I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Digital United Quarterfinals

“It was detected that the host was humiliated by a simple academic question, and I remembered it once!”

“It was detected that the host was humiliated by a simple academic question, and I remembered it once!”

“It was detected that the host was humiliated by a simple academic question, and I remembered it once!”

The system suddenly sent three messages in a row, looking very anxious.

“Then what do you want me to do? Slap my face back?” Shen Qi looked at the remaining 4000 points of Xueba points, if he forcefully smashed it, he can immediately smash the historical indicator to level 3.

Level 3 history indicators should be able to talk to the history teacher, but Shen Qi will not do this, at least not now.

System: “A powerful student is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipotent, and omnipotent. Remember, this is the ultimate goal of the host.”

Shen Qi: “Then you give me 100 million points for learning tyrants, and I will be invincible in all fields immediately.”

System: “It is impossible for this system to give the host 100 million Xueba points for nothing. This requires the host to strive for it. If the host has been credited three times in a row within a month, the remaining Xueba points will be cleared.”

“Wipe, you are ruthless, set me a test everywhere.”

Shen Qi checked his information in the system:

Mathematics Level 3 (0/5000)

Physics Level 1 (0/1000)

Chemistry Level 1 (0/1000)

Creature Level 1 (0/1000)

Language Level 1 (0/1000)

English Level 1 (0/1000)

Sports Level 1 (0/1000)

History Level 0 (0/100)

Geography Level 0 (0/100)

Political level 0 (0/100)

Balance Xueba Points: 4578

The system requires oneself to be professional, and one subject will be promoted to level 5 first, otherwise the punishment will be wheelchair.

At the same time, they are required to be comprehensive and cannot be credited consecutively in a short period of time, otherwise the Xueba points will be cleared.


Shen Qi’s short-term goal is very clear, which is to prioritize mathematical indicators to level 5.

But there can be no shortcomings.

To be on the safe side, Shen Qi spent 300 Xueba points to upgrade all three subjects of history, geography, and politics to level 1.

Mathematics Level 3 (0/5000)

Physics Level 1 (0/1000)

Chemistry Level 1 (0/1000)

Creature Level 1 (0/1000)

Language Level 1 (0/1000)

English Level 1 (0/1000)

Sports Level 1 (0/1000)

History Level 1 (0/1000)

Geography Level 1 (0/1000)

Politics Level 1 (0/1000)

Balance Xueba Points: 4278

Shen Qi needs to get 722 Xueba points as soon as possible through natural accumulation, and raise the math index to level 4.

What the system says is “If the host has been credited three times in a row within a month, the balance of Xueba points will be cleared.” I will take the initiative to clear the Xueba points. Even if you have recorded three times in a row, you have nothing to clear. . Hahaha, has the system been able to fight me Shen Qi?

In the next few days, Shen Qi’s life is like years.

In the Chinese class, the Chinese teacher asked Shen Qi to answer the question: “This is a classic tourist route, which allows you to enjoy the ingenious beauty of nature and the colorful exotic customs. Shen Qi, please point out this. Inappropriate words in the sentence, and explain why.”

Shen Qi replied nervously: “The skillful craftsmanship is not good… This idiom refers to the superb skills of human craftsmen and should not describe nature.”

Chinese teacher: “You got the answer right, sit down.”

Shen Qi is very tangled, the Chinese teacher is also staring at me?

In the geography class, the geography teacher asked Shen Qi to answer the question: “What is the main reason for the concentrated and contiguous distribution of alluvial fans at the foot of the Helan Mountain? Shen Qi, please tell me.”

“Precipitation concentrated?”

“Wrong! Give you another chance.”

“Then what, let me think about it… there are many rivers?”

“You got the answer right, sit down.”

Shen Qi is very entangled, the geography teacher is also staring at me?

In English class, the English teacher ordered Shen Qi to return to the question: “Shenqi, please-tell-me, when-a–works, the-cup-from-what?”

“Just-a-minute, I need to think about it, Miss-Gao.”

Miss-Gao: “Right-now! And-speak-English-please!”

Shenqi: “Beneath-the-sheet?”

Miss-Gao: “Just-so-so, sit-down.”

Shen Qi is very entangled, the English teacher is also staring at me?

Shen Qi is about to collapse, Chinese, geography, English, politics, physics, chemistry… every teacher ordered him to answer questions, as if they had made an appointment.

If the answer is wrong, it may be recorded by the system.

After school, Shen Qi complained to Zhang Wanbang: “Mr. Zhang, they are crazy, they are all crazy! In the past few days, every teacher has asked me to answer questions. I have nightmares every night and I want to die in depression! ”

“I never ask you to answer questions. What are you doing in my math class, as long as it doesn’t affect other students.” Zhang Wanbang said lightly.

“I have a hard life.” Shen Qi sighed.

“If one day your other subjects can be as good as mathematics, they will never ask you to answer any questions, at least not in class.” Zhang Wanbang handed Shen Qi a notebook and said: “It seems that you have been tortured by other teachers recently. Your in-depth understanding of the Fourier transform and Taylor formula has entered a misunderstanding. Take the notebook and figure it out for yourself.”

Shen Qi took the notebook and went back home to study it carefully. After studying it until 11 o’clock in the evening, it suddenly dawned on him.

“The host has received expert guidance in the field of mathematics, comprehended new professional skills, and obtained 100 Xueba points. The remaining Xueba points were 4801.”

Shen Qi, who has worked hard all day, finally gained something, UU reading www. uukanshu. com is only 199 points short of Xueba points, he can upgrade mathematics to level 4.

The next day, Sunday, not going to school today.

Today is an important day for Shen Qi. He will participate in the semi-finals of the provincial high school math league.

The semi-final examination room was at the Provincial Mathematical Society headquarters. After a trial screening of more than 1,200 contestants from the whole province, only 12 finally came to the Provincial Mathematical Society headquarters building.

Before the test, 12 rematch players were arranged to stand by in the lounge.

The 12 rematches are all boys, not a single girl.

It is not that women are not good at learning mathematics. There have been famous female mathematicians in history, but compared with men, the number of female mathematicians is still scarce.

Shen Qi looked at the other 11 opponents, and he didn’t know any of them.

“Hey brother, which school are you from?” Shen Qi asked the boy on his left.

“Does this matter?” The boy on the left has a cool expression.

“Nangang Foreign Language School, amazing, famous school.” Shen Qi found the answer from the boy’s school uniform LOGO.

“If you know you still ask?” the boy said hurriedly.

“How high are you?” Shen Qi asked again.

“Is this important?” The boys in the foreign language school asked questions and answers, but did not answer directly.

“Brother, don’t make the atmosphere so tense. We have no grudges in the past and now, why bother? My name is Shen Qi, and I am a sophomore in Nangang No. 2 Middle School. Hello, I am glad to meet you.” Shen Qi introduced politely.

A boy from a foreign language school: “Is this important?”

Shen Qi: “Then what do you think is important?”

A boy from a foreign language school: “Win the championship and enter the provincial team. This is my only goal here. And who you are and where you are from does not matter to me at all.”

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