Shen Qi, we are all very curious.” Chen Xiaoting looked expectant.

“Don’t let Class 45678 look down on us Class 2.” Huang Zikun took the sentence.

“I only finished the exam yesterday morning, how do I know where I am?” Shen Qi really didn’t know the result, no one told him.

“Is it difficult for the Math League?” Chen Xiaoting asked again.

“It’s not difficult.” Shen Qi shook his head.

Jingle Bell.

The class bell rang.

The first session in the morning is math class. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Zhang Wanbang strode into the classroom. The first sentence was: “We announce a good news. In the high school math league test that just ended yesterday, student Shen Qi participated in the competition on behalf of our school and got a full score of 120.”


“Cattle fork!”

“Another full score!”

“Hang over!”

“Double-click 666!”

The classmates exclaimed. Wherever Shen Qi goes, he will bring full marks. He is the communicator of full marks.

“Congratulations, Shen Qi, it’s great!” Chen Xiaoting approached the water tower, and she took the lead in sending a congratulatory message.

“Thank you Xiaoting, thank you everyone, thank you Teacher Zhang!” Shen Qi smiled and thanked. Although Xueba has to bear the tremendous pressure that ordinary people can’t bear and endure the loneliness that ordinary people can’t bear, but the joy after harvesting results is also difficult for ordinary people. Experience.

Zhang Wanbang remained silent for 1 minute and did not stop the noisy class atmosphere. He let Shen Qi fully enjoy this joy.

Shen Qi smiled at Zhang Wanbang, everything is clear.

“Okay, be quiet.” Zhang Wanbang moved freely, he quickly controlled the situation, and said: “Our school sent 12-figure team members to participate this time, including three second prizes and one first prize. A member of the provincial team. The only player on the provincial team is Shen Qi. He will continue to move forward and participate in the provincial semi-finals on behalf of our school and our city to compete for the 6 provincial teams. Hope Shen Qineng To win glory for the whole school and achieve another good result.”

“Fuck and groove!”

“Too awesome!”

“A fighter in Xueba!”

“Shen Qi 666 slipped over, 999!”

The second grade (2) class was a sensation again, and the movement was so loud that even the teachers in classes 1 and 3 next door rushed over, thinking that the students had rebelled!

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