I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 The history teacher has something to say

The news spread quickly.

During the break between classes, in the corridor outside the classroom of the second grade, a few high school boys guarded Shen Qi like stars and moon.

They are the representatives of the number competition team of the second grade (4), the representatives of the number competition team of the second grade (5), the representatives of the number competition team of the second grade (6), and the representatives of the 7th and 8th classes.

These representatives are Shen Qi’s teammates in the math competition team. They are the top mathematics in each class. The same goal made them meet and meet, but only Shen Qi achieved the goal.

“Shen Qi is amazing, and Shulian got a perfect score of 120!”

“The only player in our school to enter the retest!”

“In recent months, Shen Qi, your life is simply hanging up!”

The teammates all looked at Shen Qi enviously.

“Through the awards, encourage and encourage each other.” Shen Qi learned the situation from Zhang Wanbang’s mouth, the team of 12 people, only he was on the provincial team line. The remaining 11 teammates won one first prize and three second prizes, and the other seven went back without a hit.

In the second grade (2) class, Shen Qi can be a bit high-profile. Anyway, he is the only one in the class to participate in the math league. He loves to blow how to blow, and will not cause too high crit damage to his classmates.

However, in the face of defeated teammates who were not as brilliant as his own brilliant digital competition teammates, Shen Qi tried his best to keep a low profile: “The important thing is to participate, the ranking is not important. Besides, we will have another chance to participate in the digital league next year. .”

“Well, come on Shen Qi!” The few teammates who didn’t get the prize were relieved.

“In short, Shen Qijun, you must enter the provincial team’s main team list and become the strongest man on the surface, please!” A small teammate said loudly, and it seems that he has been affected by Riman.

Shen Qi: “Huo Jiawen, don’t be like this, it feels like a good second, we are now in the second year of the high school, not the second year. How many points do you score in the joint test?”

Huo Jiawen was very ashamed and said: “1 point.”

“Nima? 1 point?” Shen Qi almost fell, 1 point, there is such a magical operation?

“Shen Qijun, please enter the provincial team, and then play in the national and IMO international competitions! I can’t realize my dream, please help me realize it, please Shen Qijun!” Huo Jiawen turned around and ran away with tears in his eyes. He was moved by himself.

Xu Rui, who happened to be passing by, witnessed all this, and he said incomprehensibly: “Silly studying, right? Our school still has this kind of second-hand?”

“The barbarians of the track team, what do you know? Can you realize the greatness of your dreams?” The rest of the team glared at Xu Rui, very upset.

“Mom’s mental retardation, come on, hurt each other, weak chickens!” Xu Rui showed his muscles, ready to hit five.

“Ignorant barbarians, scumbags!” Seeing that the situation was not good, several members of the digital competition team fled in all directions.

“A bunch of idiots.” Xu Rui hummed with contempt.

It is difficult for people with different life goals to have a common language, and they will hurt each other if they don’t agree. Xu Rui said to Shen Qi: “I think your team is a little more normal, and everyone else is stupid with weird behavior.”

“Okay, it’s class, what’s the ability to bully the weak? If you have the ability to fight with the basketball team.” Shen Qi pulled Xu Rui back to the classroom, the class bell rang. This is a history class.

Shen Qi felt the great mission and responsibility on his shoulders. The rules for the quarter-finals of the Digital Federation are 12 to 6. He, as the only winner of Nangang No. 2 Middle School, will attack the province’s highest honor alone.

Six days later, the 12-to-6 rematch of the Shulian is about to start.

Shen Qi also learned that he was not the only player who scored a perfect score. This was the pinnacle matchup between the top math masters in the province.

Life-long learning.

People who are ugly must read more.

Shuaibi also wants to read.

Shen Qi took out the math book and read it. If he fails after six days, he will be sorry to Teacher Zhang, to old man Cao, to the principal, to his parents, to his classmates and teammates who supported him.

must not fail!

Once people concentrate on one thing, they will be distracted by other things.

History teacher Ma said on the podium, and Shen Qi occasionally looked up at the blackboard, and he was absent-minded about the history class.

The history teacher Ma’s hobby is playing cards, and his poker friends are some teachers in the school.

They play cards and don’t bet money. The bets are mostly class hours, evening self-study, and some weird things.

Courses of compulsory subjects in the college entrance examination for science classes such as foreign language, mathematics, physics and chemistry, etc.

But history classes are not held every day. Shen Qi and his class arrange a history class every week.

When Mr. Ma who loves playing cards often loses class, Shen Qi hasn’t seen Mr. Ma for almost a month.


Teacher Ma knocked on the blackboard. Knocking on the blackboard meant that he was explaining important knowledge points: “At 5 o’clock in the afternoon on April 27, 1911, Huang Xing led a revolutionary vanguard of more than 120 people, with a white scarf on his arms, armed with firearms and bombs. The conch sounded straight towards the Governor’s Mansion and fired the first shot of the Huanghuagang Uprising, which opened the prelude to the vigorous patriotic revolution.”

“This is the famous Huanghuagang Uprising in history. The site of the Huanghuagang Uprising is not far from our school. Our school has organized many students to visit the tombstones of the martyrs in Huanghuagang. The artillery of the old war songs has gone, but the revolutionaries have thrown their heads away. The feat of blood will be immortal.”

“My classmates, you must keep in mind that our happy life today is hard-won, and it was bought by the revolutionary ancestors with countless blood, so everyone must listen carefully to history lessons, especially Chinese history, and be familiar with it.”

Teacher Ma was good at tempting to spread knowledge of Chinese history, but there were not many students who listened carefully to the class.

For science students, the college entrance examination does not take history, so the teachers who teach history in science classes feel sad.

Suddenly, Teacher Ma shouted: “Shen Qi!”

“Huh?” Shen Qi held a copy of “Super Elliptic Integral and Abel’s Theorem”, looked up at the podium, at a loss.

“You stand up for me!” Teacher Ma said that your head teacher Zhang Wanbang played cards for a long time to beat me. The students in your class did not listen to my history class for a long time, and I was mad at me!


Shen Qi stood up, still at a loss.

“Shen Qi, can you not study history if you have good math scores? As a Chinese, you don’t even know Chinese history. Are you embarrassed to go out of school?” The news spread so quickly these years, even the history teacher knows Shen Qi’s math scores. it is good.

“Teacher Ma, you wronged me. I know Chinese history, Xia, Shang, Zhou, Chunqiu, Qin, Han and Weijin, Sui, Tang and Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing…I am back and forth!” Shen Qi refused, although his historical indicator in the system is level 0 Although he didn’t listen to the history class seriously, he thought he had basic knowledge of Chinese history. He had read a lot of history texts in UU books.

“Then I ask you, what dynasty is between Jin and Sui?”

“Southern…Southern and Northern Dynasties?” Shen Qi replied uncertainly. There are too few books about the Southern and Northern Dynasties in UU, and Tang, Songming and Ming have more traverse texts.

“How many generations in the Southern Dynasty, and which countries in the Northern Dynasty? Which dynasties, generations, and countries are they?” Teacher Ma asked.

“Eight dynasties in the Southern Dynasty and ten countries in the Northern Dynasty?” Shen Qi started to slander.

“Nonsense, you don’t even have the most basic knowledge of Chinese history. It’s sad and shameful!” Teacher Ma was heartbroken and asked: “Who fired the first shot of the Huanghuagang Uprising? If you can’t even answer this question, why not? Does anyone claim to be Chinese?”

I went, Teacher Ma, you too underestimated me, who fired the first shot of the Huanghuagang Uprising? This is a sub-question! I have been to the site of the Huanghuagang Uprising no less than 20 times, and my home is nearby.

“The first shot of the Huanghuagang Uprising was fired by Huang Xing. The statue of Huang Xing stood on the old site of the Huanghuagang Uprising.” Shen Qi said with certainty, and finally pulled back a city.

“You got the answer right.” Teacher Ma calmly asked, “Then I will ask you again, who fired the second shot of the Huanghuagang Uprising?”

“Huh? The second shot?” Shen Qi was instantly stunned. Huang Xing fired the first shot at my door more than a hundred years ago. After that, the Revolutionary Party and the reactionaries must have fought hand-to-hand. , Who knows who fired the second shot!

Teacher Ma saw Shen Qi look confused, and said: “Shen Qi, you are not math, okay? Give you four choices, A Huang Xing, B Song Jiaoren, C Liao Zhongkai, D Zhu Zhixin. One of them started the second. Gun, who do you say?”

“Liao… Liao Zhongkai?” Shen Qi thinks it should be Liao Zhongkai. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Liao Zhongkai is more famous, and Zhongkai College is established locally.

“Wrong!” Teacher Ma drank, and then asked another question: “Who fired the third shot of the Huanghuagang Uprising? A Huang Xing, B Song Jiaoren, C Liao Zhongkai, D Zhu Zhixin, or choose one of the four.”

Wori, Teacher Ma, are you jealous of my good math grades? My math grades are so good that you provoke you. We are not colleagues, nor enemies!

Shen Qi stabilized his emotions and said: “Did Zhu Zhixin fire the third shot?”

Zhu Zhixin is also a celebrity. He is a close friend of Mr. Zhongshan. Zhixin Middle School is a key local middle school. There is also a Zhixin Road named after Zhu Zhixin.

“Wrong again! Shen Qi, you disappointed me so much. You don’t have a bit of historical common sense! The place where revolutionary martyrs fought is less than 2 kilometers away from our school. You actually answered such a simple question incorrectly! Disappointed, I Very disappointed! No matter how good you are in mathematics, you shouldn’t forget that you are a descendant of Yan Huang and Chinese!” Teacher Ma was very angry and very distressed.

Shen Qi humbly asked for advice: “Then I would like to ask Mr. Ma, who fired the second shot and the third shot of the Huanghuagang Uprising? I really don’t know, this question is too difficult!”

Facing all the students, Teacher Ma slowly said: “The first, second, and third shots of the Huanghuagang Uprising were all fired by Huang Xing. It is written in the history textbook that Huang Xing fired three shots against the sky. Huanghuagang uprising. Have you ever read history textbooks seriously!”

“…” Shen Qi sweated, Nima, is this a history question? Obviously it is a brain teaser, okay!

“…” The whole class was sweating. Teacher Ma is the one who retaliated against our best math class in Class 2, because our head teacher is a math teacher, and Teacher Ma has never beaten math teacher Zhang Wanbang…

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