I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 202

Chapter 196 Do a favor

Zhou Yuan has never understood why the number of people who like “women boys” is increasing year by year?

Is it the fall of morality, or the loss of humanity?

Obviously, I am a pure man, and I hate women’s clothing the most! Zhou Yuan fought hard: “Don’t touch me, I’m a boy, I’d rather die than dress!”

“Princess Yuanna, you will be from our three brothers, hehehe.” Luo Ji showed an evil smile.

“Nima, I didn’t think you were like Luo Ji! And you, Shen Qi!” Zhou Yuan ran away, and he ran away from the KTV room.

In the mid-winter season of December, it was too cold outside. Zhou Yuan came back after a while, clearing his nose.

Everyone was just playing around on Christmas Eve, Zhou Yuan didn’t put on women’s clothes in the end.

Christmas holiday is for foreigners, Chinese people should go to work and go to school.

From the end of December to the beginning of January, the final exams for all majors are intensive.

Shen Qi reviews the physics course in the sos office to prepare for the exam.

In the three exams that have ended, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and solid-state physics, Shen Qi didn’t get a full mark.

The two upcoming exams for physics majors are “Methods in Mathematical Physics” and “Basics of Physical Cosmology”.

“Methods of Mathematical Physics” is a compulsory course, and Shen Qi cannot tolerate his failure in this course.

“Fundamentals of Physics and Cosmology” is an elective course, and Shen Qi also needs to get a certain number of elective credits.

With a squeak, the door of the sos project office was pushed open, and Sun Erxiong rushed in, looking busy and excited: “Good news, the sos project has been approved and finished, and I have finished editing the project paper. You can take a look.”

“Professor Sun, it’s ok after you make the correction, you don’t need to confirm it to me.” Shen Qi said so, and took the printed version of the paper to browse it.

The authors of the paper have three names, Sun Erxiong, Shen Qi, and Ou Ye.

Among them, Sun Erxiong is the thesis tutor and project host.

As members of the team, Shen Qi and Ou Ye will share the research results together.

“Professor Sun Yingming Shenwu, there is nothing wrong with the final version of the paper, so I will complete the translation work and submit it to the journal?” Shen Qi asked, he was familiar with this process.

“I will handle the delivery of papers. You don’t need to translate papers for such key projects into English. Journals will find professional translators to complete this work.” Sun Erxiong said.

“Professor Sun, you seem to be in a hurry. You are asking me to talk about this?”

Shen Qi thought that Sun Erxiong was going to give him something to do, but Sun Erxiong rushed in in a hurry, just to say goodbye.

Sun Erxiong: “Of course not, I have a big job arranged for you.”

“Sure enough, I have come to work, let’s talk about Professor Sun, what do I need to do?” Before going abroad, Shen Qi wanted to help Lao Sun with more things.

Sun Erxiong took out a U disk and put it on the desktop: “You help me draw out a paper, high-generation, it is used for the freshman high-generation final exam paper. There are editable templates for previous high-generation test papers in the u disk, and you can modify it on the template. ”

“Good job, this job is a bit interesting.” Shen Qi rubbed his hands in excitement.

Sun Erxiong reminded: “Don’t be too difficult, let me tell you, be sure to ensure a pass rate of more than 5o%, and operate according to this standard. You can grasp the scale by yourself.”

“At this time last year, Professor Sun gave me a’High Generation 36 Questions Test Paper’ and asked me to complete the answer within 48 hours. Then the papers for the exam for the freshman students of the several colleges this time, whether the difficulty is the same The 36 questions of Gaodai are consistent?” Shen Qi asked.

“Of course you have to reduce the difficulty! Do you think everyone is so perverted with you?” Sun Erxiong glared at Shen Qi.

“By the way, what about the original manuscript of 36 questions in Gaodai? I have received a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. The original manuscript can be given to me. I only keep the copy.” Shen Qi suddenly remembered this, that copy of Gaodai 36 The original manuscript of the title is more than 100 pages, which is very commemorative.

“Your original manuscript, I used to help you keep it, but now it has been stolen!” Sun Erxiong died of anger. “It must be the hands and feet of Lao Lu. This old man often steals things from me. He has worked with me for so many years. You can open a small shop for tobacco, alcohol and tea along the way!”

“This… can’t, it’s unfounded, you can’t wrong Professor Lu… Forget it, the manuscript is gone, anyway, the papers based on the 36 questions of the high generation are already listed, and their mission is over. ”

Having said that, Shen Qi is very grateful to Sun Erxiong. It is the paper derived from Sun Erxiong’s 36 high-level questions, which allowed Shen Qi to accumulate a lot of academic capital and academic points, which laid the foundation for studying abroad.

“Sos project achievement declaration and thesis list are big things, Professor Sun, go ahead and leave it to me to handle the small things like the paper.” Shen Qi inserted the U disk into the computer case.

Shen Qi is passing the high-level examination papers of previous years in the past few colleges. Sun Erxiong’s style of writing questions is quite satisfactory and has remained stable for many years. There are only two types of questions, filling in the blanks and solving proof questions.

Among them, the proportion of fill-in-the-blank questions is between 2o%-3o%, and the rest is to solve proof questions.

The final exams for the freshmen of this year are scheduled after New Year’s Day. Shen Qi still has time to write the test papers after finishing the “Methods of Mathematical Physics” and “Basics of Physical Cosmology”.

Many businesses are going on at the same time, making Shen Qi temporarily forget about personal affairs.

“Methods in Mathematical Physics” is divided into two main parts, one part is mathematical equations, which requires a lot of calculations. The other part is a complex variable function, which is based on proof.

The sos project, the non-constant equilibrium solution of the bipolar non-isentropic Euler-Poisson equation, is a typical comprehensive application of mathematical and physical methods, with both calculation and proof.

What is going on is the final exam of “Methods in Mathematical Physics”, which is not easy for most physics students.

But it was very simple for Shen Qi. He successfully completed the answer sheet.

In the afternoon, I will take the “Basic Physics of the Universe”.

Physical cosmology is a branch of astrophysics. It is a discipline that studies basic issues such as the large-scale structure of the universe and the formation and evolution of the universe.

This course sounds tall, but in fact it is tall, but the exam is not difficult. It tests the basic physics knowledge in the universe.

Next, Shen Qi concentrated on compiling the final exam papers for the “Advanced Algebra” of the first semester of the Mathematics College Just now, Shen Qi was still an examinee and completed the final exam of “Basics of Cosmophysics”.

Now Shen Qi has become the author, which is a new challenge for him.

Speaking of exam questions, Shen Qi thinks that he is invincible in the number of colleges.

Complete 36 extremely difficult high-level questions within 48 hours, and they are all correct. Even in the talented Yandashu Academy, few students can do it.

The hero does not mention that he was brave in the past, and being able to take an exam does not mean that he can write questions. Shen Qi thought for a long time and finally started writing.

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