I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 201

Chapter 195 do not be like this

During this time, Shen Qi was no different from ordinary single dogs in life, study, and rest, attending classes, studying by himself, writing essays, and preparing materials for studying abroad.

The class is in physics, and Shen Qi plans to continue to complete several physics professional exams this semester and get credits.

The sos subject office has become Shen Qi’s self-study room. This project is about to be completed but has not yet been finalized, and the office can still be used.

The other s in sos, Sun Erxiong occasionally came to the subject office to communicate with Shen Qi for a while.

o Going home to recuperate for more than a month, the office was empty. Shen Qi, who stayed behind, occasionally stared at the wall. Euler and Gauss didn’t speak, but just laughed.

“How is your recovery?” Shen Qi pointed to Ou Ye, and they talked on their mobile phones for half an hour.

Ou Ye: “Very good.”

Shen Qi: “Really?”

Ou Ye: “It’s alright.”

Shen Qi: “Ou Ye, you have changed and you have learned to lie.”

Ou Ye: “Actually…recovery is so-so.”

Shen Qi: “It seems I can’t invite you to Christmas dinner.”

“It’s a pity, I may not be able to go to Switzerland, this winter vacation.” Ou Ye gave out this text message with a tearful expression, and dozens of yellow expression patterns were densely coded.

“First take care of your body, we can go to Switzerland at any time.” Shen Qi comforted.

Ou Ye: “Well, how about you, how are you doing?”

Shen Qi: “The third child is like taking classes, running, and writing papers. By the way, our sos project is about to produce results, and the topic papers can be published before the Spring Festival.”

Ou Ye: “Great! Wait a minute, my mother called me to take medicine, wait for me for a minute.”

Very punctual. One minute later, Ou Ye messaged: “I’m back.”

Shen Qi: “You seem to seldom mention your mother, what kind of occupation is she in?”

Ou Ye: “Do housework at home, take care of me, and occasionally go shopping.”

Oh, full-time wife, Shen Qi returned: “Your family is very happy.”

Ou Ye: “My dad is prying the door, let’s talk, 88.”

Old Oupai the door of your boudoir? Did you make a typo? Should it be knocking on the door?

Shen Qi put away the phone and analyzed from Ou Ye’s text message, her mother called her to take medicine, and she said to wait for me for a minute. Her dad knocked on the door, and she told me to talk again tomorrow, 88.

According to preliminary judgment, Ou Ye’s mother is responsible for making medicine, and his father is responsible for checking posts. The division of labor in the family is clear.

This should be a harmonious and happy family of three. The father makes money to support the family, the mother takes care of the housework, and the daughter studies in a prestigious school.

The fly in the ointment is Ou Ye’s health.

When Ou Ye went home to recuperate, Shen Qi had a dull life, always feeling that something was missing.

This directly or indirectly affected Shen Qi’s physics professional course examination, only 98 points in electrodynamics, and quantum mechanics even more abnormal, 95 points.

Last semester, Shen Qi participated in 7 compulsory examinations for physics majors, with an average score of 99.3, of which six courses got full marks.

This semester, the electrodynamics and quantum mechanics final exams that were the first to end, scored 98 points and 95 points, and none of them reached the average.

Shen Qi calculated the latest average score of 98.7.

This is his second degree in physics and his current grades.

“Fell, fall.”

Looking at the report card, Shen Qi felt disappointed.

If you fall like this, on the day you get your second degree in physics, you may not even be able to hold the psychological bottom line with an average score of 95 points.

“I’m in a bad state recently. I haven’t got a full score this semester. I just got a score of 94 in solid physics. I’ve never got a score below 95 in any course. This is the first time. .”

Shen Qi complained to Ou Ye on WeChat: “Compared with mathematics, my physics is very poor. Maybe I chose the wrong direction. Mathematical physics is not suitable for me.”

Ou Ye: “Isn’t it, I’m confused? It’s not like Mr. Shen’s style!”

Shen Qi: “Perhaps, I’m lost again in poor condition.”

Ou Ye: “Then your average score of 98.2 in physics, what is your ranking in the School of Physics?”

Shen Qi: “Temporarily ranked first, tied for first.”

Ou Ye: “!!!”

Shen Qi: “???”

Ou Ye: “Wait for me, I should take medicine, a few minutes.”

After the two men’s daily chat was interrupted for a few minutes, Ou Ye resumed: “I really want to go back to school.”

Shen Qi: “Then you come back quickly. If you don’t come back again, Zhou Yuan should overtake you. He has become fierce recently. Real variable functions, differential geometry, and partial differential equations have three full scores.”

Ou Ye: “!!!”

Ou Ye: “Wait for me, I haven’t taken a medicine for a few minutes.”

After returning home to recuperate for nearly two months, Ou Ye left a lot of math courses.

Although Ou Ye has strong self-learning ability, Shen Qi believes that she should still be helped.

Aiming at the three major mathematics courses of real variable functions, differential geometry, and partial differential equations, Shen Qi compiled a version of his learning experience for Ou Ye based on his own self-study experience and combined with the teaching characteristics of the Mathematics Department of Yan University.

“In terms of real variable functions, the Riemann integral is sufficient for practicality. But for the basic theory, the new theorem based on the countable additivity of Lebesgue measure is also based on the limited capacity of Jordan. The conclusion on the basis of additivity is in sharp contrast…Ou Ye, take a good look at the Fourier coefficient. Isn’t there a leaf in your name, Fourier’s leaf.”

“After talking about Fourier, we have to talk about Euler. The four kings of differential geometry are Euler, Monge, Gauss, and Riemann. This branch was founded by Euler, and Gauss and Riemann were developed…”

“We must look farther and deeper than ordinary students. After n-dimensional geometry introduces curvature, we then consider specific manifolds on which limited spatial forms can move.”

“Physical space is a special manifold… Do you remember the closed Riemann surface I mentioned to you when Jin Qiuying first met? Based on Riemann, Klein made a Klein bottle… …I’m sorry to pull it far, back to differential geometry…”

Shen Qiqing has learned all his life and is very devoted to complete this edition of “Learning Experience for Special Students in the Mathematics Department of Yan University”.

The length is not long, it is a condensed essence. There is only one reader, it is only for Ou Ye’s reference and study.

Shen Qi is tailor-made for Ou Ye, which is a private customized version.

Ou Ye was particularly moved. She repeatedly studied the benefits sent by Shen Qi with her body’s permission, staring at the files in the computer for a whole day.

On Christmas Eve, Ou Ye still failed to return to Yan University for Christmas dinner with Shen Qi.

During the Christmas Eve party, Shen Qi spent time with the three roommates in the bedroom.

The four boys said, no one will bring family members. This is a men’s party.

After dinner, he sang k. Zhou Yuan, who had always been stingy, was uncharacteristically. He was happy tonight and he was generous in his actions. He spent a few hundred dollars to bear half of the dormitory activities.

“Friday hundred, women’s clothing!”

“Friday hundred, women’s clothing!”

“Friday hundred, women’s clothing!”

Shen Qi, Cai Qing, and Luo Ji strongly urge Zhou Yuan to sing in women’s clothing.

Among the five exams that have ended the first semester of the mathematics department, Zhou Yuan scored 1oo for five consecutive exams, and was 100 on Friday.

Zhou Yuan’s learning status this semester is amazing. In addition to the three major mathematics courses of real variable functions, differential geometry, and partial differential equations , his other two public courses also got full marks.

Zhou Yuan has become the new leader in the Department of Mathematics, ranking first among regular students.

“No! Don’t be like this!”

“Damn! Are you psychopaths! Why should I wear women’s clothing?” Zhou Yuan curled up in the corner of the ktv box and shivered with his arms folded. His coat had been picked up by three roommates, and only a close-fitting vest remained.

“Even five big guys with 1oo points must be dressed! The big guys are women’s clothes, and the big guys drink!” This semester, Shen Qi, who hadn’t taken a 1oo point test, borrowed a set of princess outfits from the ktv manager.

Shen Qihu’s body shook, with wine in his left hand and women’s clothing in his right hand, slowly walking to Zhou Yuan…

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